Closed coder-daemon closed 2 months ago
class driver extends uvm_driver #(transaction); `uvm_component_utils(driver)
virtual axi_if vif; transaction tr;
function new(input string path = "drv", uvm_component parent = null);,parent); endfunction
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); tr = transaction::type_id::create("tr");
if(!uvm_config_db#(virtual axi_if)::get(this,"","vif",vif)) `uvm_error("drv","Unable to access Interface"); endfunction
task reset_dut(); begin `uvm_info("DRV", "System Reset : Start of Simulation", UVM_MEDIUM); vif.resetn <= 1'b0; ///active high reset vif.awvalid <= 1'b0; vif.awid <= 1'b0; vif.awlen <= 0; vif.awsize <= 0; vif.awaddr <= 0; vif.awburst <= 0;
vif.wvalid <= 0; vif.wid <= 0; vif.wdata <= 0; vif.wstrb <= 0; vif.wlast <= 0; vif.bready <= 0; vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; vif.arid <= 1'b0; vif.arlen <= 0; vif.arsize <= 0; vif.araddr <= 0; vif.arburst <= 0; vif.rready <= 0; @(posedge vif.clk); end
/////////////////////////write read in fixed mode
task wrrd_fixed_wr(); `uvm_info("DRV", "Fixed Mode Write Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); /////////////////////////write logic vif.resetn <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b1; vif.awid <=; vif.awlen <= 7; vif.awsize <= 2; vif.awaddr <= 5; vif.awburst <= 0;
vif.wvalid <= 1'b1; vif.wid <=; vif.wdata <= $urandom_range(0,10); vif.wstrb <= 4'b1111; vif.wlast <= 0; vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; ///turn off read vif.rready <= 1'b0; vif.bready <= 1'b0; @(posedge vif.clk); @(posedge vif.wready); @(posedge vif.clk); for(int i = 0; i < (vif.awlen); i++)//0 - 6 -> 7 begin vif.wdata <= $urandom_range(0,10); vif.wstrb <= 4'b1111; @(posedge vif.wready); @(posedge vif.clk); end vif.awvalid <= 1'b0; vif.wvalid <= 1'b0; vif.wlast <= 1'b1; vif.bready <= 1'b1; @(negedge vif.bvalid); vif.wlast <= 1'b0; vif.bready <= 1'b0; /////////////////////////////////////// read logic
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// read transaction in fixed mode
task wrrd_fixed_rd(); `uvm_info("DRV", "Fixed Mode Read Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); @(posedge vif.clk); vif.arid <=; vif.arlen <= 7; vif.arsize <= 2; vif.araddr <= 5; vif.arburst <= 0; vif.arvalid <= 1'b1; vif.rready <= 1'b1; for(int i = 0; i < (vif.arlen + 1); i++) begin // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @(posedge vif.arready); @(posedge vif.clk); end @(negedge vif.rlast); vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; vif.rready <= 1'b0;
task wrrd_incr_wr(); /////////////////////////write logic `uvm_info("DRV", "INCR Mode Write Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); vif.resetn <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b1; vif.awid <=; vif.awlen <= 7; vif.awsize <= 2; vif.awaddr <= 5; vif.awburst <= 1;
vif.wvalid <= 1'b1; vif.wid <=; vif.wdata <= $urandom_range(0,10); vif.wstrb <= 4'b1111; vif.wlast <= 0; vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; ///turn off read vif.rready <= 1'b0; vif.bready <= 1'b0; @(posedge vif.wready); @(posedge vif.clk); for(int i = 0; i < (vif.awlen); i++) begin vif.wdata <= $urandom_range(0,10); vif.wstrb <= 4'b1111; @(posedge vif.wready); @(posedge vif.clk); end vif.wlast <= 1'b1; vif.bready <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b0; vif.wvalid <= 1'b0; @(negedge vif.bvalid); vif.bready <= 1'b0; vif.wlast <= 1'b0; endtask /////////////////////////////////////// read logic task wrrd_incr_rd(); `uvm_info("DRV", "INCR Mode Read Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); @(posedge vif.clk); vif.arid <=; vif.arlen <= 7; vif.arsize <= 2; vif.araddr <= 5; vif.arburst <= 1; vif.arvalid <= 1'b1; vif.rready <= 1'b1; for(int i = 0; i < (vif.arlen + 1); i++) begin // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @(posedge vif.arready); @(posedge vif.clk); end @(negedge vif.rlast); vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; vif.rready <= 1'b0;
