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android.WebView.grantPermissionsFrom doesn't work (there are several exceptions) #2598

Closed jsfan3 closed 5 years ago

jsfan3 commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to use WebRTC. I suppose that the right way is BrowserComponent plus Javascript-Java bridge. But it doesn't work in Android neither in iOS.

I found this nice example that targets mobile browsers and that works very well in Chrome (on Android) and Safari (on iPhone):

The full source of that example is here:

In StackOverflow, at the page, it's suggested to use android.WebView.grantPermissionsFrom. (There is no mention of what we need to do in iOS).

I tried the following test code in Android (both with a release build and a debug build), but in the native log I get a "class not found exception":

10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/, /data/app/!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]

and also:

10-31 13:41:18.742 D/Codename One( 3171): onPermissionRequest
10-31 13:41:18.743 D/Codename One( 3171): Denying permission for [android.webkit.resource.VIDEO_CAPTURE] in web view for origin

There are other exceptions, like this:

10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; regionStart=0; regionLength=3

Another relevant part of the log is this (generated by javascript):

10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171): [main] 0:0:4,556 - [LOG] RTC Debug info: 
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  OS:                   Android 7.0
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  browser:              537.36 Safari
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  is Mobile Device:     true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  has webcam:           true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  has permission:       undefined
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  getUserMedia Support: true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  isWebRTC Supported:   true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  WebAudio Supported:   true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  is Mobile Device:     true On line 39 of

This is the test code:

public class BrowserCamera {

    private Form current;
    private Resources theme;
    public String testWebRTC = "";

    public void init(Object context) {

        // Enable WebView
        Display.getInstance().setProperty("android.WebView.grantPermissionsFrom", testWebRTC);

        // use two network threads instead of one

        theme = UIManager.initFirstTheme("/theme");

        // Enable Toolbar on all Forms by default

        // Pro only feature

        addNetworkErrorListener(err -> {
            // prevent the event from propagating
            if (err.getError() != null) {
  "Connection Error", "There was a networking error in the connection to " + err.getConnectionRequest().getUrl(), "OK", null);

    public void start() {
        if (current != null) {

        Form hi = new Form("Browser Camera Test", BoxLayout.y());

        Button button = new Button("Tap here to open the camera");
        button.addActionListener(l -> {
            if (Capture.hasCamera()) {


    public void stop() {
        current = getCurrentForm();
        if (current instanceof Dialog) {
            ((Dialog) current).dispose();
            current = getCurrentForm();

    public void destroy() {

    public void showCameraForm() {
        Form cameraForm = new Form("CameraBrowser", new BorderLayout(BorderLayout.CENTER_BEHAVIOR_TOTAL_BELOW));
        BrowserComponent browserComponent = new BrowserComponent();
        cameraForm.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, browserComponent);
        cameraForm.getToolbar().setHidden(true, true);;


and this is the native log of an Android 7 device:

