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FB Login #13

Closed heyhuyen closed 7 years ago

heyhuyen commented 7 years ago


I used the Parse UI and FacebookUtils libraries mentioned in the guide here (under FB SDK):

For now you can create your own Parse account for testing or whatever OR login with FB. Later if we want, we can remove the Parse login.

In order for FB to work, you need to send me your debug key hash so I can add it to our FB app settings.

cd ~/.android
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
# when prompted, password is "android"

If you install the FB app on your emulator and then login through the app, it should be pretty seamless! Otherwise you have to type in your FB username and password every time which is annoying.

heyhuyen commented 7 years ago

The basic functionality is here. I'm currently trying to figure out how to get fb data and populate it into our User model.

adikakade31 commented 7 years ago

debug key hash: KkCPnyrrEeoYMetR/qhTTYWrNuk=

heyhuyen commented 7 years ago

@prav90 heads up, it turns out I need to add you as a developer so send me your fb username (along with debug key hash) if you want to be able to run the app.