codeproject / CodeProject.AI-Server

CodeProject.AI Server is a self contained service that software developers can include in, and distribute with, their applications in order to augment their apps with the power of AI.
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What is the load balancing strategy? #73

Closed laurentopia closed 8 months ago

laurentopia commented 8 months ago

As a test I spun up a few object detection and it seems that CP-AI uses all of them regardless of past efficiency, meaning that yolo-cpu will be used even though yolo-GPU is available (and 3x faster). Is this a simple idle-first queue? Random? image Here we should see 3x more GPU yolo than CPU if scheduling prioritized speed.

ChrisMaunder commented 8 months ago

Each module polls the server to see if there are jobs available. It's first in, best dressed, since the server isn't pushing, the modules are polling / pulling.

laurentopia commented 8 months ago

Ok that explains what I'm seeing. I guess that's fine when all devices have roughly the same speed. What happens in the case with multiple Coral TPU? They're cheap again on Mouser...