codenotary / immudb4j

Java SDK for immudb
Apache License 2.0
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Method : GetDatabaseSettings #56

Open HugoLePoisson opened 10 months ago

HugoLePoisson commented 10 months ago

What happened I'm currently using the SDK immudb4j. I use it with a S3 minio bucket. For the moment data are stored locally only until the chunk size is reached. Then a new chunk file is created and the closed chunk is copied on S3. And when immudb stops, the partial chunk is copied to S3 for safety and consistency.

I wanted to see the chunk size involved here (it is defined a the database creation). There is method in the Go SDK which allows it : GetDatabaseSettingsV2. But nothing in the Java one.

What you expected to happen

It is not a big issue but (and not only for this chunk size but for every settings) it can be great to have access to them by a method or something else.

Love and thank you for all you're doing

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)


# run "immu* [v1.4.1]" and copy/paste the output here

Additional info (any other context about the problem)