10-31 13:41:12.353 W/System  ( 2966): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SecSettings2/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:12.449 I/BNRClientProivder, VERSION : 1.7.5( 2966): register - xml6 quick_backup : ACCESSIBILITYSETTINGS, X6qErjsfs2,
10-31 13:41:12.449 I/QBNRClientHelper( 2966): init SyncClientHelper : ACCESSIBILITYSETTINGS
10-31 13:41:12.449 I/BNRClientProivder, VERSION : 1.7.5( 2966): register - xml6 quick_backup : CONNECTIONS, C0phMaUuZZ,
10-31 13:41:12.450 I/QBNRClientHelper( 2966): init SyncClientHelper : CONNECTIONS
10-31 13:41:12.450 I/BNRClientProivder, VERSION : 1.7.5( 2966): register - xml6 quick_backup : WiFi, C0phMaUuZZ,
10-31 13:41:12.450 I/QBNRClientHelper( 2966): init SyncClientHelper : WiFi
10-31 13:41:12.515 D/SamsungAnalytics( 2966): cf feature is supported
10-31 13:41:12.524 D/SamsungAnalytics( 2966): [Tracker] Tracker start:1.8.15
10-31 13:41:12.527 D/BixbyApi_0.1.6( 2966): Version Name:7.0
10-31 13:41:12.534 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:12.534 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:12.534 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:12.538 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] PackageMonitor received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:12.549 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization
10-31 13:41:12.551 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization
10-31 13:41:12.562 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1]<init>(19): Resetting scheduler db
10-31 13:41:12.583 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Frosting ID looked up on UI thread. Caller should move to a background thread.
10-31 13:41:12.583 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:12.593 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 8ms
10-31 13:41:12.596 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:12.610 D/Launcher.SALogging(27945): mUpdateStatusLogValuesForAppItem - run
10-31 13:41:12.616 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Package state data is missing for cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:12.623 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:12.623 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:12.623 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:12.625 D/GOS:GameServiceReceiver(18731): action : android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:12.630 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:12.630 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:12.630 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:12.636 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:12.636 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:12.636 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10118, packageName : com.facebook.appmanager
10-31 13:41:12.644 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22(27945): user do not agree
10-31 13:41:12.653 D/GOS:MainIntentService(18731): onCreate
10-31 13:41:12.654 D/GOS:MainIntentService(18731): onHandleIntent. begin
10-31 13:41:12.656 D/GOS:MainIntentService(18731): onHandleIntent(). type : 2
10-31 13:41:12.656 D/GOS:MainIntentService(18731): onHandleIntent(). PACKAGE_CHANGED. changeType : 0, packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:12.656 D/GOS:DataManager(18731): onPackageInstalled(). packageName :  cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:12.656 D/GOS:DataManager(18731): addPkgDataFromServer(), packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:12.662 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc 3017:com.facebook.appmanager/u0a118 for broadcast com.facebook.appmanager/com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.common.packages.PackageReceiver
10-31 13:41:12.663 E/Zygote  ( 3017): v2
10-31 13:41:12.663 I/libpersona( 3017): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10118
10-31 13:41:12.663 I/libpersona( 3017): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:12.664 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): device_name : dream2lte
10-31 13:41:12.664 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): model_name : SM-G955F
10-31 13:41:12.664 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): version_r : 7.0
10-31 13:41:12.664 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): version_i : G955FXXU1AQDD
10-31 13:41:12.664 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): app_version_name : 1.4.02
10-31 13:41:12.664 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): app_version_code : 1402
10-31 13:41:12.664 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): is_test : false
10-31 13:41:12.664 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): gms_version : 11.5
10-31 13:41:12.665 E/Zygote  ( 3017): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:12.665 W/SELinux ( 3017): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:12.668 I/SELinux ( 3017): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.facebook.appmanager 
10-31 13:41:12.676 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): appVersionNameFull :
10-31 13:41:12.676 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): appVersionCodeFull : 140200002
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): 
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; regionStart=0; regionLength=3
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at java.lang.String.substring(
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at<init>(
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at<init>(
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at com.enhance.gameservice.MainIntentService.onHandleIntent(
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at android.os.Looper.loop(
10-31 13:41:12.680 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): 
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=3
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at java.lang.String.substring(
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at<init>(
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at<init>(
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at com.enhance.gameservice.MainIntentService.onHandleIntent(
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at android.os.Looper.loop(
10-31 13:41:12.681 W/GOS:RequestHeader(18731):  at
10-31 13:41:12.687 I/Quasar  (30789): start to send events
10-31 13:41:12.689 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22(27945): user do not agree
10-31 13:41:12.694 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22(27945): user do not agree
10-31 13:41:12.702 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22(27945): user do not agree
10-31 13:41:12.743 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22(27945): user do not agree
10-31 13:41:12.749 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3017): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:12.754 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:12.754 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:12.754 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:12.754 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for com.facebook.appmanager and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:12.759 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993272.752:3084): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=3027 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:12.759 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993272.752:3084): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fc5b9b8e8 a2=7fc5b9a038 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=3027 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:12.762 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:12.762 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:12.762 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:12.762 D/SecurityManagerNative( 2994): SecurityManagerNative v2.7.2.5 On 64bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL
10-31 13:41:12.766 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 
10-31 13:41:12.767 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993272.752:3084): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:12.767 E/appproc ( 2994): Enhanced Zygote ASLR: ro.knox.enhance.zygote.aslr != 1. Enhanced Zygote ASLR is DISABLED!
10-31 13:41:12.767 D/AndroidRuntime( 2994): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
10-31 13:41:12.769 D/AndroidRuntime( 2994): CheckJNI is OFF
10-31 13:41:12.770 D/AndroidRuntime( 2994): addProductProperty: start
10-31 13:41:12.770 D/AndroidRuntime( 2994): propertySet: couldn't set property (it is from app)
10-31 13:41:12.776 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:12.777 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:12.777 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:12.803 I/ResourcesManager( 3017): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode 
10-31 13:41:12.811 W/System  ( 3017): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/FBAppManager_NS/lib/arm
10-31 13:41:12.812 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Wrote row to frosting DB: 384
10-31 13:41:12.821 I/[saiv 1.1]( 2994): saiv_OnLoadJNI.cpp(38): _init: Version 1.1 Build # 3532
10-31 13:41:12.821 I/[saiv 1.1]( 2994): saiv_OnLoadJNI.cpp(43): _init: _init() was called
10-31 13:41:12.828 D/ACRA    ( 3017): ACRA init; reportURL:
10-31 13:41:12.829 D/ACRA    ( 3017): ACRA is enabled for com.facebook.appmanager, intializing...
10-31 13:41:12.835 V/fb-UnpackingSoSource( 3017): locked dso store /data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/lib-main
10-31 13:41:12.836 I/fb-UnpackingSoSource( 3017): dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/lib-main
10-31 13:41:12.836 V/fb-UnpackingSoSource( 3017): releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/lib-main
10-31 13:41:12.838 I/MLDAP   ( 2994):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53: ================================================
10-31 13:41:12.838 I/MLDAP   ( 2994):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53:  MLDAP_LIB v1.1.16
10-31 13:41:12.838 I/MLDAP   ( 2994):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53: ================================================
10-31 13:41:12.846 D/WifiStateMachine( 3792): Current network is: "BLT" , ID is: 0
10-31 13:41:12.846 D/WifiStateMachine( 3792): 5GHz mQnsLowerRssiThreshold is recovered, currentRssi = -46
10-31 13:41:12.853 W/com.facebook.appmanager:cp( 3017): Verify
10-31 13:41:12.883 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Jobs in database: 1-1337 12-1 26-1414141414 
10-31 13:41:12.887 I/TMSDISP ( 2994): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl
10-31 13:41:12.905 D/ICU     ( 2994): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
10-31 13:41:12.905 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): installed_sec_game_family :,
10-31 13:41:12.905 D/GOS:DataManager(18731): getUUID(), UUID: 3b97991f131e464eb3e06892d64f2c1f
10-31 13:41:12.905 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): android_id_md5 (The actual value is UUID. android_id_md5 is just the key name for API header) : 3b97991f131e464eb3e06892d64f2c1f
10-31 13:41:12.906 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): available_feature_flag : 55307476300694291
10-31 13:41:12.906 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): server_feature_flag_policy : NNNNN000NNNNNNNN1NN01N1000NN00NNNNNN0NNN1011NN00NNNNNNNN
10-31 13:41:12.906 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): default_feature_flag : 346781844236309267
10-31 13:41:12.906 D/GOS:RequestHeader(18731): enabled_feature_flag : 54057764062987027
10-31 13:41:12.906 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): mBaseUrl:
10-31 13:41:12.906 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): mBaseUrlForPost:
10-31 13:41:12.906 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): getPkgData(), packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:12.907 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Sending GET request to URL :
10-31 13:41:12.908 W/NetworkIdentity( 3792): Active mobile network without subscriber!
10-31 13:41:12.909 I/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): Network is connected
10-31 13:41:12.911 D/NetworkSecurityConfig( 3017): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
10-31 13:41:12.912 D/NetworkSecurityConfig(18731): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
10-31 13:41:12.924 I/Radio-JNI( 2994): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
10-31 13:41:12.926 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:12.926 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:12.927 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:12.928 D/ReflectionHelper( 2994): loadKlass() :<clinit>:7579 <bottom of call stack> 
10-31 13:41:12.928 D/ReflectionHelper( 2994): Reflecting method.....  class <onScreenChanged>
10-31 13:41:12.929 E/SemAffinityControl( 2994): SemAffinityControl: registerfunction enter
10-31 13:41:12.935 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:12.935 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:12.935 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10019, packageName : com.facebook.system
10-31 13:41:12.937 D/AndroidRuntime( 2994): Calling main entry
10-31 13:41:12.937 I/Input   ( 2994): injectKeyEvent: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_HOME, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, repeatCount=0, eventTime=14849678, downTime=14849678, deviceId=-1, displayId=0, source=0x101 }
10-31 13:41:12.941 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Inject key (2994): action=0, eventTime=14849678000000
10-31 13:41:12.941 D/InputManager-JNI( 3792): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=0, interactive=true
10-31 13:41:12.942 D/InputManager-JNI( 3792): !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=0, wmActions=1
10-31 13:41:12.942 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] ConstraintMapping: 12-1, 1-1337,  -> L: 14924ms, D: 86399924ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1
10-31 13:41:12.943 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] UserActivityState : 4 -> 1
10-31 13:41:12.943 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): mDisplayReady: false
10-31 13:41:12.944 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): animateScreenStateChange[0]: target=2
10-31 13:41:12.944 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): [Dual Screen Compatible] state[0] :2
10-31 13:41:12.944 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): getFinalBrightness : Summary is 0 -> 0
10-31 13:41:12.944 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): Animating brightness: target=0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1))
10-31 13:41:12.944 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged()
10-31 13:41:12.944 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): mDisplayReady: true
10-31 13:41:12.955 E/Zygote  ( 3055): v2
10-31 13:41:12.955 I/libpersona( 3055): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10019
10-31 13:41:12.955 I/libpersona( 3055): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:12.956 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc 3055:com.facebook.system/u0a19 for broadcast com.facebook.system/com.facebook.oxygen.installer.service.PackageReceiver
10-31 13:41:12.957 E/Zygote  ( 3055): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:12.957 W/SELinux ( 3055): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:12.959 I/SELinux ( 3055): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.facebook.system 
10-31 13:41:12.964 I/Input   ( 2994): injectKeyEvent: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_HOME, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, repeatCount=0, eventTime=14849678, downTime=14849678, deviceId=-1, displayId=0, source=0x101 }
10-31 13:41:12.966 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Inject key (2994): action=1, eventTime=14849678000000
10-31 13:41:12.966 D/InputManager-JNI( 3792): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=1, interactive=true
10-31 13:41:12.968 D/InputManager-JNI( 3792): !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=1, wmActions=1
10-31 13:41:12.968 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : version_i, Value : G955FXXU1AQDD
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : gms_version, Value : 11.5
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : is_test, Value : false
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : version_r, Value : 7.0
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : samsung_errorlog_agree, Value : 0
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : model_name, Value : SM-G955F
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : appVersionCodeFull, Value : 140200002
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : android_id_md5, Value : 3b97991f131e464eb3e06892d64f2c1f
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : installed_sec_game_family, Value :,
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : app_version_name, Value : 1.4.02
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : device_name, Value : dream2lte
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : app_version_code, Value : 1402
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : tuner_eula_ver, Value : 0
10-31 13:41:12.969 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Header Key : appVersionNameFull, Value :
10-31 13:41:12.976 I/System.out(18731): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:12.976 I/System.out(18731): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:12.978 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414,  -> L: 29727086ms, D: 30627086ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0
10-31 13:41:12.981 D/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20181101T093720 - CU:10118/CP:3017
10-31 13:41:12.982 I/Telecom ( 3792): TelecomFeature: getContactsPackageName: TSI.iR@ATs
10-31 13:41:12.982 I/Telecom ( 3792):$1: getSystemDialerPackage: TSI.iR@ATs
10-31 13:41:12.984 I/Telecom ( 3792): TelecomFeature: getContactsPackageName: TSI.iR@ATs
10-31 13:41:12.984 I/Telecom ( 3792):$1: getSystemDialerPackage: TSI.iR@ATs
10-31 13:41:12.985 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 14924, D: 86399924, C: false, I: false, N: 1
10-31 13:41:12.986 I/MultiPhoneWindowManager( 3792): updateImeTargetFreeformTaskId: taskId=-1
10-31 13:41:12.995 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 3792) eventTime = 14849735
10-31 13:41:12.995 D/SamsungPhoneWindowManager( 3792): performHome
10-31 13:41:12.996 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 3792): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 1469000  uid : 1000  pid : 3792  pkgName : HOME_BOOSTER@1
10-31 13:41:12.997 D/SamsungPhoneWindowManager( 3792): launchZeroPageIfNeeded IsDefaultLauncher = false mStartFromZeroPage = false mZeroPageDefaultHome = false
10-31 13:41:12.997 I/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20181031T134500, SetElapsed=15076919, nowELAPSED=14849737
10-31 13:41:12.997 D/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20181031T134127 - CU:1000/CP:3792
10-31 13:41:12.998 D/PackageManager( 3792): resolving Home intent, isUnlockingOrUnlocked : true
10-31 13:41:12.998 I/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20181031T134127, SetElapsed=14864650, nowELAPSED=14849739
10-31 13:41:12.999 D/TcpOptimizer(18731): TcpOptimizer-ON
10-31 13:41:13.004 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 29727086, D: 30627086, C: false, I: false, N: 0
10-31 13:41:13.006 I/PeopleStripeWindow( 9743): updateWindowParam : minimize=true,mLastMinimized=true,color0 blur true
10-31 13:41:13.006 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3055): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:13.008 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(18584): received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
10-31 13:41:13.008 D/vol.VolumeDialogControl(18584): onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
10-31 13:41:13.010 D/ToggleSlider(18584): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
10-31 13:41:13.010 D/BrightnessMirror(18584): hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible
10-31 13:41:13.010 D/ToggleSlider(18584): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
10-31 13:41:13.010 D/LocationControllerImpl(18584): onReceive   android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
10-31 13:41:13.011 D/vol.SecVolumeDialog(18584): dismissH reason: 2
10-31 13:41:13.011 D/vol.SecVolumeDialog(18584): dismissH : false
10-31 13:41:13.011 D/Tile.MobileDataTile(18584): action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
10-31 13:41:13.011 D/Tile.WifiCallingTile(18584): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
10-31 13:41:13.011 D/ToggleSlider(18584): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
10-31 13:41:13.011 I/ActivityManager( 3792): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10200000 cmp=ComponentInfo{}} from uid 1000 on display 0
10-31 13:41:13.011 I/StatusBarWindowManager(18584): isExpanded:true, false, false, false, false, false
10-31 13:41:13.011 I/StatusBarWindowManager(18584): applyHeight:63
10-31 13:41:13.012 D/PackageManager( 3792): resolving Home intent, isUnlockingOrUnlocked : true
10-31 13:41:13.013 D/MultiScreenManagerService( 3792): applyMultiScreenAttrs intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10a00000 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } (has extras) }
10-31 13:41:13.013 D/MultiScreenManagerService( 3792): applyMultiScreenAttrs attrs=MultiScreenAttrs{mDisplayId=0, mBaseDisplayId=0, mBaseActivity=false}
10-31 13:41:13.013 D/ActivityManager( 3792): ActivityRecord() Constructor : multiScreenAttrs=MultiScreenAttrs{mDisplayId=0, mBaseDisplayId=0, mBaseActivity=false}
10-31 13:41:13.014 D/ActivityManager( 3792): moveToFront() : reason=intentActivityFound isAttached=true null
10-31 13:41:13.014 V/Launcher(27945): Launcher.onPause()
10-31 13:41:13.015 D/Launcher(27945): setHotWordDetection : call requestHotwordDetection false
10-31 13:41:13.016 D/ActivityManager( 3792): resumeTopActivityInnerLocked() : #0 prevTask=null next=ActivityRecord{a626684d0 u0 t99} mFocusedStack=ActivityStack{684e803d0 stackId=0, 1 tasks}
10-31 13:41:13.017 I/MicroDetector(27767): Keeping mic open: false
10-31 13:41:13.018 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(27767): Stopping hotword detection.
10-31 13:41:13.019 I/AudioController(27767): internalShutdown
10-31 13:41:13.020 I/MultiPhoneWindowManager( 3792): minimizeOrSildeAllFreeform: minimize
10-31 13:41:13.020 I/MicrophoneInputStream(27767): mic_close
10-31 13:41:13.020 E/AudioRecord-JNI(27767): Error -4 during AudioRecord native read
10-31 13:41:13.021 D/AndroidRuntime( 2994): Shutting down VM
10-31 13:41:13.021 I/DeviceStateChecker(27767): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
10-31 13:41:13.021 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.022 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.022 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.022 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for com.facebook.system and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.022 I/APM_AudioPolicyManager( 3284): stopInput() input 630
10-31 13:41:13.022 D/PeopleStripeVisibilityController( 9743): setEmoHistory enable=false
10-31 13:41:13.022 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.022 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.022 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.023 D/SwipeDoorsillDetector(18584): reset() 
10-31 13:41:13.024 I/PeopleStripeVisibilityController( 9743): getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1
10-31 13:41:13.024 I/PeopleStripeVisibilityController( 9743): isVisibleByAlwaysOn : mState = 1
10-31 13:41:13.024 E/PeopleStripeProcessMonitor( 9743): getTopActivity : MultiWindowFacade.taskList = null
10-31 13:41:13.025 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.025 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.027 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_set_parameters: enter with param = routing=0
10-31 13:41:13.027 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_set_parameters: exit
10-31 13:41:13.027 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: enter
10-31 13:41:13.027 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_stop_input_stream: Stopped PCM Device
10-31 13:41:13.027 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: Transit to Idle
10-31 13:41:13.029 I/CocktailPolicyManager( 3792): findMatchedPolicy: find policy = 1
10-31 13:41:13.035 D/Recents (18584): hideRecents
10-31 13:41:13.036 D/Launcher(27945): onNewIntent
10-31 13:41:13.037 D/InputMethodManager(27945): HSI from window - flag : 0 Pid : 27945
10-31 13:41:13.041 V/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): Client requesting input be hidden, flags : 0
10-31 13:41:13.041 V/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): hideCurrentInputLocked - !shouldHideSoftInput
10-31 13:41:13.042 V/Launcher(27945): Launcher.onResume()
10-31 13:41:13.042 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_close_input_stream: Closed PCM Device
10-31 13:41:13.042 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.042 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-set_audio_route: [CAPTURE] current-device(mic) new-device(mic) in cur-mode(recognition) & new-mode(recording)!
10-31 13:41:13.042 V/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-get_active_ausage_from_list: [CAPTURE] usage-id (5) -- Active Routed device(mic) Mode(recognition)!
10-31 13:41:13.043 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.043 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path + : "recognition-mic" reverse(1)
10-31 13:41:13.043 I/PeopleStripeProcessMonitor( 9743): isPeopleStripeTask packageName = 0
10-31 13:41:13.043 E/PeopleStripeProcessMonitor( 9743): getTopActivity : MultiWindowFacade.taskList = null
10-31 13:41:13.044 I/PeopleStripeVisibilityController( 9743): updateStripeVisible : State 1 visible = 1
10-31 13:41:13.044 I/PeopleHandlerManager( 9743): isExistVisibleHandler false
10-31 13:41:13.049 I/ResourcesManager( 3055): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode 
10-31 13:41:13.050 I/CocktailBarUiController( 9638): onUpdateCocktail: 8
10-31 13:41:13.050 I/PeopleStripeWindow( 9743): updateWindowParam : minimize=true,mLastMinimized=true,color0 blur true
10-31 13:41:13.050 I/CocktailBarPanelManager( 9638): updatePanelItem: updateContainedPanel - 8
10-31 13:41:13.053 E/SharedPreferencesImpl( 9638): Couldn't create directory for SharedPreferences file /data/user/0/
10-31 13:41:13.057 D/PeopleStripeVisibilityController( 9743): setEmoHistory enable=false
10-31 13:41:13.057 I/PeopleStripeVisibilityController( 9743): getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1
10-31 13:41:13.057 I/PeopleStripeVisibilityController( 9743): isVisibleByAlwaysOn : mState = 1
10-31 13:41:13.057 E/PeopleStripeProcessMonitor( 9743): getTopActivity : MultiWindowFacade.taskList = null
10-31 13:41:13.061 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path - : changed(7)
10-31 13:41:13.061 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_set_route: Disabled Audio Route(recognition-mic)
10-31 13:41:13.061 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path + : "gain-recognition-mic" reverse(1)
10-31 13:41:13.061 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path - : changed(1)
10-31 13:41:13.061 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_set_route: Disabled Audio Gain(gain-recognition-mic)
10-31 13:41:13.061 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: Transit to Standby
10-31 13:41:13.061 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: exit
10-31 13:41:13.062 W/System  ( 3055): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/FBInstaller_NS/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:13.065 I/TMSDISP ( 2994): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Enter
10-31 13:41:13.065 I/TMSDISP ( 2994): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Enter2
10-31 13:41:13.065 I/TMSDISP ( 2994): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - mSource2
10-31 13:41:13.065 I/TMSDISP ( 2994): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Exit
10-31 13:41:13.071 D/PanelDescriptionView( 9638): updateHelpView: Apps edge2130903041 --> 2130903041 helpview reapplied0
10-31 13:41:13.071 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-adev_close_input_stream: enter with Audio Usage(primary_in)
10-31 13:41:13.071 V/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): stop_voice_note_recording
10-31 13:41:13.071 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: enter
10-31 13:41:13.071 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: exit
10-31 13:41:13.071 V/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-remove_audio_usage: Removed Audio Usage from Audio Usage list!
10-31 13:41:13.071 E/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): adev_close_input_stream, set jack_in to null
10-31 13:41:13.072 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-adev_close_input_stream: Closed primary_in stream
10-31 13:41:13.072 D/CocktailBarUiController( 9638): postUpdatePanel: 1
10-31 13:41:13.074 I/CocktailBarUiController( 9638): onViewDataChanged : cocktailId = 8 viewId = 2131427409
10-31 13:41:13.078 D/ExternalRequestQueue(27945): Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_REQUEST_LIST: null
10-31 13:41:13.078 D/Launcher(27945): setHotWordDetection : call requestHotwordDetection true