task wrrd_wrap_wr(); `uvm_info("DRV", "WRAP Mode Write Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); /////////////////////////write logic vif.resetn <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b1; vif.awid <=; vif.awlen <= 7; vif.awsize <= 2; vif.awaddr <= 5; vif.awburst <= 2;
vif.wvalid <= 1'b1; vif.wid <=; vif.wdata <= $urandom_range(0,10); vif.wstrb <= 4'b1111; vif.wlast <= 0; vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; ///turn off read vif.rready <= 1'b0; vif.bready <= 1'b0; @(posedge vif.wready); @(posedge vif.clk); for(int i = 0; i < (vif.awlen); i++) begin vif.wdata <= $urandom_range(0,10); vif.wstrb <= 4'b1111; @(posedge vif.wready); @(posedge vif.clk); end vif.wlast <= 1'b1; vif.bready <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b0; vif.wvalid <= 1'b0; @(negedge vif.bvalid); vif.bready <= 1'b0; vif.wlast <= 1'b0; endtask /////////////////////////////////////// read logic task wrrd_wrap_rd(); `uvm_info("DRV", "WRAP Mode Read Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); @(posedge vif.clk); vif.arvalid <= 1'b1; vif.rready <= 1'b1; vif.arid <=; vif.arlen <= 7; vif.arsize <= 2; vif.araddr <= 5; vif.arburst <= 2; for(int i = 0; i < (vif.arlen + 1); i++) begin // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @(posedge vif.arready); @(posedge vif.clk); end @(negedge vif.rlast); vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; vif.rready <= 1'b0;
task err_wr(); `uvm_info("DRV", "Error Write Transaction Started", UVM_NONE);
/////////////////////////write logic vif.resetn <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b1; vif.awid <=; vif.awlen <= 7; vif.awsize <= 2; vif.awaddr <= 128; vif.awburst <= 0;
vif.wvalid <= 1'b1; vif.wid <=; vif.wdata <= $urandom_range(0,10); vif.wstrb <= 4'b1111; vif.wlast <= 0; vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; ///turn off read vif.rready <= 1'b0; vif.bready <= 1'b0; @(posedge vif.wready); @(posedge vif.clk); for(int i = 0; i < (vif.awlen); i++) begin vif.wdata <= $urandom_range(0,10); vif.wstrb <= 4'b1111; @(posedge vif.wready); @(posedge vif.clk); end vif.wlast <= 1'b1; vif.bready <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b0; vif.wvalid <= 1'b0; @(negedge vif.bvalid); vif.bready <= 1'b0; vif.wlast <= 1'b0; endtask /////////////////////////////////////// read logic task err_rd(); `uvm_info("DRV", "Error Read Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); @(posedge vif.clk); vif.arvalid <= 1'b1; vif.rready <= 1'b1; //vif.bready <= 1'b1; vif.arid <=; vif.arlen <= 7; vif.arsize <= 2; vif.araddr <= 128; vif.arburst <= 0; for(int i = 0; i < (vif.arlen + 1); i++) begin // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @(posedge vif.arready); @(posedge vif.clk); end @(negedge vif.rlast); vif.arvalid <= 1'b0; vif.rready <= 1'b0; endtask
virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); forever begin
