codenotary / immudb

immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history
8.57k stars 344 forks source link

problem with IMMUCLIENT on z/OS #848

Closed vmdave9 closed 5 months ago

vmdave9 commented 3 years ago

What happened Using the z/OS USS version Immuclient I tried the following command: immuclient>safeset balance 100 ERROR: Lock .state-c36ibi49sahg30i070og: operation not supported

What you expected to happen I expected it to work as documented How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible) Fails every time when run on z/OS USS Environment

# run "immu* version" and copy/paste the output here
immudb starts as expected:
IBMUSER:/u/immudb/go/src/ >./immudb -d -a 
immudb has been started with PID 16842973
 _                               _ _     
(_)                             | | |    
 _ _ __ ___  _ __ ___  _   _  __| | |__  
| | '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ \ 
| | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | (_| | |_) |
|_|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|_.__/ 

immudb 1.0.1
Commit  : 9fdddddc35d3b9dfc694e59bf6b1fa2cafdddabb
Static  : true
================ Config ================
Data dir         : ./data
Address          :
Metrics address  :
Config file      : configs/immudb.toml
Max recv msg size: 33554432
Auth enabled     : true
Dev mode         : false
Default database : defaultdb
Maintenance mode : false
Synced mode      : true
Superadmin default credentials
   Username      : immudb
   Password      : immudb

IBMUSER:/u/immudb/go/src/ >immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:06 INFO: Indexing in progress at 'data/systemdb'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:06 INFO: Binary Linking up to date at 'data/systemdb'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:06 INFO: Flushing index 'data/systemdb/index'...
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:06 INFO: Flushing not needed at 'data/systemdb/index'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Indexing in progress at 'data/defaultdb'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Binary Linking up to date at 'data/defaultdb'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Flushing index 'data/systemdb/index'...
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Flushing not needed at 'data/systemdb/index'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Indexing in progress at 'data/dave'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Binary Linking up to date at 'data/dave'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Flushing index 'data/systemdb/index'...
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Flushing not needed at 'data/systemdb/index'
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: Started with an empty database
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:07 INFO: pgsl server is running at port 5432
You can now use immuadmin and immuclient CLIs to login with the immudb superadmin user and start using immudb.
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:10 INFO: Webconsole enabled:
immudb  2021/06/30 11:08:10 INFO: Web API server enabled on (http)

Additional info (any other context about the problem) complete immuclient dialog: IBMUSER:/u/immudb/go/src/ >./immuclient -a immuclient>login immudb Password: Successfully logged in. immudb user has the default password: please change it to ensure proper security immuclient>use dave Now using dave immuclient>safeset balance 100 ERROR: Lock .state-c36ibi49sahg30i070og: operation not supported immuclient>

mmeloni commented 3 years ago

Tnx @vmdave9. Im taking care of this.

vmdave9 commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much, Michele. Let me know if you need me to do anything on the z/OS system. Take care. DJ