10-31 13:41:13.079 D/InputMethodManager(27945): HSI from window - flag : 0 Pid : 27945
10-31 13:41:13.079 I/PeopleStripeProcessMonitor( 9743): isPeopleStripeTask packageName = 0
10-31 13:41:13.079 E/PeopleStripeProcessMonitor( 9743): getTopActivity : MultiWindowFacade.taskList = null
10-31 13:41:13.080 V/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): Client requesting input be hidden, flags : 0
10-31 13:41:13.080 V/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): hideCurrentInputLocked - !shouldHideSoftInput
10-31 13:41:13.080 D/Launcher(27945): setupWallpaperScroller
10-31 13:41:13.081 I/PeopleStripeVisibilityController( 9743): updateStripeVisible : State 1 visible = 1
10-31 13:41:13.081 I/PeopleHandlerManager( 9743): isExistVisibleHandler false
10-31 13:41:13.081 D/AbstractProxyReflection( 9743): Equals method 
10-31 13:41:13.082 I/MicroDetectionWorker(27767): Micro detection mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]].
10-31 13:41:13.082 V/SystemKeyManager( 3792): requestSystemKeyEvent() is called keyCode = 3 componentName = ComponentInfo{} request = false
10-31 13:41:13.087 V/WindowManager( 3792): Relayout Window{eb1fcf9d0 u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=39x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(39xfill) gr=#5 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800328 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x2000 naviIconColor=0}
10-31 13:41:13.091 D/ViewRootImpl@53ba9f9[PeopleStripeService]( 9743): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[1080,0][1080,2220] newFrame=[1080,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={isValid=false 0} surfaceGenerationChanged=false
10-31 13:41:13.092 D/AbstractProxyReflection( 9743): Equals method 
10-31 13:41:13.092 V/SystemKeyManager( 3792): requestSystemKeyEvent() is called keyCode = 3 componentName = ComponentInfo{} request = false
10-31 13:41:13.095 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.096 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.096 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.097 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 3792): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 1469000  uid : 1000  pid : 3792  tag : HOME_BOOSTER@1
10-31 13:41:13.099 I/MicroDetectionWorker(27767): onReady
10-31 13:41:13.101 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(27767): Starting detection.
10-31 13:41:13.103 I/MicrophoneInputStream(27767): mic_starting
10-31 13:41:13.104 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(27767): Detection finished
10-31 13:41:13.105 V/WindowManager( 3792): Relayout Window{eb1fcf9d0 u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=39x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(39xfill) gr=#5 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800328 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x2000 naviIconColor=0}
10-31 13:41:13.112 I/APM_AudioPolicyManager( 3284): getInputForAttr() source 1999, samplingRate 16000, format 1, channelMask 10,session 737, flags 0
10-31 13:41:13.113 I/EDMNativeHelperService( 3792): isMicrophoneEnabled
10-31 13:41:13.114 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-adev_open_input_stream: enter: io_handle (638), sample_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000004) flags(0x2) source(6)
10-31 13:41:13.114 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-adev_open_input_stream: requested input samplerate decides audio path of csvt and vowifi, sample_rate = 16000
10-31 13:41:13.114 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-adev_open_input_stream: Requested open Primary input
10-31 13:41:13.114 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.114 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-adev_open_input_stream: Transit to Standby
10-31 13:41:13.114 V/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-add_audio_usage: Added Audio Stream into Audio Usage list!
10-31 13:41:13.114 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): adev_open_input_stream: preprocessing_latency = 0
10-31 13:41:13.114 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): adev_open_input_stream: input is null, set new input stream
10-31 13:41:13.114 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-adev_open_input_stream: Opened primary_in stream
10-31 13:41:13.116 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.116 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.116 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.128 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.128 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.128 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.128 D/ViewRootImpl@53ba9f9[PeopleStripeService]( 9743): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[1080,0][1080,2220] newFrame=[1080,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={isValid=false 0} surfaceGenerationChanged=false
10-31 13:41:13.133 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: enter
10-31 13:41:13.133 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: exit
10-31 13:41:13.135 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: enter
10-31 13:41:13.135 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: exit
10-31 13:41:13.135 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Delay finish:
10-31 13:41:13.137 I/APM_AudioPolicyManager( 3284): startInput() input 638
10-31 13:41:13.142 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_set_parameters: enter with param = input_source=6;routing=-2147483644
10-31 13:41:13.142 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_set_parameters: Requested to change route from 0x80000004 to 0x80000004
10-31 13:41:13.142 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_set_parameters: exit
10-31 13:41:13.143 I/MicrophoneInputStream(27767): mic_started
10-31 13:41:13.153 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.153 D/PostProcessConvertor( 3284): PostProcessConvertorInit ++ OSR 16000, ISR 48000, CC 2, OBW 1, IBW 1 
10-31 13:41:13.153 D/SoundAliveResampler( 3284): [SoundAliveResampler] Init+++
10-31 13:41:13.153 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.153 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-set_audio_route: [CAPTURE] current-device(none) new-device(mic) in cur-mode(normal) & new-mode(recognition)!
10-31 13:41:13.153 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.153 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_apply_path : "recognition-mic"
10-31 13:41:13.165 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:13.181 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 16ms
10-31 13:41:13.183 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:13.191 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path + : "recognition-mic" reverse(0)
10-31 13:41:13.192 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path - : changed(0)
10-31 13:41:13.192 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_set_route: Enabled Audio Route(recognition-mic)
10-31 13:41:13.192 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_apply_path : "gain-recognition-mic"
10-31 13:41:13.192 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path + : "gain-recognition-mic" reverse(0)
10-31 13:41:13.192 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path - : changed(0)
10-31 13:41:13.192 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_set_route: Enabled Audio Gain(gain-recognition-mic)
10-31 13:41:13.192 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.192 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.195 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_open_input_stream: Opened PCM Device is /dev/snd/pcmC0D9c samplingRate(48000) pcmformat(0)
10-31 13:41:13.195 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_read: Transit to Idle
10-31 13:41:13.206 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_start_input_stream: Started PCM Device
10-31 13:41:13.207 D/AudioInfo( 3284): can not find AudioDataPath for fileName:/miccalib.txt
10-31 13:41:13.207 I/PreProcess_RA( 3284): [samsungrecordMIC]Use HardCoding Values
10-31 13:41:13.207 I/PreProcess_RA( 3284): [samsungrecordMIC]Use HardCoding Values
10-31 13:41:13.207 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_read: Transit to Capturing
10-31 13:41:13.228 I/MicroDetectionWorker(27767): onReady
10-31 13:41:13.250 I/PeopleHandlerManager( 9743): isExistVisibleHandler false
10-31 13:41:13.303 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.303 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.304 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.324 D/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20181101T095543 - CU:10118/CP:3017
10-31 13:41:13.344 I/PeopleHandlerManager( 9743): isExistVisibleHandler false
10-31 13:41:13.429 V/WindowManager( 3792): Relayout Window{eb1fcf9d0 u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=39x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(39xfill) gr=#5 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800328 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x2000 naviIconColor=0}
10-31 13:41:13.435 D/ViewRootImpl@53ba9f9[PeopleStripeService]( 9743): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[1080,0][1080,2220] newFrame=[1080,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={isValid=false 0} surfaceGenerationChanged=false
10-31 13:41:13.456 V/WindowManager( 3792): Relayout Window{eb1fcf9d0 u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=39x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(39xfill) gr=#5 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800328 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x2000 naviIconColor=0}
10-31 13:41:13.464 D/ViewRootImpl@53ba9f9[PeopleStripeService]( 9743): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[1080,0][1080,2220] newFrame=[1080,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={isValid=false 0} surfaceGenerationChanged=false
10-31 13:41:13.542 D/SecurityManagerNative( 3084): SecurityManagerNative v2.7.2.5 On 64bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL
10-31 13:41:13.546 I/PeopleHandlerManager( 9743): isExistVisibleHandler false
10-31 13:41:13.547 E/appproc ( 3084): Enhanced Zygote ASLR: ro.knox.enhance.zygote.aslr != 1. Enhanced Zygote ASLR is DISABLED!
10-31 13:41:13.547 D/AndroidRuntime( 3084): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
10-31 13:41:13.550 D/AndroidRuntime( 3084): CheckJNI is OFF
10-31 13:41:13.550 D/AndroidRuntime( 3084): addProductProperty: start
10-31 13:41:13.550 D/AndroidRuntime( 3084): propertySet: couldn't set property (it is from app)
10-31 13:41:13.557 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993273.552:3085): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=3147 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:13.557 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993273.552:3085): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fcf22b478 a2=7fcf229bc8 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=3147 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:13.559 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$
10-31 13:41:13.560 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993273.552:3085): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:13.561 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Response Code : 200
10-31 13:41:13.563 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): {"code":"201001","message":"Success","packages":[{"package_name":"cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera","category_code":"no-package","game_genre":"N/A","device_group":"dream2_lsi","game_oracle_cache":false,"cache":false}]}
10-31 13:41:13.564 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): sendGet(), Response, responseCode 200, URL:, response: {"code":"201001","message":"Success","packages":[{"package_name":"cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera","category_code":"no-package","game_genre":"N/A","device_group":"dream2_lsi","game_oracle_cache":false,"cache":false}]}
10-31 13:41:13.564 D/GOS:NetworkConnector(18731): getPkgData(), request: /v3/packages/?device_name=dream2lte&type=install&package_names=cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera&installer_package_names=null, response: {"code":"201001","message":"Success","packages":[{"package_name":"cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera","category_code":"no-package","game_genre":"N/A","device_group":"dream2_lsi","game_oracle_cache":false,"cache":false}]}
10-31 13:41:13.564 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): parsePkgDataList(), response: {"code":"201001","message":"Success","packages":[{"package_name":"cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera","category_code":"no-package","game_genre":"N/A","device_group":"dream2_lsi","game_oracle_cache":false,"cache":false}]}
10-31 13:41:13.565 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): code: 201001
10-31 13:41:13.565 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): message: Success
10-31 13:41:13.565 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): parsePkgDataList(), pkgArray: [{"package_name":"cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera","category_code":"no-package","game_genre":"N\/A","device_group":"dream2_lsi","game_oracle_cache":false,"cache":false}]
10-31 13:41:13.565 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): parsePkgDataJsonObj()
10-31 13:41:13.565 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): parsePkgDataJsonObj(), packageName: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.576 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): parsePkgDataJsonObj(), serverCategory has been changed. no-package
10-31 13:41:13.576 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): game_genre: N/A
10-31 13:41:13.576 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for default_dss
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for default_dfs
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for default_dts
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for default_odtc
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for each_mode_dss
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for each_mode_dfs
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for each_mode_dts
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for each_mode_odtc
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for feature_flag_inst
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for aspect_ratio_values
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for aspect_ratio_recommended
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for siop_level
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for default_cpu_level
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for default_gpu_level
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for cam_fps
10-31 13:41:13.577 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for cam_binning
10-31 13:41:13.578 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for default_target_short_side
10-31 13:41:13.578 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for each_mode_target_short_side
10-31 13:41:13.578 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): No value for governor_settings
10-31 13:41:13.578 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): JSONException. No value for shift_temperature
10-31 13:41:13.578 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): JSONException. No value for game_sdk
10-31 13:41:13.578 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): parsePkgDataJsonObj(), pkgName: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera, customFeatureFlag: 346781844236309267
10-31 13:41:13.581 D/GOS:PkgData(18731): PkgData(), pkgName: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.592 D/GOS:PkgData(18731): setCustomFeatureFlag, pkgName: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera, old featureFlag: 346781844236309267, new featureFlag: 346781844236309267
10-31 13:41:13.593 D/GOS:FeaturePolicyParser(18731): FeaturePolicyParser(), map : {optimizer_ver=1402.002, manager_ver=11.5, service_ver=10.006, os_sdk_ver=24.0}
10-31 13:41:13.593 D/GOS:ResponseParser(18731): parsePkgDataJsonObj(), SOS policy : null
10-31 13:41:13.596 I/[saiv 1.1]( 3084): saiv_OnLoadJNI.cpp(38): _init: Version 1.1 Build # 3532
10-31 13:41:13.596 I/[saiv 1.1]( 3084): saiv_OnLoadJNI.cpp(43): _init: _init() was called
10-31 13:41:13.608 D/GOS:DatabaseHelper(18731): updateOrAddPkgData(), add cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.608 D/GOS:DataManager(18731): addPkgDataFromServer(), A package was added : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera as no-package
10-31 13:41:13.610 D/GOS:PkgData(18731): PkgData(), pkgName: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.610 D/GOS:PkgData(18731): setCustomFeatureFlag, pkgName: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera, old featureFlag: 346781844236309267, new featureFlag: 346781844236309267
10-31 13:41:13.610 D/GOS:MainIntentService(18731): there is gamemanger. don't start GameService
10-31 13:41:13.613 D/GOS:MainIntentService(18731): onDestroy
10-31 13:41:13.613 I/MLDAP   ( 3084):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53: ================================================
10-31 13:41:13.613 I/MLDAP   ( 3084):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53:  MLDAP_LIB v1.1.16
10-31 13:41:13.613 I/MLDAP   ( 3084):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53: ================================================
10-31 13:41:13.637 I/PeopleHandlerManager( 9743): isExistVisibleHandler false
10-31 13:41:13.658 I/TMSDISP ( 3084): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl
10-31 13:41:13.676 D/ICU     ( 3084): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
10-31 13:41:13.700 I/Radio-JNI( 3084): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
10-31 13:41:13.704 D/ReflectionHelper( 3084): loadKlass() :<clinit>:7579 <bottom of call stack>
10-31 13:41:13.704 D/ReflectionHelper( 3084): Reflecting method.....  class <onScreenChanged>
10-31 13:41:13.704 E/SemAffinityControl( 3084): SemAffinityControl: registerfunction enter
10-31 13:41:13.712 D/AndroidRuntime( 3084): Calling main entry
10-31 13:41:13.723 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:13.727 I/ActivityManager( 3792): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10000000 cmp=ComponentInfo{cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub}} from uid 2000 on display 0
10-31 13:41:13.735 D/MultiScreenManagerService( 3792): applyMultiScreenAttrs intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/.BrowserCameraStub launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } }
10-31 13:41:13.735 D/MultiScreenManagerService( 3792): applyMultiScreenAttrs attrs=MultiScreenAttrs{mDisplayId=0, mBaseDisplayId=0, mBaseActivity=false}
10-31 13:41:13.736 D/ActivityManager( 3792): ActivityRecord() Constructor : multiScreenAttrs=MultiScreenAttrs{mDisplayId=0, mBaseDisplayId=0, mBaseActivity=false}
10-31 13:41:13.737 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 3792): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 2314000  uid : 1000  pid : 3792  pkgName : AMS_APP_SWITCH@CPU_MIN@31
10-31 13:41:13.737 D/ActivityManagerPerformance( 3792): AMP_acquire() APP_SWITCH
10-31 13:41:13.738 D/ActivityManager( 3792): computeStackFocus: stackId=1
10-31 13:41:13.738 D/ActivityManager( 3792): computeStackFocus: New stack r=ActivityRecord{a39f90d0 u0 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/.BrowserCameraStub t-1} stackId=1
10-31 13:41:13.738 D/ActivityTrigger( 3792): Activity is Triggerred in full screen
10-31 13:41:13.738 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 14ms
10-31 13:41:13.739 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.739 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.739 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.739 D/ActivityManager( 3792): moveToFront() : reason=startedActivity setFocusedActivity isAttached=true TaskRecord{acb24bcd0 #104 A=cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera U=0 StackId=1 sz=1}
10-31 13:41:13.740 D/ActivityManager( 3792): setFocusStackUnchecked: reason=startedActivity setFocusedActivity focusCandidate=ActivityStack{a292522d0 stackId=1, 5 tasks} 
10-31 13:41:13.741 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Focused application set to: xxxx
10-31 13:41:13.741 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Focus left window: 27945
10-31 13:41:13.748 D/ActivityManager( 3792): resumeTopActivityInnerLocked() : #1 prevTask=TaskRecord{acb24bcd0 #104 A=cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera U=0 StackId=1 sz=1} next=ActivityRecord{a39f90d0 u0 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/.BrowserCameraStub t104} mFocusedStack=ActivityStack{a292522d0 stackId=1, 5 tasks}
10-31 13:41:13.748 D/ActivityTrigger( 3792): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
10-31 13:41:13.748 D/GameManagerService( 3792): sem_perfomance_mode: 0
10-31 13:41:13.749 I/TrayUsageStatesWatcher( 9638): notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{}
10-31 13:41:13.752 D/AndroidRuntime( 3084): Shutting down VM
10-31 13:41:13.752 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:13.753 V/Launcher(27945): Launcher.onPause()
10-31 13:41:13.753 D/Launcher(27945): setHotWordDetection : call requestHotwordDetection false
10-31 13:41:13.756 I/MicroDetector(27767): Keeping mic open: false
10-31 13:41:13.756 I/DeviceStateChecker(27767): DeviceStateChecker cancelled
10-31 13:41:13.756 I/AudioController(27767): internalShutdown
10-31 13:41:13.756 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(27767): Stopping hotword detection.
10-31 13:41:13.756 I/MicrophoneInputStream(27767): mic_close
10-31 13:41:13.756 E/AudioRecord-JNI(27767): Error -4 during AudioRecord native read
10-31 13:41:13.760 D/ActivityManager( 3792): clearAppIconInfo()
10-31 13:41:13.760 D/SamsungAnimationCreator( 3792): setAnimationTriggerActivity type 1
10-31 13:41:13.764 D/ActivityManager( 3792): resumeTopActivityInnerLocked() : #1 prevTask=TaskRecord{6e166f0d0 #99 U=0 StackId=0 sz=1} next=ActivityRecord{a39f90d0 u0 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/.BrowserCameraStub t104} mFocusedStack=ActivityStack{a292522d0 stackId=1, 5 tasks}
10-31 13:41:13.765 D/ActivityManager( 3792): applyOptionsLocked(), pendingOptions : null
10-31 13:41:13.766 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:13.767 I/APM_AudioPolicyManager( 3284): stopInput() input 638
10-31 13:41:13.767 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:13.767 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10199, packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.768 I/TMSDISP ( 3084): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Enter
10-31 13:41:13.769 I/TMSDISP ( 3084): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Enter2
10-31 13:41:13.769 I/TMSDISP ( 3084): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - mSource2
10-31 13:41:13.769 I/TMSDISP ( 3084): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Exit
10-31 13:41:13.772 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_set_parameters: enter with param = routing=0
10-31 13:41:13.772 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_set_parameters: exit
10-31 13:41:13.772 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: enter
10-31 13:41:13.772 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_stop_input_stream: Stopped PCM Device
10-31 13:41:13.772 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: Transit to Idle
10-31 13:41:13.772 D/WindowManager( 3792): addWindow: android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@2e60cc0 displayId=0
10-31 13:41:13.773 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=520
10-31 13:41:13.773 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=522
10-31 13:41:13.773 D/WindowManager( 3792): openInputChannel mInputChannel: 561df9 Starting cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera (server)
10-31 13:41:13.774 D/ViewRootImpl@5aeee43[browsercamera]( 3792): setView = DecorView@962d13e[browsercamera] touchMode=true
10-31 13:41:13.782 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_close_input_stream: Closed PCM Device
10-31 13:41:13.782 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.782 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-set_audio_route: [CAPTURE] current-device(mic) new-device(mic) in cur-mode(recognition) & new-mode(recording)!
10-31 13:41:13.782 V/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-get_active_ausage_from_list: [CAPTURE] usage-id (5) -- Active Routed device(mic) Mode(recognition)!
10-31 13:41:13.782 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:13.783 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path + : "recognition-mic" reverse(1)
10-31 13:41:13.783 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc 3171:cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/u0a199 for activity cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/.BrowserCameraStub
10-31 13:41:13.790 E/Zygote  ( 3171): v2
10-31 13:41:13.790 I/libpersona( 3171): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10199
10-31 13:41:13.790 I/libpersona( 3171): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:13.791 E/Zygote  ( 3171): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:13.792 W/SELinux ( 3171): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:13.793 I/SELinux ( 3171): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.795 I/art     ( 3171): Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
10-31 13:41:13.796 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path - : changed(7)
10-31 13:41:13.796 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_set_route: Disabled Audio Route(recognition-mic)
10-31 13:41:13.796 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path + : "gain-recognition-mic" reverse(1)
10-31 13:41:13.796 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path - : changed(1)
10-31 13:41:13.796 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-do_set_route: Disabled Audio Gain(gain-recognition-mic)
10-31 13:41:13.796 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: Transit to Standby
10-31 13:41:13.796 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: exit
10-31 13:41:13.797 D/ViewRootImpl@6187e18[LauncherActivity](27945): MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0
10-31 13:41:13.801 D/ViewRootImpl@5aeee43[browsercamera]( 3792): dispatchAttachedToWindow
10-31 13:41:13.803 V/WindowManager( 3792): Relayout Window{561df9d0 u0 Starting cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x2029 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x20011 wanim=0x1030465 vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 naviIconColor=0}
10-31 13:41:13.804 I/SurfaceFlinger( 3233): id=523 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=404, crowsercame
10-31 13:41:13.804 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-adev_close_input_stream: enter with Audio Usage(primary_in)
10-31 13:41:13.804 V/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): stop_voice_note_recording
10-31 13:41:13.804 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: enter
10-31 13:41:13.804 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-in_standby: exit
10-31 13:41:13.804 V/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): primary_in-remove_audio_usage: Removed Audio Usage from Audio Usage list!
10-31 13:41:13.804 E/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): adev_close_input_stream, set jack_in to null
10-31 13:41:13.804 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): device-adev_close_input_stream: Closed primary_in stream
10-31 13:41:13.805 V/WindowManager( 3792): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false
10-31 13:41:13.808 I/MicroRecognitionRunner(27767): Detection finished
10-31 13:41:13.819 D/ViewRootImpl@5aeee43[browsercamera]( 3792): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][0,0] newFrame=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x27 surface={isValid=true 488238366720} surfaceGenerationChanged=true
10-31 13:41:13.819 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3171): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:13.822 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.822 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.822 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.822 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.823 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.823 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.828 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:13.828 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:13.828 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:13.830 D/GameManagerService( 3792): sem_perfomance_mode: 0
10-31 13:41:13.830 D/GameManagerService( 3792): NotifyRunnable. pkg: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false
10-31 13:41:13.830 D/GameManagerService( 3792): unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1
10-31 13:41:13.831 D/WindowManager( 3792): finishDrawingWindow: Window{561df9d0 u0 Starting cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
10-31 13:41:13.831 D/ViewRootImpl@5aeee43[browsercamera]( 3792): MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 126) vi=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 126) or=1
10-31 13:41:13.831 I/TrayUsageStatesWatcher( 9638): noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub}
10-31 13:41:13.841 D/HighEndSamsungAnimationCreator( 3792): createSamsungAnimation type/enter : 12/false