seq_item_port.get_next_item(tr); if(tr.op == rstdut) reset_dut(); else if (tr.op == wrrdfixed) begin `uvm_info("DRV", $sformatf("Fixed Mode Write -> Read WLEN:%0d WSIZE:%0d",tr.awlen+1,tr.awsize), UVM_MEDIUM); wrrd_fixed_wr(); wrrd_fixed_rd(); end else if (tr.op == wrrdincr) begin `uvm_info("DRV", $sformatf("INCR Mode Write -> Read WLEN:%0d WSIZE:%0d",tr.awlen+1,tr.awsize), UVM_MEDIUM); wrrd_incr_wr(); wrrd_incr_rd(); end else if (tr.op == wrrdwrap) begin `uvm_info("DRV", $sformatf("WRAP Mode Write -> Read WLEN:%0d WSIZE:%0d",tr.awlen+1,tr.awsize), UVM_MEDIUM); wrrd_wrap_wr(); wrrd_wrap_rd(); end else if (tr.op == wrrderrfix) begin `uvm_info("DRV", $sformatf("Error Transaction Mode WLEN:%0d WSIZE:%0d",tr.awlen+1,tr.awsize), UVM_MEDIUM); err_wr(); err_rd(); end seq_item_port.item_done(); end
class agent extends uvm_agent; `uvm_component_utils(agent)
function new(input string inst = "agent", uvm_component parent = null);,parent); endfunction
driver d; uvm_sequencer#(transaction) seqr; mon m;
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); m = mon::type_id::create("m",this); d = driver::type_id::create("d",this); seqr = uvm_sequencer#(transaction)::type_id::create("seqr", this);
virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.connect_phase(phase); d.seq_item_port.connect(seqr.seq_item_export); endfunction
class driver extends uvm_driver #(transaction); `uvm_component_utils(driver)
virtual axi_if vif; transaction tr;
function new(input string path = "drv", uvm_component parent = null);,parent); endfunction
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); tr = transaction::type_id::create("tr");
if(!uvm_config_db#(virtual axi_if)::get(this,"","vif",vif)) `uvm_error("drv","Unable to access Interface"); endfunction
task reset_dut(); begin `uvm_info("DRV", "System Reset : Start of Simulation", UVM_MEDIUM); vif.resetn <= 1'b0; ///active high reset vif.awvalid <= 1'b0; vif.awid <= 1'b0; vif.awlen <= 0; vif.awsize <= 0; vif.awaddr <= 0; vif.awburst <= 0;
/////////////////////////write read in fixed mode
task wrrd_fixed_wr(); `uvm_info("DRV", "Fixed Mode Write Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); /////////////////////////write logic vif.resetn <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b1; vif.awid <=; vif.awlen <= 7; vif.awsize <= 2; vif.awaddr <= 5; vif.awburst <= 0;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// read transaction in fixed mode
task wrrd_incr_wr(); /////////////////////////write logic `uvm_info("DRV", "INCR Mode Write Transaction Started", UVM_NONE); vif.resetn <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b1; vif.awid <=; vif.awlen <= 7; vif.awsize <= 2; vif.awaddr <= 5; vif.awburst <= 1;
task wrrd_wrap_wr(); `uvm_info("DRV", "WRAP Mode Write Transaction Started", UVM_NONE);
/////////////////////////write logic vif.resetn <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b1; vif.awid <=; vif.awlen <= 7; vif.awsize <= 2; vif.awaddr <= 5; vif.awburst <= 2;
/////////////////////////write logic vif.resetn <= 1'b1; vif.awvalid <= 1'b1; vif.awid <=; vif.awlen <= 7; vif.awsize <= 2; vif.awaddr <= 128; vif.awburst <= 0;
virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); forever begin
class agent extends uvm_agent; `uvm_component_utils(agent)
function new(input string inst = "agent", uvm_component parent = null);,parent); endfunction
driver d; uvm_sequencer#(transaction) seqr; mon m;
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); m = mon::type_id::create("m",this); d = driver::type_id::create("d",this); seqr = uvm_sequencer#(transaction)::type_id::create("seqr", this);
virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.connect_phase(phase); d.seq_item_port.connect(seqr.seq_item_export); endfunction