codenotary / immudb

immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history
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immdb metrics generation #121

Closed vchain-us-mgmt closed 4 years ago

vchain-us-mgmt commented 4 years ago

The following metrics should be available for immudb:

padurean commented 4 years ago

Hi @filippodm I suppose this is related to the Status section in the initial requirements document for immuadmin client which states:

Status: Command statistics(about database status):

  • Data status: consistency, tampered or not; here we should run consistency with the last root from server and its index to get this information
  • How many records and the size of the database (read from disk)
  • database name, database location Command status(about server status):
  • Configuration settings: mtls status, immudb server ip
  • Healthcheck: listener up, badger up, and all statistics from underlying badger
  • last access and by who

However, the items in the description of this task do not fit perfectly with the above and i am a bit confused which of the two is the correct, more complete one.

Also, which of the informations should be shown by which command - i.e. which in the status output and which in the statistics output?

vchain-us-mgmt commented 4 years ago

The metrics should be available to both immuadmin and to the Prometheus export. Let's focus on generating the metrics for now and then we decide what command of immuadmin returns which metric.

I've updated the list of metrics to be consistent with the immuadmin doc.