10-31 13:41:13.841 D/HighEndSamsungAnimationCreator( 3792): createSamsungAnimation wallpaerXOffset : 0
10-31 13:41:13.841 D/HighEndSamsungAnimationCreator( 3792): createSamsungAnimation isSplit/isFixedOrientation : false/false
10-31 13:41:13.841 D/SamsungAnimationCreator( 3792): setAppWindowSize WINDOW_WIDTH/WINDOW_HEIGHT 1080/2220
10-31 13:41:13.841 D/HighEndSamsungAnimationCreator( 3792): createSamsungWallpaperExitAnimation
10-31 13:41:13.853 D/WindowManager( 3792): finishDrawingWindow: Window{561df9d0 u0 Starting cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
10-31 13:41:13.855 D/GamePkgDataHelper( 3792): getGamePkgData(). cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.856 D/GameManagerService( 3792): identifyGamePackage. cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.857 I/ResourcesManager( 3171): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:13.857 D/ForegroundUtils( 7592): could not check pending caller
10-31 13:41:13.858 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): setIconColor() called - color : 0
10-31 13:41:13.858 D/WindowManager( 3792): set systemUiVisibility of statusbar : systemUiFlags= 0x8618 fullscreenStackSysUiFlag= 0x10
10-31 13:41:13.858 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): setIconsLight() iconColor : ffa6a6a6
10-31 13:41:13.858 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:13.858 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:13.858 D/GameManagerService( 3792): identifyGamePackage. cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.860 D/GameManagerService( 3792): identifyGamePackage. cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.861 W/System  ( 3171): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera-1/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:13.865 D/SSRM:p  ( 3792): SIOP:: AP = 340, PST = 250 (W:15), CP = 232, CUR = -323, LCD = 0
10-31 13:41:13.867 I/Launcher(27945): onWindowVisibilityChanged : false
10-31 13:41:13.869 D/SSRM:H  ( 3792): ssrm_camera_info is null
10-31 13:41:13.869 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): updateRemoteView mCurrentRemoteView visibility : 0
10-31 13:41:13.869 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:13.869 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:13.874 D/SSRM:j  ( 3792): ATC: power = AP = 1928, LCD = 1, WIFI = 0, Camera = 0(Sensor:0, Comp:0), 
10-31 13:41:13.874 D/SSRM:j  ( 3792): ATC: current = AP = 482, LCD = 1, WIFI = 0, Camera = 0(Sensor:0, Comp:0), 
10-31 13:41:13.875 D/SSRM:j  ( 3792): ATC: Ambient Temperature = 21.66, Skin temperature = 21.85
10-31 13:41:13.877 D/GameManagerService( 3792): identifyGamePackage. cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:13.888 D/ViewRootImpl@6187e18[LauncherActivity](27945): mHardwareRenderer.destroy()#1
10-31 13:41:13.889 V/WindowManager( 3792): Relayout Window{d0418c8d0 u0}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=1 fl=#81910d00 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x103038a vsysui=0x710 needsMenuKey=2}
10-31 13:41:13.892 D/ViewRootImpl@6187e18[LauncherActivity](27945): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][1080,2220] newFrame=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={isValid=false 0} surfaceGenerationChanged=true
10-31 13:41:13.897 D/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10199 pid :3171 / op:PendingIntent{c2c71a2: PendingIntentRecord{ed7ee33 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera broadcastIntent}}
10-31 13:41:13.900 I/GMPM    ( 3171): App measurement is starting up
10-31 13:41:13.906 D/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): setExact Intent (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20181031T134123 - CU:10091/CP:27767
10-31 13:41:13.906 I/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20181031T134123, SetElapsed=14860639, nowELAPSED=14850647
10-31 13:41:13.908 W/SearchService(27767): Abort, client detached.
10-31 13:41:13.908 E/GMPM    ( 3171): getGoogleAppId failed with status: 10
10-31 13:41:13.909 V/ActivityThread( 3171): performLaunchActivity: mActivityCurrentConfig={0 1.0 themeSeq = 0 showBtnBg = 0 ?mcc?mnc [en_US] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h773dp 420dpi nrml long port ?dc finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h mkbd/h desktop/d s.23}
10-31 13:41:13.911 E/GMPM    ( 3171): Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled
10-31 13:41:13.913 D/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10199 pid :3171 / op:PendingIntent{1fd7769: PendingIntentRecord{ed7ee33 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera broadcastIntent}}
10-31 13:41:13.918 I/ApplicationPackageManager(18584): scaled rate=0.72, size=126, alpha=1, hold=26
10-31 13:41:13.969 I/Codename One( 3171): Resource not found: theme_phone.ovr
10-31 13:41:13.969 I/Codename One( 3171): Resource not found: theme_android.ovr
10-31 13:41:13.969 I/Codename One( 3171): Resource not found: theme_android-phone.ovr
10-31 13:41:13.972 D/Choreographer( 3171): init sf_choreo_doframe   debug_Level : 0x4f4cdebug_game_running : false
10-31 13:41:13.974 I/SemDesktopModeManager( 3171): registerListener: android.view.ViewRootImpl$3@85f6845
10-31 13:41:13.984 D/MdnieScenarioControlService( 3792):  packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera    className : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub
10-31 13:41:13.984 V/MdnieScenarioControlService( 3792): setUIMode from UI function(3)
10-31 13:41:13.985 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): ThreadedRenderer.create() translucent=false
10-31 13:41:13.987 D/WindowManager( 3792): addWindow: android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy@673aaa1 displayId=0
10-31 13:41:13.988 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=382
10-31 13:41:13.988 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=468
10-31 13:41:13.988 D/WindowManager( 3792): openInputChannel mInputChannel: 9d3ec87 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub (server)
10-31 13:41:13.990 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel destroyed: fd=468
10-31 13:41:13.991 D/InputTransport( 3171): Input channel constructed: fd=59
10-31 13:41:13.992 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): setView = DecorView@d615ccb[BrowserCameraStub] touchMode=true
10-31 13:41:13.993 D/ActivityManager( 3792): post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false
10-31 13:41:13.993 D/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false isMutiwindowRecord is false mul
10-31 13:41:13.993 D/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false isMutiwindowRecord is false multiwindowstyle is 0
10-31 13:41:13.994 I/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): Shared devices show user statefalse
10-31 13:41:14.000 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): dispatchAttachedToWindow
10-31 13:41:14.006 I/art     ( 3171): Do partial code cache collection, code=8KB, data=30KB
10-31 13:41:14.007 I/art     ( 3171): After code cache collection, code=8KB, data=30KB
10-31 13:41:14.007 I/art     ( 3171): Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
10-31 13:41:14.009 V/WindowManager( 3792): Relayout Window{9d3ec87d0 u0 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x2029 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#113 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x20000 wanim=0x1030465 vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 naviIconColor=0}
10-31 13:41:14.010 I/SurfaceFlinger( 3233): id=524 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=404, CrowserCame
10-31 13:41:14.015 D/NetworkSecurityConfig( 3171): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
10-31 13:41:14.018 D/TspStateManagerInternal( 3792): update cmd=set_grip_data,1,40,10,10,0
10-31 13:41:14.019 I/System.out( 3171): showKeyboard false
10-31 13:41:14.032 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993274.028:3086): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=3226 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:14.032 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993274.028:3086): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fcc27c1d8 a2=7fcc27a928 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=3226 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:14.034 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993274.028:3086): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:14.034 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$
10-31 13:41:14.036 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Focus entered window: 3171
10-31 13:41:14.040 I/WebViewFactory( 3171): Loading version 68.0.3440.85 (code 344008552)
10-31 13:41:14.046 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][0,0] newFrame=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x27 surface={isValid=true 489041536512} surfaceGenerationChanged=true
10-31 13:41:14.046 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): mHardwareRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 489041536512} hwInitialized=true
10-31 13:41:14.064 D/Codename One( 3171): sizechanged: 1080 2031
10-31 13:41:14.103 D/libEGL  ( 3171): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
10-31 13:41:14.108 D/AllAroundSensingService( 3792): packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera    className : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub
10-31 13:41:14.108 V/AllAroundSensingService( 3792): setPlatformBrightnessValue 120
10-31 13:41:14.115 I/cr_LibraryLoader( 3171): Time to load native libraries: 27 ms (timestamps 828-855)
10-31 13:41:14.122 E/cr_VariationsUtils( 3171): Failed reading seed file "/data/user/0/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/app_webview/variations_seed_new": /data/user/0/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/app_webview/variations_seed_new (No such file or directory)
10-31 13:41:14.122 E/cr_VariationsUtils( 3171): Failed reading seed file "/data/user/0/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/app_webview/variations_seed": /data/user/0/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/app_webview/variations_seed (No such file or directory)
10-31 13:41:14.123 I/art     ( 3171): Compiler allocated 6MB to compile void com.codename1.ui.plaf.UIManager.resetThemeProps(java.util.Hashtable)
10-31 13:41:14.128 I/chromium( 3171): [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
10-31 13:41:14.128 I/cr_LibraryLoader( 3171): Expected native library version number "68.0.3440.85", actual native library version number "68.0.3440.85"
10-31 13:41:14.132 W/System  ( 3171): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 
10-31 13:41:14.136 I/Utils   ( 9638): isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0
10-31 13:41:14.136 I/TrayVisibilityController( 9638): getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1
10-31 13:41:14.136 I/TrayVisibilityController( 9638): updateTrayVisible : State : 1 visible = 1 mCurrentVisible = 1
10-31 13:41:14.136 D/TrayStateController( 9638): onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true
10-31 13:41:14.170 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:14.173 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 3ms
10-31 13:41:14.174 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:14.179 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:14.179 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:14.179 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=3, uid : 10147, packageName :
10-31 13:41:14.190 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3171): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
10-31 13:41:14.190 D/OpenGLRenderer( 3171): Swap behavior 1
10-31 13:41:14.191 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for service
10-31 13:41:14.193 E/Zygote  ( 3325): v2
10-31 13:41:14.193 I/libpersona( 3325): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10147
10-31 13:41:14.193 I/libpersona( 3325): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:14.194 D/mali_winsys( 3171): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000,  [1080x2220]-format:1
10-31 13:41:14.200 W/SELinux ( 3325): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:14.200 I/SELinux ( 3325): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=chrome, level=s0:c512,c768, 
10-31 13:41:14.204 I/System.out( 3171): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:14.204 I/System.out( 3171): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:14.206 D/TcpOptimizer( 3171): TcpOptimizer-ON
10-31 13:41:14.224 I/art     ( 3171): Do partial code cache collection, code=36KB, data=56KB
10-31 13:41:14.224 I/art     ( 3171): After code cache collection, code=36KB, data=56KB
10-31 13:41:14.224 I/art     ( 3171): Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
10-31 13:41:14.225 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3325): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:14.227 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.227 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.227 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.227 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.228 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.228 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.228 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.230 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.230 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.230 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.
10-31 13:41:14.245 I/ResourcesManager( 3325): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:14.325 D/GalaxyWallpaper( 7532): onVisibilityChanged = false, mCurrentMode = HOME
10-31 13:41:14.325 D/GyroRender( 7532): pauseSensing
10-31 13:41:14.325 I/Sensors ( 3792): Int.Gyro old sensor_state 33554432, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0
10-31 13:41:14.329 D/SensorManager( 7532): unregisterListener ::   
10-31 13:41:14.329 D/GyroRender( 7532): unregisterListener
10-31 13:41:14.336 D/PackageManager( 3792): setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.appmanager cmp = com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.crashmanager.CrashManagerActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 10118
10-31 13:41:14.338 D/PackageManager( 3792): setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.appmanager cmp = com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.firstparty.tos.ShouldAcceptTos newState = 1 callingPackage = 10118
10-31 13:41:14.341 D/PackageManager( 3792): setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.appmanager cmp = com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.firstparty.tos.ShouldShowTos newState = 1 callingPackage = 10118
10-31 13:41:14.343 D/PackageManager( 3792): setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.appmanager cmp = com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.firstparty.tos.ShouldShowExplicitTos newState = 1 callingPackage = 10118
10-31 13:41:14.348 D/PackageManager( 3792): setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.appmanager cmp = com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.nekodirect.NekoDirectService newState = 2 callingPackage = 10118
10-31 13:41:14.350 D/PackageManager( 3792): setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.appmanager cmp = com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.nekodirect.progress.ProgressContentProvider newState = 2 callingPackage = 10118
10-31 13:41:14.352 E/ActivityThread( 3017): Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.appmanager.oxygen.nekodirect.progress
10-31 13:41:14.404 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 126) vi=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 126) or=1
10-31 13:41:14.404 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1
10-31 13:41:14.404 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): mHardwareRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true 489041536512}
10-31 13:41:14.405 V/InputMethodManager( 3171): Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@ce70ebb nm : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera ic=null
10-31 13:41:14.405 I/InputMethodManager( 3171): [IMM] startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
10-31 13:41:14.405 D/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
10-31 13:41:14.409 V/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): windowGainedFocus: reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@e78f0ab inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@a73c69e nm = cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#113 windowFlags=#81810100
10-31 13:41:14.409 V/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): Window asks to hide input
10-31 13:41:14.409 V/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): hideCurrentInputLocked - !shouldHideSoftInput
10-31 13:41:14.409 V/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): Creating new session for client ClientState{603e57f uid 10199 pid 3171}
10-31 13:41:14.409 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=468
10-31 13:41:14.409 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=478
10-31 13:41:14.409 D/InputTransport(27945): Input channel destroyed: fd=87
10-31 13:41:14.409 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel destroyed: fd=478
10-31 13:41:14.410 D/InputTransport( 7928): Input channel constructed: fd=90
10-31 13:41:14.410 D/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false isMutiwindowRecord is false multiwindowstyle is 1
10-31 13:41:14.410 D/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false isMutiwindowRecord is false multiwindowstyle is 1
10-31 13:41:14.411 I/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): SD activityfalse
10-31 13:41:14.411 I/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
10-31 13:41:14.411 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Displayed cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/.BrowserCameraStub: +645ms (total +36m53s833ms)
10-31 13:41:14.412 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 3792): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 1703000  uid : 1000  pid : 3792  pkgName : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@25
10-31 13:41:14.412 D/ActivityManagerPerformance( 3792): AMP_acquire() TAIL
10-31 13:41:14.412 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 3792): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 2314000  uid : 1000  pid : 3792  tag : AMS_APP_SWITCH@CPU_MIN@31
10-31 13:41:14.412 D/ActivityManagerPerformance( 3792): AMP_release() APP_SWITCH
10-31 13:41:14.412 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=478
10-31 13:41:14.412 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel destroyed: fd=478
10-31 13:41:14.413 I/SKBD    ( 7928): SamsungKeypad onFinishInput
10-31 13:41:14.413 D/SKBD    ( 7928): IMPL finishInput
10-31 13:41:14.413 I/SKBD    ( 7928): SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:14.413 I/SKBD    ( 7928): PrivateImeOptionsControllerImpl PrivateImeOptionsControllerImpl getDefaultInputrange()
10-31 13:41:14.413 I/SKBD    ( 7928): SKBD_SYNC import DLM start onstart input
10-31 13:41:14.413 D/InputTransport( 3171): Input channel constructed: fd=81
10-31 13:41:14.414 D/ViewRootImpl@5aeee43[browsercamera]( 3792): dispatchDetachedFromWindow
10-31 13:41:14.414 D/WindowManager( 3792): disposeInputChannel mInputChannel: 561df9 Starting cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera (server)
10-31 13:41:14.416 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Resuming delayed broadcast
10-31 13:41:14.417 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel destroyed: fd=520
10-31 13:41:14.417 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel destroyed: fd=522
10-31 13:41:14.417 I/SemDesktopModeManager( 3792): unregisterListener: android.view.ViewRootImpl$3@66a8efd
10-31 13:41:14.417 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.417 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.417 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.417 D/ViewRootImpl@150e632[ContainerKeyguardScrim]( 3792): mHardwareRenderer.destroy()#1
10-31 13:41:14.421 V/InputMethodManager( 3171): Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@4806fd8 nm : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera ic=null
10-31 13:41:14.429 D/WindowManager( 3792): finishDrawingWindow: Window{9d3ec87d0 u0 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
10-31 13:41:14.431 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.431 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.431 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.435 D/ActivityTrigger( 3792): ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 
10-31 13:41:14.443 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.443 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.443 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.447 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:14.448 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:14.448 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10032, packageName :
10-31 13:41:14.451 D/StageManager(27945): saved stages : inStack [1] , outStack[2]
10-31 13:41:14.462 E/Zygote  ( 3386): v2
10-31 13:41:14.462 I/libpersona( 3386): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10032
10-31 13:41:14.462 I/libpersona( 3386): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:14.464 E/Zygote  ( 3386): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:14.464 W/SELinux ( 3386): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:14.464 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:14.464 I/SELinux ( 3386): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, 
10-31 13:41:14.465 I/Auth    (16173): [SupervisedAccountIntentOperation] onHandleIntent(): android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:14.465 I/Auth    (16173): [SupervisedAccountIntentOperation] This operation is disabled
10-31 13:41:14.466 D/SecurityManagerNative( 3256): SecurityManagerNative v2.7.2.5 On 64bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL
10-31 13:41:14.469 I/ChromeSync(16173): [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera flg=0x4000010 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } bqHint=1 (has extras) }.
10-31 13:41:14.471 E/appproc ( 3256): Enhanced Zygote ASLR: ro.knox.enhance.zygote.aslr != 1. Enhanced Zygote ASLR is DISABLED!
10-31 13:41:14.471 D/AndroidRuntime( 3256): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
10-31 13:41:14.471 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.471 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.471 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.473 D/AndroidRuntime( 3256): CheckJNI is OFF
10-31 13:41:14.474 D/AndroidRuntime( 3256): addProductProperty: start
10-31 13:41:14.474 D/AndroidRuntime( 3256): propertySet: couldn't set property (it is from app)
10-31 13:41:14.475 I/WindowManager_SurfaceController( 3792): Destroying surface Surface( called by 
10-31 13:41:14.480 I/ChromeSync(16173): [Persistence,AffiliationManager] No affiliation data for android://4PetUOFI_6zIRYdMHcSUDHnc1WI9Gxu-ztK2vJzUaTMJ4Ha8h8vdtmuyFRd374HsZXn5ittRbpgd7jAmHuLAPQ==@cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/. Marking affiliation data as stale...
10-31 13:41:14.482 I/SurfaceFlinger( 3233): id=522 Removed MauncherAct (2/14)
10-31 13:41:14.482 I/SurfaceFlinger( 3233): id=522 Removed MauncherAct (-2/14)
10-31 13:41:14.484 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3386): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:14.487 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.487 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.487 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.487 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.488 I/ChromeSync(16173): [Persistence,AffiliationManager] Fetching affiliations from the server.
10-31 13:41:14.496 W/aaJ     ( 3325): copyMemory is missing from platform - proto runtime falling back to safer methods.
10-31 13:41:14.532 I/[saiv 1.1]( 3256): saiv_OnLoadJNI.cpp(38): _init: Version 1.1 Build # 3532
10-31 13:41:14.532 I/[saiv 1.1]( 3256): saiv_OnLoadJNI.cpp(43): _init: _init() was called
10-31 13:41:14.536 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.536 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.536 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.549 I/MLDAP   ( 3256):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53: ================================================
10-31 13:41:14.549 I/MLDAP   ( 3256):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53:  MLDAP_LIB v1.1.16
10-31 13:41:14.549 I/MLDAP   ( 3256):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53: ================================================
10-31 13:41:14.591 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.591 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.591 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.597 I/ResourcesManager( 3386): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:14.599 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.599 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.599 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.601 I/WindowManager_SurfaceController( 3792): Destroying surface Surface(name=Starting cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera) called by 
10-31 13:41:14.601 I/SurfaceFlinger( 3233): id=523 Removed crowsercame (7/13)
10-31 13:41:14.605 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.605 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.605 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.605 W/System  ( 3386): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GooglePartnerSetup/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:14.608 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:14.608 D/ForegroundUtils( 7592): could not check pending caller
10-31 13:41:14.610 I/TMSDISP ( 3256): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl
10-31 13:41:14.612 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 3ms
10-31 13:41:14.614 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:14.635 D/ICU     ( 3256): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
10-31 13:41:14.653 I/Radio-JNI( 3256): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
10-31 13:41:14.659 D/ReflectionHelper( 3256): loadKlass() :<clinit>:7579 <bottom of call stack>
10-31 13:41:14.659 D/ReflectionHelper( 3256): Reflecting method.....  class <onScreenChanged>
10-31 13:41:14.660 E/SemAffinityControl( 3256): SemAffinityControl: registerfunction enter
10-31 13:41:14.669 D/AndroidRuntime( 3256): Calling main entry
10-31 13:41:14.671 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.671 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.671 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.676 D/AndroidRuntime( 3256): Shutting down VM
10-31 13:41:14.678 I/PeopleContactsSync(16173): triggerPendingContactsCleanup: no accounts
10-31 13:41:14.680 D/PackageManager( 3792): setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = cmp = newState = 1 callingPackage = 10026
10-31 13:41:14.684 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.684 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.684 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.685 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Delay finish:
10-31 13:41:14.686 I/Icing   (16173): IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=32
10-31 13:41:14.693 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Resuming delayed broadcast
10-31 13:41:14.693 I/TMSDISP ( 3256): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Enter
10-31 13:41:14.693 I/TMSDISP ( 3256): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Enter2
10-31 13:41:14.693 I/TMSDISP ( 3256): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - mSource2
10-31 13:41:14.693 I/TMSDISP ( 3256): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Exit
10-31 13:41:14.694 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.694 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.694 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.697 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.697 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.697 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.698 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Delay finish:
10-31 13:41:14.712 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 3792): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 1703000  uid : 1000  pid : 3792  tag : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@25
10-31 13:41:14.742 D/MdnieScenarioControlService( 3792):  packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera    className : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub
10-31 13:41:14.742 V/MdnieScenarioControlService( 3792): setUIMode from UI function(3)
10-31 13:41:14.745 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Resuming delayed broadcast
10-31 13:41:14.757 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.757 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.757 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.763 V/ApplicationReceiver(29754): 2018-10-31 13:41:14-null-Application install message is received ver:1.1.10
10-31 13:41:14.764 V/ApplicationReceiver(29754): 2018-10-31 13:41:14-null-Installing:package:cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera ver:1.1.10
10-31 13:41:14.780 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.780 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.780 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.788 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:14.789 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:14.789 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName :
