codenco-dev / nova-grid-system

Nova grid system for Laravel Nova
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Panel support? #11

Open Athuli7 opened 3 years ago

Athuli7 commented 3 years ago

Is there any way to extend this to support panels too? The need came while building the following UI. Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 18 54 41 PM

If that's not possible? Is there any other way to do horizontal splitting?

domthomas-dev commented 3 years ago

Can you send me your resource file?

Athuli7 commented 3 years ago

namespace App\Nova;

use App\Nova\Resource;
use App\Models\Setting;
use Laravel\Nova\Panel;
use NovaItemsField\Items;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Date;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Text;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Number;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Select;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\HasMany;
use Yassi\NestedForm\NestedForm;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Textarea;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\BelongsTo;
use R64\NovaImageCropper\ImageCropper;
use Bissolli\NovaPhoneField\PhoneNumber;
use Whitecube\NovaFlexibleContent\Flexible;
use Benjacho\BelongsToManyField\BelongsToManyField;
use Laravel\Nova\Card;

class Employee extends Resource
    // use TabsOnEdit;
    public static $tableStyle = 'default';
    public static $displayInNavigation = true;
    public static $showColumnBorders = false;
    public static $model = \App\Models\Employee::class;
    public static $title = 'nickname';
    public static $group = "Employees";
    public static $search = [
    public function fields(Request $request)
        $fields = [
            Text::make('Number', 'company_emp_id')
            Text::make('Name', function($model) { 
                $retVal = "$model->fname $model->lname";
                if(strlen(trim($model->nickname)) > 0)
                    $retVal .= " <strong>[$model->nickname]</strong>";
                return $retVal;

            Text::make('Current Assignment', function ($model) { return '-'; })->onlyOnIndex(),
            Text::make('Phone Number', 'primary_number')->onlyOnIndex(),


            // Fields

            // Forms
            (new Panel('Photograph', [
                ImageCropper::make('Photograph', 'image')


            (new Panel('Personal Attributes', [

                // Line 1
                Text::make('Employee Number', 'company_emp_id')
                    ->rules('regex:/^(' . Setting::getValue('Employee_ID_Format') . '|' . Setting::getValue('Temp_Employee_ID_Format') . ')$/')
                    'Mr' => 'Mr',
                    'Ms' => 'Ms',
                    'Mrs' => 'Mrs'
                Text::make('First Name', 'fname')->hideFromIndex()
                Text::make('Middle Name', 'mname')->hideFromIndex()
                Text::make('Last Name', 'lname')->hideFromIndex()
                Text::make('Nickname', 'nickname')->hideFromIndex()
                // Line 2
                Date::make('Date of Birth')->hideFromIndex()
                    ->rules('date', 'before:' . now()->subYears(18)->startOfDay())
                Text::make('Creed', 'caste')->hideFromIndex()
                BelongsTo::make('Marital Status', 'MaritalStatus')
                BelongsTo::make('Recruitment Channel', 'RecruitmentChannel')
                BelongsTo::make('Accommodation', 'Accommodation')
            (new Panel('Physical Attributes', [
                Number::make('Height [cm]', 'height')->min(60)
                Number::make('Weight [Kg]', 'weight')->min(30)
                Select::make('Blood Group')->options(config('constants.blood_groups', []))
            (new Panel('Contact Information', [
                PhoneNumber::make('Company Number', 'company_number')
                PhoneNumber::make('Personal Number', 'personal_number')
                Text::make('Company Email', 'company_email')
                Text::make('Personal Email', 'personal_email')
                Items::make('Additional Numbers', 'additional_numbers')
                    ->rules(['additional_numbers.*' => 'min:10'])
                Items::make('Additional Emails', 'additional_emails')
                    ->rules(['additional_emails.*' => 'email|min:10',])
                Flexible::make('Personal References', 'personal_references')
                    ->addLayout('Reference', 'wysiwyg', [
                    ->button("Add reference")
                Flexible::make('Emergency Contacts', 'emergency_contacts')
                    ->addLayout('Contact', 'wysiwyg', [
                    ->button("Add contact")
            (new Panel('Skills and Languages', [
                BelongsToManyField::make('Languages', 'Languages', 'App\Nova\Language')->size('w-1/2'),
                BelongsToManyField::make('Skills', 'Skills', 'App\Nova\Skill')->size('w-1/2'),

