codenotary / immudb

immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history
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SQL (HISTORY OF TABLE) should have "updated_at ", "db_username" for auditing. #1996

Open akhtar-a opened 1 month ago

akhtar-a commented 1 month ago

* The current select from (HISTORY OF TABLE) query in ImmuDB only retrieves the _rev (revision number) for each data change. This proposal aims to enrich the audit trail by including the following additional information:

updated_at: A timestamp indicating the exact time of the data change. db_username (optional): The username of the database user who made the change (if applicable). **

Benefits: Improved Auditability: Capturing both timestamps and usernames strengthens the audit trail by providing a clear record of "who" and "when" data changes occurred. This facilitates compliance requirements and simplifies investigations in case of discrepancies. Enhanced Traceability: Timestamps allow for easier tracking of data evolution over time. Additionally, usernames (if implemented) provide context regarding the source of modifications.

akhtar-a commented 2 weeks ago

Any Updates ?

ostafen commented 1 week ago

Hey, @akhtar-a, the feature you described definetely makes sense. Indeed, we are already working on it and plan to include it on the next release

akhtar-a commented 1 week ago

Thanks @ostafen for the response, Looking forward for the next release It would also be nicer to have this 1944 as well. IP address would also be a great thing for stronger auditing.