10-31 13:41:14.803 E/Zygote  ( 3430): v2
10-31 13:41:14.803 I/libpersona( 3430): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 1000
10-31 13:41:14.803 I/libpersona( 3430): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:14.804 E/Zygote  ( 3430): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:14.805 W/SELinux ( 3430): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:14.807 I/SELinux ( 3430): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform,
10-31 13:41:14.811 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:14.852 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3430): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:14.855 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.855 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.855 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.855 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.856 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.856 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.856 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.867 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.868 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.868 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.873 D/PackageManager( 3792): resolving Home intent, isUnlockingOrUnlocked : true
10-31 13:41:14.883 I/ResourcesManager( 3430): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode 
10-31 13:41:14.897 W/System  ( 3430): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SettingsReceiver/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:14.963 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:14.963 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:14.963 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:14.967 D/AllAroundSensingService( 3792): packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera    className : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub
10-31 13:41:14.967 V/AllAroundSensingService( 3792): setPlatformBrightnessValue 120
10-31 13:41:14.969 I/NetworkConnectReceiver( 3430): onReceive
10-31 13:41:14.979 D/NetworkManagerUtils( 3430): getSubId subId:-1
10-31 13:41:14.983 D/NetworkManagerUtils( 3430): subscriberId=null
10-31 13:41:14.993 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:14.993 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:14.993 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10002, packageName :
10-31 13:41:15.009 E/Zygote  ( 3446): v2
10-31 13:41:15.009 I/libpersona( 3446): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10002
10-31 13:41:15.009 I/libpersona( 3446): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:15.010 E/Zygote  ( 3446): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:15.011 W/SELinux ( 3446): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:15.012 I/SELinux ( 3446): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768,
10-31 13:41:15.015 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:15.042 D/SecurityManagerNative( 3429): SecurityManagerNative v2.7.2.5 On 64bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL
10-31 13:41:15.047 E/appproc ( 3429): Enhanced Zygote ASLR: ro.knox.enhance.zygote.aslr != 1. Enhanced Zygote ASLR is DISABLED!
10-31 13:41:15.047 D/AndroidRuntime( 3429): >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
10-31 13:41:15.049 D/AndroidRuntime( 3429): CheckJNI is OFF
10-31 13:41:15.050 D/AndroidRuntime( 3429): addProductProperty: start
10-31 13:41:15.050 D/AndroidRuntime( 3429): propertySet: couldn't set property (it is from app)
10-31 13:41:15.058 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3446): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:15.061 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.062 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.062 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.062 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.066 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.066 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.066 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.069 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.069 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.069 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.079 I/ResourcesManager( 3446): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:15.081 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:15.089 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 9ms
10-31 13:41:15.092 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:15.092 I/[saiv 1.1]( 3429): saiv_OnLoadJNI.cpp(38): _init: Version 1.1 Build # 3532
10-31 13:41:15.093 I/[saiv 1.1]( 3429): saiv_OnLoadJNI.cpp(43): _init: _init() was called
10-31 13:41:15.094 E/native  (16173): Failed to update per-doc-data with usage report
10-31 13:41:15.095 W/System  ( 3446): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/AppsEdgePanel_v3/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:15.096 I/Icing   (16173): Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 1, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false
10-31 13:41:15.110 I/MLDAP   ( 3429):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53: ================================================
10-31 13:41:15.110 I/MLDAP   ( 3429):            libMLDAP/MLDAP.c:  53:  MLDAP_LIB v1.1.16
10-31 13:41:15.117 D/AppsEdgePanelProvider( 3446): onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:15.119 I/AppsEdgePanelProvider( 3446): count=1
10-31 13:41:15.122 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.122 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.122 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.126 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Delay finish:
10-31 13:41:15.128 I/EdgeIntentService( 3446): addItem
10-31 13:41:15.129 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): getSelectedItems
10-31 13:41:15.146 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): count=8
10-31 13:41:15.146 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): type=3 pos=8 id=1
10-31 13:41:15.153 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 RestoreItem127393286:restore_item
10-31 13:41:15.154 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): type=0 pos=0 id=2
10-31 13:41:15.155 I/TMSDISP ( 3429): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl
10-31 13:41:15.166 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem267619527:null
10-31 13:41:15.166 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): type=0 pos=1 id=3
10-31 13:41:15.171 D/PackageManager( 3792): resolving Home intent, isUnlockingOrUnlocked : true
10-31 13:41:15.174 D/ICU     ( 3429): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
10-31 13:41:15.176 I/Icing   (16173): Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false
10-31 13:41:15.178 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem142721780:null
10-31 13:41:15.178 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): type=0 pos=7 id=4
10-31 13:41:15.185 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem90081821:null
10-31 13:41:15.185 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): type=2 pos=6 id=1
10-31 13:41:15.193 D/ReflectionHelper( 3429): loadKlass() :<clinit>:7579 <bottom of call stack> 
10-31 13:41:15.193 D/ReflectionHelper( 3429): Reflecting method.....  class <onScreenChanged>
10-31 13:41:15.194 E/SemAffinityControl( 3429): SemAffinityControl: registerfunction enter
10-31 13:41:15.201 D/FolderItem( 3446): create:113497234
10-31 13:41:15.201 D/AndroidRuntime( 3429): Calling main entry
10-31 13:41:15.212 D/AndroidRuntime( 3429): Shutting down VM
10-31 13:41:15.213 D/EnterpriseController( 3306): netId is 0
10-31 13:41:15.214 D/Netd    ( 3306): getNetworkForDns: using netid 502 for uid 10184
10-31 13:41:15.214 D/DnsProxyListener( 3306): DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2
10-31 13:41:15.228 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem113497234:preset_folder:0
10-31 13:41:15.228 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): type=0 pos=5 id=7
10-31 13:41:15.229 I/TMSDISP ( 3429): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Enter
10-31 13:41:15.229 I/TMSDISP ( 3429): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Enter2
10-31 13:41:15.229 I/TMSDISP ( 3429): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - mSource2
10-31 13:41:15.229 I/TMSDISP ( 3429): AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl::~AcsAndroidVirtualDisplayIntfImpl - Exit
10-31 13:41:15.238 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 ComponentItem118632035:null
10-31 13:41:15.238 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): type=0 pos=3 id=8
10-31 13:41:15.244 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem7477856:null
10-31 13:41:15.244 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): type=0 pos=2 id=9
10-31 13:41:15.251 I/AppsEdgeDBHelper( 3446): item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem182364953:null
10-31 13:41:15.257 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Resuming delayed broadcast
10-31 13:41:15.261 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.261 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.261 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.263 D/EdgeLightingReceiver( 9715): android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:15.269 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:15.269 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:15.269 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName :
10-31 13:41:15.287 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc 3476:ACMS.Process/1000 for broadcast
10-31 13:41:15.288 E/Zygote  ( 3476): v2
10-31 13:41:15.288 I/libpersona( 3476): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 1000
10-31 13:41:15.288 I/libpersona( 3476): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:15.290 W/SELinux ( 3476): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:15.292 I/SELinux ( 3476): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=ACMS.Process
10-31 13:41:15.344 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3476): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:15.349 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.349 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.349 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.349 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.350 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.351 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.351 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.360 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.360 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.360 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.370 I/ResourcesManager( 3476): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:15.376 W/System  ( 3476): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/MirrorLink/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:15.395 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] UserActivityState : 1 -> 2
10-31 13:41:15.395 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): mDisplayReady: false
10-31 13:41:15.395 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): animateScreenStateChange[0]: target=2
10-31 13:41:15.395 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): [Dual Screen Compatible] state[0] :2
10-31 13:41:15.395 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): getFinalBrightness : Summary is 0 -> 0
10-31 13:41:15.395 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): Animating brightness: target=0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1))
10-31 13:41:15.395 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged()
10-31 13:41:15.395 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): mDisplayReady: true
10-31 13:41:15.397 D/AcmsPkgEvtListener( 3476): action2:android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:15.400 W/ContextImpl( 3476): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:673 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:673$AsyncStart.doInBackground:56$AsyncStart.doInBackground:42
10-31 13:41:15.401 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:15.401 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:15.401 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10077, packageName :
10-31 13:41:15.429 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:15.434 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.434 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.434 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.438 D/AcmsService( 3476): Enter Oncreate
10-31 13:41:15.438 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): AcmsServiceMonitor.getAcmsSvcMonitor() - Enter
10-31 13:41:15.438 D/AcmsService( 3476): creating AcmsCore
10-31 13:41:15.438 D/AcmsCore( 3476): AcmsCore.getAcmsCore() - Enter
10-31 13:41:15.438 D/AcmsCore( 3476): AcmsCore
10-31 13:41:15.443 D/AcmsCore( 3476): init
10-31 13:41:15.443 D/AcmsCore( 3476): Looper handler is not null
10-31 13:41:15.443 D/AcmsCore( 3476): Post to AcmsCoreHandler
10-31 13:41:15.443 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): AcmsServiceMonitor.getAcmsSvcMonitor() - Enter
10-31 13:41:15.443 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): Incrementing - Counter value: 1
10-31 13:41:15.444 D/AcmsCore( 3476): Incremented Counter Value: postToAcmsCoreHandler =>1
10-31 13:41:15.444 D/AcmsService( 3476): onStartCommand
10-31 13:41:15.444 D/AcmsCertificateMngr( 3476): AcmsCertificateMngr
10-31 13:41:15.445 D/AcmsService( 3476): Action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:15.445 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): Enter incrementSvcCounter with startId 1
10-31 13:41:15.445 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): Incrementing - Counter value: 2
10-31 13:41:15.445 D/AcmsService( 3476): Incremented Counter Value : onStartCommand
10-31 13:41:15.446 D/AcmsRevocationMngr( 3476): AcmsRevocationMngr
10-31 13:41:15.446 E/Zygote  ( 3495): v2
10-31 13:41:15.446 I/libpersona( 3495): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10077
10-31 13:41:15.446 I/libpersona( 3495): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:15.449 D/ActivityThread( 3476): Loading provider
10-31 13:41:15.457 E/Zygote  ( 3495): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:15.458 W/SELinux ( 3495): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1
10-31 13:41:15.460 I/SELinux ( 3495): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768,
10-31 13:41:15.512 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3495): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:15.516 D/AcmsService( 3476): Inside handle Intent
10-31 13:41:15.516 D/AcmsService( 3476): App added - package name: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:15.517 D/AcmsService( 3476): Decremented Counter Value : handleStartIntent
10-31 13:41:15.517 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): Decrementing - Counter value: 1
10-31 13:41:15.523 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.524 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.524 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.524 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.527 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.527 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.527 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.532 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:15.532 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:15.532 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:15.544 I/ResourcesManager( 3495): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode 
10-31 13:41:15.549 W/System  ( 3495): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TaskEdgePanel_v3/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:15.578 D/TaskEdgePanelProvider( 3495): onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:15.579 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Delay finish:
10-31 13:41:15.631 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:15.639 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 7ms
10-31 13:41:15.644 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:15.829 D/BatteryService( 3792): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged!
10-31 13:41:15.829 D/BatteryService( 3792): level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4274, temperature: 222, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303711, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:0
10-31 13:41:15.829 D/BatteryService( 3792): online:4, current avg:-350, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:0
10-31 13:41:15.830 D/BatteryService( 3792): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED.
10-31 13:41:15.832 D/SamsungPhoneWindowManager( 3792): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5
10-31 13:41:15.832 V/UiModeManager( 3792): updateLocked: null action, mDockState=0, category=null
10-31 13:41:15.833 D/UiModeManager( 3792): updateConfigurationLocked: mDockState=0; mCarMode=false; mNightMode=1; uiMode=17
10-31 13:41:15.833 D/GameManagerService( 3792): new battery level: 100
10-31 13:41:15.854 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(18584): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
10-31 13:41:15.855 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(18584): handleBatteryUpdate
10-31 13:41:15.860 D/PowerUI (18584): priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType =  2
10-31 13:41:15.868 D/BatteryMeterDrawable(18584): isSomethingChanged - false
10-31 13:41:15.869 D/BatteryMeterDrawable(18584): isSomethingChanged - false
10-31 13:41:15.869 D/BatteryController(18584): onReceive - ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel = 100
10-31 13:41:15.910 D/WifiStateMachine( 3792): Current network is: "BLT" , ID is: 0
10-31 13:41:15.910 D/WifiStateMachine( 3792): 5GHz mQnsLowerRssiThreshold is recovered, currentRssi = -46
10-31 13:41:15.995 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] UserActivityState : 2 -> 4
10-31 13:41:15.996 I/PowerManagerService( 3792): [PWL] On : 14843303 (9433 ms ago)
10-31 13:41:15.996 I/PowerManagerService( 3792): [PWL]  mStayOn: true  mWakeLockSummary & WAKE_LOCK_STAY_AWAKE: 0  mUserActivitySummary: 0x4
10-31 13:41:16.051 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993276.044:3087): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=3549 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:16.051 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993276.044:3087): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fd641e918 a2=7fd641d068 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=3549 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:16.054 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993276.044:3087): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:16.054 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$
10-31 13:41:16.115 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:16.115 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:16.115 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:16.126 I/System.out(16173): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:16.126 I/System.out(16173): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:16.230 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:16.237 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 6ms
10-31 13:41:16.238 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:16.244 I/Icing   (16173): Indexing from
10-31 13:41:16.252 D/InputReader( 3792): Input event(5): value=1 when=14852992659000
10-31 13:41:16.252 I/InputReader( 3792): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.0 ] when=14852992659000
10-31 13:41:16.253 I/InputDispatcher( 3792): Delivering touch to (18584): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
10-31 13:41:16.253 I/InputDispatcher( 3792): Delivering touch to (18584): action: 0x4, toolType: 1
10-31 13:41:16.253 I/InputDispatcher( 3792): Delivering touch to (3171): action: 0x0, toolType: 1
10-31 13:41:16.254 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] UserActivityState : 4 -> 1
10-31 13:41:16.254 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): mDisplayReady: false
10-31 13:41:16.255 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
10-31 13:41:16.256 W/System  ( 3171): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/QPerformance.jar
10-31 13:41:16.258 E/BoostFramework( 3171): BoostFramework() : Exception_1 = java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.Performance" on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]
10-31 13:41:16.258 V/BoostFramework( 3171): BoostFramework() : mPerf = null
10-31 13:41:16.261 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): animateScreenStateChange[0]: target=2
10-31 13:41:16.261 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): [Dual Screen Compatible] state[0] :2
10-31 13:41:16.261 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): getFinalBrightness : Summary is 0 -> 0
10-31 13:41:16.261 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): Animating brightness: target=0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1))
10-31 13:41:16.261 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged()
10-31 13:41:16.261 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): mDisplayReady: true
10-31 13:41:16.278 W/Conscrypt(16173): Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
10-31 13:41:16.282 W/Conscrypt(16173):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:16.282 W/Conscrypt(16173):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:16.381 D/InputReader( 3792): Input event(5): value=0 when=14853121827000
10-31 13:41:16.381 I/InputReader( 3792): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=14853121827000
10-31 13:41:16.381 I/InputDispatcher( 3792): Delivering touch to (3171): action: 0x1, toolType: 1
10-31 13:41:16.452 W/Conscrypt(16173): Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
10-31 13:41:16.453 W/Conscrypt(16173):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:16.453 W/Conscrypt(16173):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:16.521 I/cr_BrowserStartup( 3171): Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true
10-31 13:41:16.522 I/cr_base ( 3171): Android Locale: en_US requires .pak files: [en-GB, en-US]
10-31 13:41:16.536 W/ResourceType( 3171): Failure getting entry for 0x7f1204a3 (t=17 e=1187) (error -2147483647)
10-31 13:41:16.603 W/art     (16173): Suspending all threads took: 8.146ms
10-31 13:41:16.604 D/AcmsKeyStoreHelper( 3476):  getKeyStoreForApplication Enter
10-31 13:41:16.610 I/Icing   (16173): Indexing done
10-31 13:41:16.612 I/Icing   (16173): Indexing from
10-31 13:41:16.615 I/art     (16173): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 63266(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 21MB/35MB, paused 9.627ms total 152.758ms
10-31 13:41:16.619 D/ActivityManager( 3792): The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10199
10-31 13:41:16.619 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:
10-31 13:41:16.631 D/KnoxVpnEngineService( 3792): Vpn Receiver :
10-31 13:41:16.631 I/KnoxVpnEngineService( 3792): vpn handle : Message received
10-31 13:41:16.637 I/Icing   (16173): Indexing from
10-31 13:41:16.650 I/Icing   (16173): Indexing done
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<ul>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse;
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at xf, android.content.Context) (SourceFile:209)
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void, boolean) (SourceFile:63)
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$21$1.<init>($21, android.content.Context) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$ (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Handler.handleCallback(android.os.Message) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Looper.loop() (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$ (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/, /data/app/!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at xf, android.content.Context) (SourceFile:209)
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void, boolean) (SourceFile:63)
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$21$1.<init>($21, android.content.Context) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$ (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Handler.handleCallback(android.os.Message) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Looper.loop() (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$ (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):   at void[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.652 I/art     ( 3171):
10-31 13:41:16.654 I/Icing   (16173): Indexing done
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<xo>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/RenderProcessGoneDetail;
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at xf, android.content.Context) (SourceFile:209)
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void, boolean) (SourceFile:63)
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$21$1.<init>($21, android.content.Context) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$ (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Handler.handleCallback(android.os.Message) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Looper.loop() (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$ (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.RenderProcessGoneDetail" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/, /data/app/!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at xf, android.content.Context) (SourceFile:209)
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void, boolean) (SourceFile:63)
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$21$1.<init>($21, android.content.Context) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$ (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Handler.handleCallback(android.os.Message) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void android.os.Looper.loop() (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void$ (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171):   at void[]) (
10-31 13:41:16.657 I/art     ( 3171): 
10-31 13:41:16.683 I/AcmsKeyStoreHelper( 3476): Key Store exist
10-31 13:41:16.683 D/ConnectivityManager( 3171): requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10199, CallingPid : 3171
10-31 13:41:16.683 I/AcmsKeyStoreHelper( 3476): Hence loading the keystore file
10-31 13:41:16.686 D/ConnectivityService( 3792): listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10199/3171 for NetworkRequest [ id=92, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.691 D/ConnectivityService( 3792): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]
10-31 13:41:16.691 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):  network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -46]
10-31 13:41:16.691 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=41, legacyType=-1, [] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=6, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: CELLULAR|WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=8, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=91, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=5, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=9, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=89, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=87, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=22, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=4, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=90, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.692 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=92, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.759 D/ConnectivityManager( 3171): requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10199, CallingPid : 3171
10-31 13:41:16.760 D/ConnectivityService( 3792): listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10199/3171 for NetworkRequest [ id=93, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):  network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -46]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=41, legacyType=-1, [] ]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=6, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: CELLULAR|WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=8, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=93, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=91, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=5, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.761 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=9, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=89, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=87, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ]
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=22, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=4, legacyType=-1, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=90, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792):   checking if request is satisfied: NetworkRequest [ id=92, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.762 D/ConnectivityService( 3792): sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ id=93, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
