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Boatgame + Challenge + Exam + Tutorial (when you are typing) kill all instances #112

Closed sangjunp4rk closed 5 years ago

sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

Same issue as spacerace. when you logout after you start the game, the app crashses because it's searching for something that no longer exists i think. we need to kill all instances when we exit


sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

Seems to only be a problem when you logout after the game starts. doesn't throw the error in other cases like redirecting to the home page or learn page

to reproduce start playing the game then log out. make sure you pull my latest changes that add logout functionality

sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

Error with Tutorial. It seems to be because it's all based on the same foundatinoal code?


sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

*** Only happens when you log out midway. not if you redirect to another page within the page after you log in

francesar commented 5 years ago

I think it has to do with this not being removed when the component gets unmounted

francesar commented 5 years ago

if this issue comes up again reopen this issue, but for now im gonna close this

sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

Still running into this problem for the /exam. To recreate, navigate to the exam page (next to the logout option in the navbar). Select a test and start typing. then log out half way. For some reason it doesn't trigger every time. i tried look at your commit but i couldn't find where to edit lol


sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

Can you also double check you fix the problem for tutorial? i ran into the problem once but can't recreate it... :O

sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

But it seems to be a delayed action. Like the error page pops up after like a minute or so.


francesar commented 5 years ago

But it seems to be a delayed action. Like the error page pops up after like a minute or so.


Can you look into recreating this same thing, specifically for Tutorial? The exam page didn't get the fix that I wrote for the other pages so it should be good now. But unsure why it is still throwing an error for the Tutorial

francesar commented 5 years ago


sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

I found out what triggers it. When you start a tutorial and then log out half way and then in the sign-in page you click the down arrow (or any arrow, I used the down arrow to select my username), it triggers this indexOf undefined error.


sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

I'm just gonna check for "underfined" and return if it is is that fine.

sangjunp4rk commented 5 years ago

That seemed to fix it. I'm gonna close it but if you think this will cause larger problems let's reopen it