codenotary / immudb

immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history
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Instead of checking subfolders of the remote storage immudb checks it from the root. #1865

Open MaksymVynohradovDA opened 10 months ago

MaksymVynohradovDA commented 10 months ago

Hi! According to the codebase we have:

    // Ensure all sub-folders are created, init code relies on this
    _, subFolders, err := storage.ListEntries(context.Background(), "")

And in this case we cant deal with two DB that keep their data in the same S3 but separate subfolders.

So I expect something like:

    // Ensure all sub-folders are created, init code relies on this
    _, subFolders, err := storage.ListEntries(context.Background(), s.Options.RemoteStorageOptions.S3PathPrefix+"/")

Probably I'm wrong, but it would be nice if you take a look. Thanks!