10-31 13:41:16.772 D/Codename One( 3171): native focus gain
10-31 13:41:16.774 I/System.out( 3171): showKeyboard false
10-31 13:41:16.795 I/BroadcastQueue( 3792): Resuming delayed broadcast
10-31 13:41:16.797 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:16.797 D/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10026 pid :16218 / op:PendingIntent{209d9dc: PendingIntentRecord{2b6bb19 broadcastIntent}}
10-31 13:41:16.798 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:16.798 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=3, uid : 5018, packageName :
10-31 13:41:16.834 E/Zygote  ( 3612): v2
10-31 13:41:16.834 I/libpersona( 3612): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 5018
10-31 13:41:16.834 I/libpersona( 3612): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:16.838 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:16.843 E/Zygote  ( 3612): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:16.843 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:16.844 W/SELinux ( 3612): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:16.845 E/libEGL  ( 3171): validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
10-31 13:41:16.848 I/SELinux ( 3612): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, 
10-31 13:41:16.851 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 7ms
10-31 13:41:16.865 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:16.873 W/cr_media( 3171): Requires BLUETOOTH permission
10-31 13:41:16.922 D/AcmsKeyStoreHelper( 3476):  getKeyStoreForApplication Exit
10-31 13:41:16.922 I/AcmsCertificateMngr( 3476): getKeyStoreForApplication success
10-31 13:41:16.922 D/AcmsCore( 3476): Decremented Counter Value : AcmsCoreHandler.handleMessage=>1
10-31 13:41:16.922 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): AcmsServiceMonitor.getAcmsSvcMonitor() - Enter
10-31 13:41:16.922 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): Decrementing - Counter value: 0
10-31 13:41:16.922 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): Counter value is 0: Stopping ACMS service
10-31 13:41:16.927 W/AudioCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
10-31 13:41:16.931 W/AudioCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma
10-31 13:41:16.932 W/AudioCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime audio/x-ima
10-31 13:41:16.936 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:16.936 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:16.936 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:16.938 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993276.932:3088): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=3621 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:16.938 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993276.932:3088): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fe9b996c8 a2=7fe9b97e18 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=3621 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:16.940 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993276.932:3088): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:16.942 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 
10-31 13:41:16.942 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3612): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:16.944 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.944 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.945 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.946 D/AcmsServiceMonitor( 3476): getSvcCounter - Counter value: 0
10-31 13:41:16.946 D/AcmsService( 3476): Enter onDestroy
10-31 13:41:16.946 I/AcmsService( 3476): cleanUp(): inside service clean up
10-31 13:41:16.946 D/AcmsCore( 3476): AcmsCore: inside DeInit
10-31 13:41:16.946 D/AcmsCore( 3476): AcmsCore: mLooperHandler is not null and making it null
10-31 13:41:16.946 D/AcmsCertificateMngr( 3476): AcmsCertificateMngr: inside cleanup
10-31 13:41:16.946 D/AcmsRevocationMngr( 3476): AcmsRevocationMngr: inside cleanup
10-31 13:41:16.946 D/AcmsKeyStoreHelper( 3476): KeyStoreHelper: inside cleanup
10-31 13:41:16.946 D/AcmsAppEntryInterface( 3476): AppEntryInterface: Inside CleanUp
10-31 13:41:16.947 D/AcmsService( 3476): killing acms process
10-31 13:41:16.947 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:16.947 I/Process ( 3476): Sending signal. PID: 3476 SIG: 9
10-31 13:41:16.947 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:16.947 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:16.947 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:16.948 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:16.948 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:16.948 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.950 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:16.954 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:16.954 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:16.954 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:16.964 I/ResourcesManager( 3612): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:16.966 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:16.966 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:16.966 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:16.970 I/SemDesktopModeManager( 3171): registerListener: android.view.ViewRootImpl$3@5e31510
10-31 13:41:16.973 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime video/wvc1
10-31 13:41:16.980 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
10-31 13:41:16.982 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): ThreadedRenderer.create() translucent=true
10-31 13:41:16.983 D/WindowManager( 3792): addWindow: android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy@276a19d displayId=0
10-31 13:41:16.984 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=463
10-31 13:41:16.984 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=478
10-31 13:41:16.985 D/WindowManager( 3792): openInputChannel mInputChannel: 316d1e3 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub (server)
10-31 13:41:16.986 D/WindowManager( 3792): set systemUiVisibility of statusbar : systemUiFlags= 0x8008 fullscreenStackSysUiFlag= 0x10
10-31 13:41:16.988 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): updateRemoteView mCurrentRemoteView visibility : 0
10-31 13:41:16.988 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:16.988 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:16.993 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:16.993 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:16.993 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:16.993 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Focus left window: 3171
10-31 13:41:16.993 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Focus entered window: 3171
10-31 13:41:16.994 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel destroyed: fd=478
10-31 13:41:16.994 D/WindowManager( 3792): adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8008
10-31 13:41:16.994 D/SamsungAlarmManager( 3792): setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20181031T134438 - CU:10026/CP:16218
10-31 13:41:16.998 D/InputTransport( 3171): Input channel constructed: fd=116
10-31 13:41:17.000 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): setView = DecorView@ccb5a0e[BrowserCameraStub] touchMode=true
10-31 13:41:17.000 W/System  ( 3612): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Bixby/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:17.002 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime video/wvc1
10-31 13:41:17.002 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
10-31 13:41:17.006 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): dispatchAttachedToWindow
10-31 13:41:17.008 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv7
10-31 13:41:17.009 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv8
10-31 13:41:17.011 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Process ACMS.Process (pid 3476) has died(249,1219)
10-31 13:41:17.011 D/ActivityManager( 3792): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3476
10-31 13:41:17.015 D/ForegroundUtils( 7592): could not check pending caller
10-31 13:41:17.016 V/WindowManager( 3792): Relayout Window{316d1e3d0 u0 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub}: viewVisibility=0 req=1024x304 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1820002 fmt=-3 wanim=0x1030466 vsysui=0x10 surfaceInsets=Rect(84, 84 - 84, 84) needsMenuKey=2 naviIconColor=0}
10-31 13:41:17.019 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported mime video/mp43
10-31 13:41:17.021 D/BixbyApi_0.1.0( 3612): Version Name:1.0.00-55
10-31 13:41:17.023 I/SurfaceFlinger( 3233): id=525 createSurf (169x169),1 flag=4, CrowserCame
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.025 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
10-31 13:41:17.026 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22( 3612): newThread on Executor
10-31 13:41:17.026 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22( 3612): [Tracker] Tracker start:1.8.22
10-31 13:41:17.026 V/EmLog   ( 3612): SamsungAnalytics: init SA
10-31 13:41:17.026 V/BixbyAgent-1.0.00-15( 3612): PackageBR action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:17.026 V/BixbyAgent-1.0.00-15( 3612): PackageBR data: package:coo
10-31 13:41:17.029 D/WindowManager( 3792): set systemUiVisibility of statusbar : systemUiFlags= 0x8018 fullscreenStackSysUiFlag= 0x10
10-31 13:41:17.030 V/BixbyAgent-1.0.00-15( 3612): db instance created
10-31 13:41:17.030 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): updateRemoteView mCurrentRemoteView visibility : 0
10-31 13:41:17.031 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:17.031 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:17.039 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:17.039 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:17.039 W/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:17.043 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][0,0] newFrame=[28,926][1052,1230] result=0x27 surface={isValid=true 488508293632} surfaceGenerationChanged=true
10-31 13:41:17.043 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): mHardwareRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 488508293632} hwInitialized=true
10-31 13:41:17.045 D/WindowManager( 3792): adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8018
10-31 13:41:17.046 D/mali_winsys( 3171): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000,  [1192x472]-format:1
10-31 13:41:17.061 V/InputMethodManager( 3171): Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@46ccd4 nm : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera ic=null
10-31 13:41:17.061 I/InputMethodManager( 3171): [IMM] startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
10-31 13:41:17.062 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel constructed: fd=478
10-31 13:41:17.062 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel destroyed: fd=478
10-31 13:41:17.064 D/InputTransport( 3171): Input channel constructed: fd=118
10-31 13:41:17.064 E/BixbyAgent-1.0.00-15( 3612): unknown package: cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:17.064 D/InputTransport( 3171): Input channel destroyed: fd=81
10-31 13:41:17.071 I/SKBD    ( 7928): SamsungKeypad onFinishInput
10-31 13:41:17.072 D/SKBD    ( 7928): IMPL finishInput
10-31 13:41:17.072 I/SKBD    ( 7928): SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller packageName : cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:17.072 I/SKBD    ( 7928): PrivateImeOptionsControllerImpl PrivateImeOptionsControllerImpl getDefaultInputrange()
10-31 13:41:17.072 I/SKBD    ( 7928): SKBD_SYNC import DLM start onstart input
10-31 13:41:17.076 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.077 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.077 I/VideoCapabilities( 3171): Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
10-31 13:41:17.084 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:17.084 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1
10-31 13:41:17.084 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:17.085 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): mHardwareRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true 488508293632}
10-31 13:41:17.085 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 5009, packageName :
10-31 13:41:17.087 I/art     ( 3279): Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
10-31 13:41:17.092 W/cr_CrashFileManager( 3171): /data/user/0/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
10-31 13:41:17.105 E/Zygote  ( 3651): v2
10-31 13:41:17.105 I/libpersona( 3651): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 5009
10-31 13:41:17.105 I/libpersona( 3651): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:17.105 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:17.107 E/Zygote  ( 3651): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:17.108 W/SELinux ( 3651): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:17.109 I/SELinux ( 3651): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, 
10-31 13:41:17.179 D/io_stats( 7957): !@   8,0 r 98340 5284336 w 194821 6357548 d 22210 2161756 f 89162 155616 iot 168168 134267 th 382952 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 14853.919
10-31 13:41:17.201 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3651): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:17.204 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.204 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.204 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.204 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.205 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.205 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.206 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.215 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.215 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.215 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.227 I/ResourcesManager( 3651): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:17.234 W/System  ( 3651): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SamsungCloudDreamNewIcon/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:17.266 I/[SC]RequestProvider( 3651): onCreate() ~!! :
10-31 13:41:17.266 I/[SC]QuotaInterfaceManager( 3651): sync start
10-31 13:41:17.272 I/[SC]RequestProvider( 3651): uiregister - started.
10-31 13:41:17.272 I/[SC]RequestProvider( 3651): quotaregister - started.
10-31 13:41:17.273 I/[SC]ExternalOEMControlProvider( 3651): onCreate
10-31 13:41:17.274 I/[SC]FailLogsProvider( 3651): onCreate
10-31 13:41:17.313 I/[SC]DeviceUtil( 3651): isSemAvailable:1
10-31 13:41:17.316 I/[SC]SamsungCloudApp( 3651): AppVer[V2MAIN_R 2.4.34][L:4]Sem[true] slog[false]
10-31 13:41:17.319 D/LocationManagerService( 3792): getLastLocation: Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0 num=1]
10-31 13:41:17.322 I/[SC]SamsungCloudApp( 3651): controller allowed
10-31 13:41:17.326 I/[SC]MetaManager( 3651): MetaManager--[elapse:       2] Version Info[2.4.34]
10-31 13:41:17.361 D/BixbyApi_0.1.6( 3651): Version Name:2.4.34
10-31 13:41:17.370 I/System.out(16218): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:17.370 I/System.out(16218): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:17.372 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22( 3651): cf feature is supported
10-31 13:41:17.386 D/SamsungAnalytics:1.8.22( 3651): [Tracker] Tracker start:1.8.22
10-31 13:41:17.387 I/[SC]SCloudReceiver( 3651): onReceive: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:17.397 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.397 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.397 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.414 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:17.414 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:17.414 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName :
10-31 13:41:17.439 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:17.442 E/Zygote  ( 3694): v2
10-31 13:41:17.442 I/libpersona( 3694): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:17.444 E/Zygote  ( 3694): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:17.444 W/SELinux ( 3694): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:17.448 I/SELinux ( 3694): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform,
10-31 13:41:17.462 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:17.469 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 7ms
10-31 13:41:17.471 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:17.493 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3694): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:17.495 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.495 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.495 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.495 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.498 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.498 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.498 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.502 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.502 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.502 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.509 I/ResourcesManager( 3694): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:17.514 W/System  ( 3694): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ThemeCenter/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:17.515 D/WindowManager( 3792): finishDrawingWindow: Window{316d1e3d0 u0 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
10-31 13:41:17.528 I/ThemeManagerApp( 3694): ThemeManagerApp created
10-31 13:41:17.531 D/SamsungAnalytics( 3694): cf feature is supported
10-31 13:41:17.535 I/ThemeManagerReceiver( 3694): ThemeManagerReceiver onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
10-31 13:41:17.537 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:17.538 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:17.538 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10067, packageName :
10-31 13:41:17.539 W/Conscrypt(16218): Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
10-31 13:41:17.539 W/Conscrypt(16218):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:17.539 W/Conscrypt(16218):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:17.565 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:17.565 D/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): notifyActivityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false isMutiwindowRecord is false multiwindowstyle is 1
10-31 13:41:17.565 D/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): activityDrawn [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false isMutiwindowRecord is false multiwindowstyle is 1
10-31 13:41:17.567 I/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): SD activityfalse
10-31 13:41:17.567 I/KnoxTimeoutHandler( 3792): Fullscreen and mCurrent is not KNOX user. Hence hide keyguard
10-31 13:41:17.575 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(28, 926 - 1052, 1230) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
10-31 13:41:17.583 E/Zygote  ( 3721): v2
10-31 13:41:17.583 I/libpersona( 3721): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10067
10-31 13:41:17.583 I/libpersona( 3721): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:17.584 E/Zygote  ( 3721): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:17.585 W/SELinux ( 3721): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:17.587 I/SELinux ( 3721): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, 
10-31 13:41:17.603 D/WindowManager( 3792): finishDrawingWindow: Window{316d1e3d0 u0 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
10-31 13:41:17.621 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0
10-31 13:41:17.647 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3721): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:17.653 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.653 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.653 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.653 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.654 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.654 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.654 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.667 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.667 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.667 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.676 I/ResourcesManager( 3721): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:17.681 W/System  ( 3721): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SecureFolder/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:17.698 D/KnoxUsageDB( 3721): getInstance - KnoxUsageDBHelper
10-31 13:41:17.698 D/KnoxUsageDB( 3721): null == mDbHelperInstance - KnoxUsageDBHelper
10-31 13:41:17.698 D/ShareFileProvider( 3721): ShareFileProvider | onCreate [0]
10-31 13:41:17.699 D/ShareFileDBHelper( 3721): getInstance - ShareFileDBHelper
10-31 13:41:17.699 D/ShareFileDBHelper( 3721): null == mDbHelperInstance - ShareFileDBHelper
10-31 13:41:17.699 D/ShareFileDBHelper( 3721): ShareFileDBHelper - Constructor
10-31 13:41:17.704 D/KnoxPackageStateReceiver( 3721):  received intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera flg=0x4000010 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } bqHint=1 (has extras) }
10-31 13:41:17.704 D/KnoxPackageStateReceiver( 3721): onReceive intent
10-31 13:41:17.704 D/KnoxPackageStateReceiver( 3721): ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intent received
10-31 13:41:17.704 D/KnoxPackageStateReceiver( 3721): packageName:cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:17.705 D/KnoxPackageStateReceiver( 3721): userId 0
10-31 13:41:17.706 I/System.out(16173): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:17.706 D/KnoxPackageStateReceiver( 3721): installerPackage:null
10-31 13:41:17.706 D/KnoxPackageStateReceiver( 3721): Application installed. Exiting.....
10-31 13:41:17.708 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:17.708 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:17.709 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExterna
10-31 13:41:17.710 I/System.out(16173): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:17.739 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:17.751 D/WindowManager( 3792): set systemUiVisibility of statusbar : systemUiFlags= 0x8018 fullscreenStackSysUiFlag= 0x20
10-31 13:41:17.753 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): setIconsLight() iconColor : fffafafa
10-31 13:41:17.753 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:17.753 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:17.754 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): updateRemoteView mCurrentRemoteView visibility : 0
10-31 13:41:17.754 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:17.754 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:17.777 E/Zygote  ( 3742): v2
10-31 13:41:17.777 I/libpersona( 3742): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10025
10-31 13:41:17.777 I/libpersona( 3742): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:17.778 E/Zygote  ( 3742): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:17.779 W/SELinux ( 3742): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:17.780 I/SELinux ( 3742): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=samsung, level=s0:c512,c768, 
10-31 13:41:17.789 W/Conscrypt(16218): Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
10-31 13:41:17.789 W/Conscrypt(16218):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:17.789 W/Conscrypt(16218):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:17.862 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993277.852:3089): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=3748 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:17.863 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993277.852:3089): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fec1cb848 a2=7fec1c9f98 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=3748 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:17.866 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993277.852:3089): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:17.867 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$
10-31 13:41:17.876 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.876 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.876 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.877 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.878 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.878 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.878 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.885 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.885 D/Compa
10-31 13:41:17.885 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.897 I/ResourcesManager( 3742): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode 
10-31 13:41:17.905 W/System  ( 3742): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GalaxyAppsWidget_Phone_Dream/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:17.944 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:17.944 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:17.944 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:17.953 W/ServiceManager( 3792): Permission failure: from uid=10199 pid=3171
10-31 13:41:17.953 D/PermissionCache( 3792): checking for uid=10199 => denied (331 us)
10-31 13:41:17.953 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (Rear Ambient Light) without holding its required permission:
10-31 13:41:17.953 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor Rear Ambient Light because it requires permission and app op -1
10-31 13:41:17.953 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (Rear Proximity detecting) without holding its required permission:
10-31 13:41:17.953 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor Rear Proximity detecting because it requires permission and app op -1
10-31 13:41:17.954 W/ServiceManager( 3792): Permission failure: android.permission.BODY_SENSORS from uid=10199 pid=3171
10-31 13:41:17.954 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (HRMLED IR) without holding its required permission: android.permission.BODY_SENSORS
10-31 13:41:17.954 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor HRMLED IR because it requires permission android.permission.BODY_SENSORS and app op 56
10-31 13:41:17.954 W/ServiceManager( 3792): Permission failure: android.permission.BODY_SENSORS from uid=10199 pid=3171
10-31 13:41:17.954 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (HRMLED RED) without holding its required permission: android.permission.BODY_SENSORS
10-31 13:41:17.954 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor HRMLED RED because it requires permission android.permission.BODY_SENSORS and app op 56
10-31 13:41:17.954 W/ServiceManager( 3792): Permission failure: from uid=10199 pid=3171
10-31 13:41:17.954 D/PermissionCache( 3792): checking for uid=10199 => denied (91 us)
10-31 13:41:17.954 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (ADPD143RI) without holding its required permission:
10-31 13:41:17.954 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor ADPD143RI because it requires permission and app op -1
10-31 13:41:17.954 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (Proximity Alert Sensor) without holding its required permission:
10-31 13:41:17.954 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor Proximity Alert Sensor because it requires permission and app op -1
10-31 13:41:17.954 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (HRM Sensor) without holding its required permission:
10-31 13:41:17.954 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor HRM Sensor because it requires permission and app op -1
10-31 13:41:17.954 W/ServiceManager( 3792): Permission failure: android.permission.BODY_SENSORS from uid=10199 pid=3171
10-31 13:41:17.954 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (HeartRate Sensor) without holding its required permission: android.permission.BODY_SENSORS
10-31 13:41:17.954 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor HeartRate Sensor because it requires permission android.permission.BODY_SENSORS and app op 56
10-31 13:41:17.954 E/SensorService( 3792): getSensorList a sensor (Sensor Diagnostic Monitor) without holding its required permission:
10-31 13:41:17.954 I/SensorService( 3792): Skipped sensor Sensor Diagnostic Monitor because it requires permission and app op -1
10-31 13:41:17.960 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: needRegister cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: new app name =
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: data type =
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: add type = gsma.callcomposer
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: data type =
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: add type = gsma.callunanswered
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: data type =
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: add type = gsma.sharedsketch
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: data type =
10-31 13:41:17.965 D/[IMSFW6]( 7605): SessionModule: add type = gsma.sharedmap
10-31 13:41:17.966 D/LocationManagerService( 3792): getLastLocation: Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0 num=1]
