When a marker is placed at the left border of a map which is the left border of the screen at the same time I would expect that getScreenCoordinate(myMarker) returns a point with x == 0 (or near 0) but I for example get 160 at the state demonstrated at the snapshot below (the marker image is just 50 pixel wide). The issue is similar for the y axis.
This wasn't the case a while ago.
sample code:
final String API_KEY = "key";
final MapContainer mapContainer = new MapContainer(API_KEY);
Form f = new Form("Maps", new LayeredLayout());
Coord originalC = new Coord(50.96280565137735, 7.047107219696045);
EncodedImage ei = EncodedImage.createFromImage(
FontImage.createMaterial(FontImage.MATERIAL_GPS_FIXED, f.getUnselectedStyle())
, false);
MapContainer.MarkerOptions mo = new MapContainer.MarkerOptions(originalC, ei)
.anchor(0.5f, 0.5f)
.onClick((evt) -> {
log.p("clicked on marker" + originalC);
MapContainer.MapObject obj = mapContainer.addMarker(mo);
f.getToolbar().addCommandToRightBar("", FontImage.createMaterial(FontImage.MATERIAL_ADD_CIRCLE, f.getUnselectedStyle()), (ev) -> {
System.out.println("Point of Marker: " + mapContainer.getScreenCoordinate(originalC));
System.out.println("Screen: " + CN.getDisplayWidth() + "x" + CN.getDisplayHeight());
System.out.println("MapC: " + mapContainer.getWidth() + "x" + mapContainer.getHeight());
f.getToolbar().addCommandToRightBar("", FontImage.createMaterial(FontImage.MATERIAL_ZOOM_IN, f.getUnselectedStyle()), (ev) -> {
mapContainer.zoom(originalC, (int) mapContainer.getZoom());
mapContainer.zoom(originalC, 10);
When a marker is placed at the left border of a map which is the left border of the screen at the same time I would expect that
returns a point with x == 0 (or near 0) but I for example get 160 at the state demonstrated at the snapshot below (the marker image is just 50 pixel wide). The issue is similar for the y axis. This wasn't the case a while ago.sample code: