codeproject / CodeProject.AI-Server

CodeProject.AI Server is a self contained service that software developers can include in, and distribute with, their applications in order to augment their apps with the power of AI.
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Module ALPR installation does not work - 'Error: you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible' and ALPR shuts down #52

Closed inspired27 closed 8 months ago

inspired27 commented 1 year ago

Please can someone help this is a genuine issue cannot install ALPR properly inside Docker on Linux.

I managed to execute the ./../../ from inside ALPR directory in Linux docker however getting error "you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible" during install. Also ALPR starts then immediately shuts down:

Install Log:

`Setting up CodeProject.AI Development Environment


           CodeProject.AI Installer                           


Checking GPU support

CUDA Present...No Allowing GPU Support: Yes Allowing CUDA Support: Yes

General CodeProject.AI setup

Creating Directories...Done

Installing module ALPR

Python 3.8 is already installed Virtual Environment already present Checking for Python 3.8...Found Python 3.8.16. present Checking for CUDA...Not found Ensuring PIP is installed...Done Updating PIP...Done Installing setuptools...Done Choosing packages from requirements.linux.txt Installing Packages into Virtual Environment...ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. botocore 1.29.135 requires urllib3<1.27,>=1.25.4, but you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible. google-auth 2.18.0 requires urllib3<2.0, but you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible. Success Checking for CUDA...Not found Ensuring PIP is installed...Done Updating PIP...Done Installing setuptools...Done Choosing packages from requirements.txt Installing Packages into Virtual Environment...ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. botocore 1.29.135 requires urllib3<1.27,>=1.25.4, but you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible. google-auth 2.18.0 requires urllib3<2.0, but you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible. Success Downloading OCR models... already exists...Expanding...Done. Applying PaddleOCR patch Module setup complete
` Server Log:

Log ALPR Starts Up and Immediately Shuts down.

23:22:44:Command: /app/modules/ALPR/bin/linux/python38/venv/bin/python3 23:22:44:Starting / "/app/modules/ALPR/" 23:22:44: 23:22:44:Attempting to start ALPR with /app/modules/ALPR/bin/linux/python38/venv/bin/python3 "/app/modules/ALPR/" 23:22:44: 23:22:44:Module 'License Plate Reader' (ID: ALPR) 23:22:44:Module Path: /app/modules/ALPR 23:22:44:AutoStart: True 23:22:44:Queue: alpr_queue 23:22:44Platforms: windows,linux,macos,macos-arm64 23:22:44:GPU: Support disabled 23:22:44:parallelism: 0 23:22:44:Accelerator: 23:22:44:Half Precis.: enable 23:22:44:Runtime: python38 23:22:44:Runtime Loc: Local 23:22:44:FilePath: 23:22:44:pre installed: False 23:22:44:Start pause: 1 sec 23:22:44:LogVerbosity: 23:22:44:Valid: True 23:22:44:Environment Variables 23:22:44:AUTO_PLATE_ROTATE = True 23:22:44:pLATE_CONFIDENCE = 0.7 23:22:44:pLATE_RESCALE_FACTOR = 2 23:22:44:pLATE_ROTATE_DEG = 0 23:22:44: 23:22:44:Started License Plate Reader module 23:22:45:Module ALPR has shutdown

inspired27 commented 1 year ago

Please can someone help this is a genuine issue cannot install ALPR properly on Windows or inside Docker on Linux or Windows without manually installing.

Please can someone help I managed to execute the ./../../ from inside ALPR directory in linux docker however getting the following error during install.

Also ALPR starts then immediately shuts down see log:

Install Log:

`Setting up CodeProject.AI Development Environment


               CodeProject.AI Installer                           


Checking GPU support

CUDA Present...No Allowing GPU Support: Yes Allowing CUDA Support: Yes

General CodeProject.AI setup

Creating Directories...Done

Installing module ALPR

Python 3.8 is already installed Virtual Environment already present Checking for Python 3.8...Found Python 3.8.16. present Checking for CUDA...Not found Ensuring PIP is installed...Done Updating PIP...Done Installing setuptools...Done Choosing packages from requirements.linux.txt Installing Packages into Virtual Environment...ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. botocore 1.29.135 requires urllib3<1.27,>=1.25.4, but you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible. google-auth 2.18.0 requires urllib3<2.0, but you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible. Success Checking for CUDA...Not found Ensuring PIP is installed...Done Updating PIP...Done Installing setuptools...Done Choosing packages from requirements.txt Installing Packages into Virtual Environment...ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. botocore 1.29.135 requires urllib3<1.27,>=1.25.4, but you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible. google-auth 2.18.0 requires urllib3<2.0, but you have urllib3 2.0.3 which is incompatible. Success Downloading OCR models... already exists...Expanding...Done. Applying PaddleOCR patch

            Module setup complete                                 `

Server Log: Log ALPR Starts Up and Immediately Shuts down.

23:22:44:Command: /app/modules/ALPR/bin/linux/python38/venv/bin/python3 23:22:44:Starting / "/app/modules/ALPR/" 23:22:44: 23:22:44:Attempting to start ALPR with /app/modules/ALPR/bin/linux/python38/venv/bin/python3 "/app/modules/ALPR/" 23:22:44: 23:22:44:Module 'License Plate Reader' (ID: ALPR) 23:22:44:Module Path: /app/modules/ALPR 23:22:44:AutoStart: True 23:22:44:Queue: alpr_queue 23:22:44Platforms: windows,linux,macos,macos-arm64 23:22:44:GPU: Support disabled 23:22:44:parallelism: 0 23:22:44:Accelerator: 23:22:44:Half Precis.: enable 23:22:44:Runtime: python38 23:22:44:Runtime Loc: Local 23:22:44:FilePath: 23:22:44:pre installed: False 23:22:44:Start pause: 1 sec 23:22:44:LogVerbosity: 23:22:44:Valid: True 23:22:44:Environment Variables 23:22:44:AUTO_PLATE_ROTATE = True 23:22:44:pLATE_CONFIDENCE = 0.7 23:22:44:pLATE_RESCALE_FACTOR = 2 23:22:44:pLATE_ROTATE_DEG = 0 23:22:44: 23:22:44:Started License Plate Reader module 23:22:45:Module ALPR has shutdown

ChrisMaunder commented 10 months ago

The urllib error can be safely ignored. That library isn't used.

Can you please try uninstalling then reinstalling the ALPR module via the dashboard?