10-31 13:41:17.969 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:17.969 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:17.969 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName : com.wssnps
10-31 13:41:17.992 I/art     ( 3017): Waiting for a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
10-31 13:41:17.993 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc 3763:com.wssnps/1000 for broadcast com.wssnps/.stubdownload.smlNpsPackageReceiver
10-31 13:41:17.993 E/Zygote  ( 3763): v2
10-31 13:41:17.994 I/libpersona( 3763): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 1000
10-31 13:41:17.994 I/libpersona( 3763): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:18.001 W/SELinux ( 3763): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:18.003 I/SELinux ( 3763): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=com.wssnps 
10-31 13:41:18.012 D/LocationManagerService( 3792): getLastLocation: Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0 num=1]
10-31 13:41:18.033 D/LocationManagerService( 3792): getLastLocation: Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0 num=1]
10-31 13:41:18.058 D/LocationManagerService( 3792): getLastLocation: Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0 num=1]
10-31 13:41:18.060 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3763): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:18.066 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:18.066 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:18.066 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:18.066 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for com.wssnps and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:18.067 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:18.067 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:18.067 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:18.070 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:18.070 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:18.070 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:18.075 D/LocationManagerService( 3792): getLastLocation: Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0 num=1]
10-31 13:41:18.080 I/ResourcesManager( 3763): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode 
10-31 13:41:18.085 I/art     ( 3017): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 92.847ms for cause DisableMovingGc
10-31 13:41:18.085 I/art     ( 3017): Starting a blocking GC Disa
10-31 13:41:18.085 W/System  ( 3763): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/wssyncmlnps2/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:18.116 D/LocationManagerService( 3792): getLastLocation: Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0 num=1]
10-31 13:41:18.119 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:18.119 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:18.119 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:18.127 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:18.134 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 8ms
10-31 13:41:18.140 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:18.152 I/Sensors ( 3792): GRV old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 65536 en : 1
10-31 13:41:18.155 D/SensorManager( 3171): registerListener :: 22, Samsung Game Rotation Vector, 16666, 0,
10-31 13:41:18.168 I/System.out(16218): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:18.170 E/NetworkScheduler(16218): Invalid component specified.
10-31 13:41:18.198 D/skia    ( 3171): Encode PNG Singlethread :      29726 us, width=126, height=126
10-31 13:41:18.210 I/chromium( 3171): [] audioHardwareBufferSize = 4810
10-31 13:41:18.213 I/chromium( 3171): [] audioHardwareBufferSize = 4810
10-31 13:41:18.234 I/Sensors ( 3792): GRV old sensor_state 65536, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0
10-31 13:41:18.237 D/SensorManager( 3171): unregisterListener :: 22, Samsung Game Rotation Vector,
10-31 13:41:18.237 I/libOpenSLES( 3171): Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2)
10-31 13:41:18.238 D/APM::SoundKitchen( 3284): getDevice, uid = 10199, device = 0
10-31 13:41:18.240 I/AudioFlinger( 3284): add dynamic flag, can move to deep thread, session 745
10-31 13:41:18.243 D/AudioTrack( 3171): Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 384
10-31 13:41:18.258 W/AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl( 3284): Skipped to add effects on session 745
10-31 13:41:18.258 I/APM_AudioPolicyManager( 3284): startOutput() output 21, stream 3, session 745
10-31 13:41:18.258 D/APM::SoundKitchen( 3284): getDevice, uid = 10199, device = 0
10-31 13:41:18.258 D/APM_AudioPolicyManager( 3284): newDevice=0
10-31 13:41:18.258 I/AudioEffectStage( 3284): getBuffer low_output_sub1_normal, 0xeb5eac00
10-31 13:41:18.258 I/AudioEffectStage( 3284): getBuffer low_output_sub1_normal
10-31 13:41:18.260 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): fast_out-set_audio_route: [PLAYBACK] current-device(none) new-device(speaker) in cur-mode(none) & new-mode(normal)!
10-31 13:41:18.260 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): is_voice_wakeup : ret =  0  , wakeup_baby_cry_enabled = 0  ,  wakeup_mic_enabled = 0 
10-31 13:41:18.260 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_apply_path : "media-speaker"
10-31 13:41:18.263 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path + : "media-speaker" reverse(0)
10-31 13:41:18.263 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path - : changed(0)
10-31 13:41:18.263 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): fast_out-do_set_route: Enabled Audio Route(media-speaker)
10-31 13:41:18.263 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_apply_path : "gain-media-speaker"
10-31 13:41:18.263 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path + : "gain-media-speaker" reverse(0)
10-31 13:41:18.263 I/audio_route( 3284): > audio_route_update_path - : changed(0)
10-31 13:41:18.263 D/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): fast_out-do_set_route: Enabled Audio Gain(gain-media-speaker)
10-31 13:41:18.265 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): [do_open_spkamp_stream] Opened PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D7p) configured Info: Channels(2)  Smapling Rate(48000), Format: Default(0)
10-31 13:41:18.270 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): [do_open_spkamp_stream] Opened PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) configured Info: Channels(2)  Smapling Rate(48000), Format: Default(0)
10-31 13:41:18.278 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): [do_open_spkamp_stream] Opened PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D12c) configured Info: Channels(2)  Smapling Rate(48000), Format: Default(0)
10-31 13:41:18.284 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): [do_open_spkamp_stream] Opened PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D6p) configured Info: Channels(2)  Smapling Rate(48000), Format: Default(0)
10-31 13:41:18.308 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): fast_out-do_open_output_stream: Opened PCM Device is /dev/snd/pcmC0D2p samplingRate(48000) pcmformat(0)
10-31 13:41:18.308 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): fast_out-out_write: Transit to Idle
10-31 13:41:18.312 I/audio_hw_primary_abox( 3284): fast_out-out_write: Transit to Playing
10-31 13:41:18.344 D/LocationManagerService( 3792): getLastLocation: Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0 num=1]
10-31 13:41:18.357 D/AudioFlinger( 3284): mixer(0xeb383a40) Spend too much time to write: delta 98(effect 1, stage 0)
10-31 13:41:18.368 I/System.out(16218): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:18.368 I/System.out(16218): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
10-31 13:41:18.420 E/chromium( 3171): [] WebContentsDelegate::CheckMediaAccessPermission: Not supported.
10-31 13:41:18.420 E/chromium( 3171): [] WebContentsDelegate::CheckMediaAccessPermission: Not supported.
10-31 13:41:18.421 E/chromium( 3171): [] WebContentsDelegate::CheckMediaAccessPermission: Not supported.
10-31 13:41:18.421 E/chromium( 3171): [] WebContentsDelegate::CheckMediaAccessPermission: Not supported.
10-31 13:41:18.422 W/cr_media( 3171): Requires MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS and RECORD_AUDIO. No audio device will be available for recording
10-31 13:41:18.424 I/CameraManagerGlobal( 3171): Connecting to camera service
10-31 13:41:18.441 D/AudioFlinger( 3284): mixer(0xeb383a40) Spend too much time to write: delta 41(effect 0, stage 0)
10-31 13:41:18.528 W/Conscrypt(16218): Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
10-31 13:41:18.528 W/Conscrypt(16218):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:18.528 W/Conscrypt(16218):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:18.562 D/BrowserCamera( 3171): [main] 0:0:4,549 - Codename One revisions: 22614d770059e418030e79ac49b17911d43bfc26
10-31 13:41:18.566 D/BrowserCamera( 3171): [main] 0:0:4,553 - [LOG] iOS doesn't support fullscreen (yet) On line 95 of
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171): [main] 0:0:4,556 - [LOG] RTC Debug info: 
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  OS:                   Android 7.0
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  browser:              537.36 Safari
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  is Mobile Device:     true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  has webcam:           true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  has permission:       undefined
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  getUserMedia Support: true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  isWebRTC Supported:   true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  WebAudio Supported:   true
10-31 13:41:18.569 D/BrowserCamera( 3171):  is Mobile Device:     true On line 39 of
10-31 13:41:18.585 W/Conscrypt(16218): Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
10-31 13:41:18.585 W/Conscrypt(16218):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:18.585 W/Conscrypt(16218):  at (040400-213742215):2)
10-31 13:41:18.652 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] UserActivityState : 1 -> 2
10-31 13:41:18.652 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): mDisplayReady: false
10-31 13:41:18.652 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): animateScreenStateChange[0]: target=2
10-31 13:41:18.653 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): [Dual Screen Compatible] state[0] :2
10-31 13:41:18.653 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): getFinalBrightness : Summary is 0 -> 0
10-31 13:41:18.653 D/DisplayPowerController( 3792): Animating brightness: target=0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1))
10-31 13:41:18.653 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged()
10-31 13:41:18.653 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): mDisplayReady: true
10-31 13:41:18.742 D/Codename One( 3171): onPermissionRequest
10-31 13:41:18.743 D/Codename One( 3171): Denying permission for [android.webkit.resource.VIDEO_CAPTURE] in web view for origin
10-31 13:41:18.744 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:18.758 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 14ms
10-31 13:41:18.759 D/BrowserCamera( 3171): [main] 0:0:4,746 - [LOG] [object Object] On line 186 of
10-31 13:41:18.762 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:18.814 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993278.808:3090): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=3870 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:18.814 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993278.808:3090): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7ffbd30de8 a2=7ffbd2f538 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=3870 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:18.818 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$
10-31 13:41:18.822 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993278.808:3090): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:18.966 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): mHardwareRenderer.destroy()#4
10-31 13:41:18.967 D/ViewRootImpl@c7b0809[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): dispatchDetachedFromWindow
10-31 13:41:18.967 D/WindowManager( 3792): disposeInputChannel mInputChannel: 316d1e3 cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub (server)
10-31 13:41:18.971 D/WindowManager( 3792): set systemUiVisibility of statusbar : systemUiFlags= 0x8618 fullscreenStackSysUiFlag= 0x20
10-31 13:41:18.974 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): updateRemoteView mCurrentRemoteView visibility : 0
10-31 13:41:18.974 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:18.974 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:18.978 D/WifiStateMachine( 3792): Current network is: "BLT" , ID is: 0
10-31 13:41:18.981 D/WifiStateMachine( 3792): 5GHz mQnsLowerRssiThreshold is recovered, currentRssi = -45
10-31 13:41:18.988 D/WindowManager( 3792): set systemUiVisibility of statusbar : systemUiFlags= 0x8618 fullscreenStackSysUiFlag= 0x10
10-31 13:41:18.990 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): setIconsLight() iconColor : ffa6a6a6
10-31 13:41:18.991 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:18.991 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:18.991 D/SecNavigationBarView(18584): updateRemoteView mCurrentRemoteView visibility : 0
10-31 13:41:18.992 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getLeftRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:18.992 D/NaviBarRemoteViewManager(18584): getRightRemoteView View : null
10-31 13:41:18.998 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Focus left window: 3171
10-31 13:41:18.998 D/InputDispatcher( 3792): Focus entered window: 3171
10-31 13:41:18.998 D/InputTransport( 3792): Input channel destroyed: fd=463
10-31 13:41:19.000 D/InputTransport( 3171): Input channel destroyed: fd=116
10-31 13:41:19.000 D/WindowManager( 3792): adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8618
10-31 13:41:19.001 I/SemDesktopModeManager( 3171): unregisterListener: android.view.ViewRootImpl$3@5e31510
10-31 13:41:19.009 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1
10-31 13:41:19.010 D/ViewRootImpl@cc29b9a[BrowserCameraStub]( 3171): mHardwareRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true 489041536512}
10-31 13:41:19.013 D/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
10-31 13:41:19.022 W/InputMethodManagerService( 3792): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@9af763c attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@6c2e4c6
10-31 13:41:19.023 E/ViewRootImpl( 3171): sendUserActionEvent() returned.
10-31 13:41:19.196 I/WindowManager_SurfaceController( 3792): Destroying surface Surface(name=cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera/cool.teammate.tests.browsercamera.BrowserCameraStub) called by
10-31 13:41:19.204 I/SurfaceFlinger( 3233): id=525 Removed CrowserCame (7/13)
10-31 13:41:19.252 D/PowerManagerService( 3792): [s] UserActivityState : 2 -> 4
10-31 13:41:19.253 I/PowerManagerService( 3792): [PWL] On : 14843303 (12690 ms ago)
10-31 13:41:19.253 I/PowerManagerService( 3792): [PWL]  mStayOn: true  mWakeLockSummary & WAKE_LOCK_STAY_AWAKE: 0  mUserActivitySummary: 0x4
10-31 13:41:19.375 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:19.397 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 19ms
10-31 13:41:19.401 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:19.477 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [890] Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization
10-31 13:41:19.549 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [891] Restoring notifications
10-31 13:41:19.556 I/ShortcutBadger( 2531): Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 1/3.
10-31 13:41:19.578 D/PackageManager( 3792): resolving Home intent, isUnlockingOrUnlocked : true
10-31 13:41:19.632 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [891] Done restoring notifications
10-31 13:41:19.655 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 1
10-31 13:41:19.656 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : 3
10-31 13:41:19.656 D/MountService( 3792): MountService getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10003, packageName :
10-31 13:41:19.658 I/ShortcutBadger( 2531): Badge counter is supported in this platform.
10-31 13:41:19.660 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993279.656:3091): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=3943 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:19.660 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993279.656:3091): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fdfff47a8 a2=7fdfff2ef8 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=3943 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:19.663 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993279.656:3091): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:19.663 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 
10-31 13:41:19.686 E/Zygote  ( 3946): v2
10-31 13:41:19.686 I/libpersona( 3946): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10003
10-31 13:41:19.686 I/libpersona( 3946): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
10-31 13:41:19.687 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Start proc for broadcast
10-31 13:41:19.688 E/Zygote  ( 3946): accessInfo : 0
10-31 13:41:19.689 W/SELinux ( 3946): SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2],  Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1]
10-31 13:41:19.693 I/SELinux ( 3946): SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768,
10-31 13:41:19.727 D/TimaKeyStoreProvider( 3946): TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service
10-31 13:41:19.731 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:19.731 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:19.731 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:19.731 I/ActivityManager( 3792): DSS on for and scale is 1.0
10-31 13:41:19.733 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:19.733 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:19.733 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:19.740 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:19.740 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:19.740 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:19.751 I/ResourcesManager( 3946): updateResourcesForOpenThemeChange for Desktop mode
10-31 13:41:19.757 W/System  ( 3946): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/BadgeProvider_N/lib/arm64
10-31 13:41:19.774 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): onCreate
10-31 13:41:19.774 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): DatabaseHelper
10-31 13:41:19.777 D/BadgeCountReceiver( 3946): badge intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } bqHint=1 (has extras) }
10-31 13:41:19.777 D/BadgeCountReceiver( 3946): packageName:, className:, count: 0
10-31 13:41:19.782 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): onOpen
10-31 13:41:19.785 D/BaseReflect( 3946): null getOwnClass TEST
10-31 13:41:19.785 D/MethodReflector( 3946): android.content.ContentResolver getClass TEST
10-31 13:41:19.785 D/BaseReflect( 3946): class android.content.ContentResolver isSupportClass TEST
10-31 13:41:19.786 D/BaseReflect( 3946): class android.content.ContentResolver getOwnClass TEST
10-31 13:41:19.790 D/MethodReflector( 3946): notifyChange is called
10-31 13:41:19.791 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps
10-31 13:41:19.792 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): sendNotify, [notify] : null
10-31 13:41:19.792 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, getCallingPackage() :
10-31 13:41:19.792 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps
10-31 13:41:19.792 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, [uri.query] : null
10-31 13:41:19.792 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0
10-31 13:41:19.792 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, [UpdateCount] : 1
10-31 13:41:19.801 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): query, [selection] : package=? AND class=?
10-31 13:41:19.819 I/DeviceState(18584): getSettingsBadgeCount badgeCount : 0
10-31 13:41:19.819 D/QuickStatusBarHeader(18584): mBadgeCountObserver onChange(), getSettingsBadgeCount = 0
10-31 13:41:19.825 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): query, [selection] : package=? AND class=?
10-31 13:41:19.832 I/DeviceState(18584): getSettingsBadgeCount badgeCount : 0
10-31 13:41:19.833 D/QuickStatusBarHeader(18584): mBadgeCountObserver onChange(), getSettingsBadgeCount = 0
10-31 13:41:19.879 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [876] Triggered update for experiment package
10-31 13:41:19.890 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): mCompatibilityFlags - 0
10-31 13:41:19.890 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationDensity - 420
10-31 13:41:19.890 D/CompatibilityInfo( 3792): applicationScale - 1.0
10-31 13:41:19.892 D/BadgeCountReceiver( 3946): badge intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } bqHint=1 (has extras) }
10-31 13:41:19.892 D/BadgeCountReceiver( 3946): packageName:, className:, count: 0
10-31 13:41:19.898 D/SSRM:p  ( 3792): SIOP:: AP = 340, PST = 256 (W:15), CP = 244, CUR = -287, LCD = 0
10-31 13:41:19.899 D/MethodReflector( 3946): notifyChange is called
10-31 13:41:19.901 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps
10-31 13:41:19.902 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): sendNotify, [notify] : null
10-31 13:41:19.902 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, getCallingPackage() :
10-31 13:41:19.903 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps
10-31 13:41:19.903 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, [uri.query] : null
10-31 13:41:19.903 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0
10-31 13:41:19.903 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): update, [UpdateCount] : 1
10-31 13:41:19.904 D/SSRM:H  ( 3792): ssrm_camera_info is null
10-31 13:41:19.911 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): query, [selection] : package=? AND class=?
10-31 13:41:19.921 D/SSRM:j  ( 3792): ATC: power = AP = 2632, LCD = 4, WIFI = 0, Camera = 0(Sensor:0, Comp:0), 
10-31 13:41:19.921 D/SSRM:j  ( 3792): ATC: current = AP = 658, LCD = 3, WIFI = 0, Camera = 0(Sensor:0, Comp:0), 
10-31 13:41:19.921 I/DeviceState(18584): getSettingsBadgeCount badgeCount : 0
10-31 13:41:19.922 D/SSRM:j  ( 3792): ATC: Ambient Temperature = 21.74, Skin temperature = 22.31
10-31 13:41:19.922 D/QuickStatusBarHeader(18584): mBadgeCountObserver onChange(), getSettingsBadgeCount = 0
10-31 13:41:19.926 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): query, [selection] : package=? AND class=?
10-31 13:41:19.939 I/DeviceState(18584): getSettingsBadgeCount badgeCount : 0
10-31 13:41:19.941 D/QuickStatusBarHeader(18584): mBadgeCountObserver onChange(), getSettingsBadgeCount = 0
10-31 13:41:19.960 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:19.975 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 15ms
10-31 13:41:19.986 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:20.020 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [1] Detected restoreservicev2://recovery not needed, will not run
10-31 13:41:20.111 D/Launcher.Model(27945): reloadBadges entered.
10-31 13:41:20.134 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): query, [selection] : null
10-31 13:41:20.149 D/BadgeCache(27945): 1. updateBadgeCounts: = 0
10-31 13:41:20.151 D/BadgeCache(27945): 1. updateBadgeCounts: = 0
10-31 13:41:20.151 D/BadgeCache(27945): 1. updateBadgeCounts: = 0
10-31 13:41:20.152 D/BadgeCache(27945): 1. updateBadgeCounts: = 0
10-31 13:41:20.162 D/BadgeCache(27945): updateBadgeCounts:0
10-31 13:41:20.355 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [876] Started reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As].
10-31 13:41:20.362 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [876] Finished reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As].
10-31 13:41:20.369 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [876] Already at the latest configurations for experiment package
10-31 13:41:20.371 I/Finsky  ( 2531): [879] Triggered update for experiment package
10-31 13:41:20.400 D/BadgeManager( 9638): updateBadgeInfo
10-31 13:41:20.458 E/Watchdog( 3792): !@Sync 489 [31_Oct_13_41_20.458]
10-31 13:41:20.517 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993280.512:3092): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=4056 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:20.517 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993280.512:3092): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7ff38923c8 a2=7ff3890b18 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=4056 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:20.519 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$ 
10-31 13:41:20.521 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993280.512:3092): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:20.529 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:20.536 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 8ms
10-31 13:41:20.538 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:20.806 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{f821c9f u0}
10-31 13:41:20.813 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{118d1ec u0}
10-31 13:41:20.817 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{f79b5 u0}
10-31 13:41:20.823 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{4aa284a u0}
10-31 13:41:20.901 D/AppsPanelContainer( 9638): updateBadgeInfo
10-31 13:41:20.911 D/BadgeProvider( 3946): query, [selection] : null
10-31 13:41:21.059 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:21.071 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 13ms
10-31 13:41:21.074 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:21.192 D/UsbMonitorService( 3792): readUsbState++
10-31 13:41:21.193 D/UsbMonitorService( 3792): !@readUsbState 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10-31 13:41:21.194 D/UsbMonitorService( 3792): stringToFile /efs/usb_hw_param/usb_hw_param.log , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10-31 13:41:21.195 D/UsbMonitorService( 3792): Posting Message again
10-31 13:41:21.236 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993281.228:3093): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fc5fbbf98 a2=7fc5fba6e8 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=4093 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:21.237 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993281.228:3093): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:21.238 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$
10-31 13:41:21.578 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:21.586 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 8ms
10-31 13:41:21.593 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:21.953 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993281.948:3094): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=4132 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:21.953 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993281.948:3094): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fc910eeb8 a2=7fc910d608 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=4132 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
10-31 13:41:21.955 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1327 audit(1540993281.948:3094): proctitle="ps"
10-31 13:41:21.955 W/ContextImpl( 3792): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$AuditFileObserver.onEvent:98 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.onEvent:122 android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread.observe:-2 android.os.FileObserver$
10-31 13:41:22.013 D/WifiStateMachine( 3792): Current network is: "BLT" , ID is: 0
10-31 13:41:22.013 D/WifiStateMachine( 3792): 5GHz mQnsLowerRssiThreshold is recovered, currentRssi = -46
10-31 13:41:22.041 I/ActivityManager( 3792): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{c213d87 u0}
10-31 13:41:22.102 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:22.110 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 8ms
10-31 13:41:22.117 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:22.181 D/io_stats( 7957): !@   8,0 r 98524 5297992 w 195055 6360568 d 22229 2162164 f 89180 155678 iot 168360 134402 th 366384 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 14858.921
10-31 13:41:22.635 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked(flags=0x1)
10-31 13:41:22.643 V/NetworkStats( 3792): performPollLocked() took 7ms
10-31 13:41:22.645 V/NetworkStats( 3792): registerGlobalAlert(), Alert bytes: 52428800
10-31 13:41:22.654 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1400 audit(1540993282.648:3095): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=4169 comm="ps" path="/proc/3119" dev="proc" ino=204085 scontext=u:r:shell:s0 tcontext=u:r:logd:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0007 unfiltered
10-31 13:41:22.654 E/audit   ( 3133): type=1300 audit(1540993282.648:3095): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7fd1b5a8c8 a2=7fd1b59018 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2251 pid=4169 auid=4294967295 uid=2000 gid=2000 euid=2000 suid=2000 fsuid=2000 egid=2000 sgid=2000 fsgid=2000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ps" exe="/system/bin/toolbox" subj=u:r:shell:s0 key=(null)
shannah commented 5 years ago

