codenotary / immudb

immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history
8.52k stars 337 forks source link

postgresql connot be connected #1152

Open amrosdevops opened 2 years ago

amrosdevops commented 2 years ago

I am trying to connect postgresql port 5432 using pgAdmin/DBeaver but not connected I got this error in pgAdmin

**'ServerManager' object has no attribute 'user_info'**

The server is running successfully with default values

 _                               _ _
(_)                             | | |
 _ _ __ ___  _ __ ___  _   _  __| | |__
| | '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ \
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immudb 1.2.2
Commit  : 89c3e3e8a4293909421d23025d7a26bb04b35a5e
Built by:
Built at: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 17:27:58 +03
================ Config ================
Data dir         : ./data
Address          :
Metrics address  :
Config file      : configs/immudb.toml
Max recv msg size: 33554432
Auth enabled     : true
Dev mode         : false
Default database : defaultdb
Maintenance mode : false
Synced mode      : true
Superadmin default credentials
   Username      : immudb
   Password      : immudb

immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Opening database 'systemdb' {replica = false}...
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Reading snapshot at 'data\systemdb\index\commit'...
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Successfully read snapshot at 'data\systemdb\index\commit'
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Indexing in progress at 'data\systemdb'
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Binary Linking up to date at 'data\systemdb'
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Database 'systemdb' {replica = false} successfully opened
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Loading SQL Engine for database 'systemdb' {replica = false}...
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Opening database 'defaultdb' {replica = false}...
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Flushing index 'data\systemdb\index'...
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Flushing not needed at 'data\systemdb\index'
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: SQL Engine ready for database 'systemdb' {replica = false}
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Reading snapshot at 'data\defaultdb\index\commit'...
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Successfully read snapshot at 'data\defaultdb\index\commit'
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Indexing in progress at 'data\defaultdb'
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Binary Linking up to date at 'data\defaultdb'
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Database 'defaultdb' {replica = false} successfully opened
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Loading SQL Engine for database 'defaultdb' {replica = false}...
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Flushing index 'data\defaultdb\index'...
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Flushing not needed at 'data\defaultdb\index'
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: pgsl server is running at port 5432
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: SQL Engine ready for database 'defaultdb' {replica = false}
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Webconsole enabled:
immudb  2022/03/21 11:22:44 INFO: Web API server enabled on (http)
You can now use immuadmin and immuclient CLIs to login with the immudb superadmin user and start using immudb.

note the psql from CLI is connecting succesfully

could you help me to get success connection from pgAdmin or DBeaver

mmeloni commented 2 years ago

Hi @amrosdevops, at the moment connection over pgsql wire protocol is limited to queries that are not involving catalog or internal data (like user_info in your case). More work is needed here in order to expose catalog and increase immudb integration capability with third party software