            // (new Panel('Recruitment Information', [
            //     // BelongsTo::make('Recruitment Channel', 'EmployeeChannel', 'App\Nova\EmployeeChannel')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     // NullField::make('')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-2/3'),
            //     Text::make('Reference 1 Name', 'ref_1_name')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/2'),
            //     PhoneNumber::make('Reference 1 Contact Number', 'ref_1_number')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/2'),
            //     Text::make('Reference 2 Name', 'ref_2_name')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/2'),
            //     PhoneNumber::make('Reference 2 Contact Number', 'ref_2_number')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/2'),
            // ])),

            // (new Panel('Emergency Contact Details', [
            //     Text::make('Primary Contact Name', 'emergency_contact_primary_name')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     Select::make('Relation', 'emergency_contact_primary_relation')->options([
            //         'Spouse' => 'Spouse',
            //         'Parent' => 'Parent',
            //         'Other' => 'Other',
            //     ])->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     PhoneNumber::make('Contact Number', 'emergency_contact_primary_number')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     Text::make('Secondary Contact Name', 'emergency_contact_secondary_name')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     Select::make('Relation', 'emergency_contact_secondary_relation')->options([
            //         'Spouse' => 'Spouse',
            //         'Parent' => 'Parent',
            //         'Other' => 'Other',
            //     ])->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     PhoneNumber::make('Contact Number', 'emergency_contact_secondary_number')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            // ])),

            // (new Panel('Skills and Languages', [
            // ])),

            // (new Panel('Last Employment Details', [
            //     Text::make('Company Name', 'last_employer_company_name')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     Text::make('Job Title', 'last_employer_job_role')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     Number::make('Duration [Months]', 'last_employer_job_duration')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     Text::make('Reason For leaving', 'last_employer_leaving_reason')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     Number::make('Last Drawn Salary', 'last_employer_salary')->hideFromIndex()->size('w-1/3'),
            //     BelongsToManyField::make('Job Role', 'OldSkills', 'App\Nova\Skill')->size('w-1/3'),
            // ])),
        return $fields;

     * Get the cards available for the request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    public function cards(Request $request)
        return [];

     * Get the filters available for the resource.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    public function filters(Request $request)
        return [];

     * Get the lenses available for the resource.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    public function lenses(Request $request)
        return [];

     * Get the actions available for the resource.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    public function actions(Request $request)
        return [];
Athuli7 commented 3 years ago

@thomasdominic, any chance?

domthomas-dev commented 3 years ago


I did not understand your problem ... I have been tested with Panel and everything was fine.

But, in fact, you wish you could do this:

new panel (...) -> size ('1/2')

That's it ? Capture d’écran de 2020-10-08 05-57-50

Athuli7 commented 3 years ago

Yes. I was trying to resize the panel, not the fields inside a panel.

allanvb commented 3 years ago

Any updates on this ?

tk-subgenius commented 2 years ago

hi, please I'd also love this as a feature, thanks!

didkan commented 2 years ago


mahfoudfx commented 1 year ago

I think that the most powerful feature of this plugin is the support of Panels which is currently missing and which will allow great UI customisation regarding its potential. Something like:

Panel::make(__('My Panel 1'), $this->myPanel1())->size('w-2/3'),
Panel::make(__('My Panel 2'), $this->myPanel2())->size('w-1/3'),
scramatte commented 1 year ago


To get size working into panels, you need to append "flex-dom flex-wrap flex w-full" to css class of Card component. It requires overriding vendor/laravel/nova/resources/js/fields/Form/Panel.vue

I'm achieving it with the following package, but it's just a patch, a clean solution is required!

+1 to implement panel support