It could be related to the URL you provide in Display.getInstance().setProperty("android.WebView.grantPermissionsFrom", testWebRTC);

This value will be compared against getOrigin[]

It is possible that this just expects the domain portion. E.g.

You can provide multiple values to allow here by adding them space-delimited. E.g.


My money's on just ""

jsfan3 commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the reply, but your suggestions didn't work. I tried a new build with Display.getInstance().setProperty("android.WebView.grantPermissionsFrom", ""); and another build withDisplay.getInstance().setProperty("android.WebView.grantPermissionsFrom", "");, but both of them produce the same issue.

jsfan3 commented 5 years ago

Please note that the test case I provided doesn't work in Android neither in iOS.

shannah commented 5 years ago

Looking at the log, the origin is "" So you can get away with Display.getInstance().setProperty("android.WebView.grantPermissionsFrom("");

Also, did you add all of the appropriate permissions in the manifest that were described by the OP in ?

I ran across this sample for webrtc that might be helpful. Not sure if you've seen it yet.

Particularly the app manifest file to see the permissions that he grants.

It is possible that we need to request permissions at runtime for Android 6+, but I'm not sure. Try getting it working on an android 5 device (or simulator) first as that would rule this out.

shannah commented 5 years ago

@jsfan3 Did you manage to get this working? Is there something we still need to do to resolve this?

jsfan3 commented 5 years ago

WebRTC cannot be used inside a BrowserComponent, because Apple doesn’t allow that, their implementation of WebRTC is working in Safari only, but not inside an app. I don’t remeber details found in StackOverflow, however Codename One cannot support WebRTC because that.

jsfan3 commented 5 years ago

For reference, these are the sources of my previous comment, even the last iOS (in 2019) doesn't full support WebRTC inside WKWebView, that's why I close my question (I'm not more interested in use WebRTC in Android, because I needed that in both Android and iOS, but it's not possible):