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Investigate argon2 issue (Termux/Raspberry Pi) #4422

Closed jsjoeio closed 2 years ago

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

We've had numerous reports of argon2 causing issues on Raspberry Pi and Linux (see here). We need to investigate argon2 (repo here) to see if it's possible to build from source on those devices.

I have a Pixel 2 with Termux so I can test there. Or we can spin up a dev environment on Coder that mimics Termux (Alpine Linux I think) or Raspberry Pi and test there.

If we can get argon2 working, then we'll be able to unblock both Termux and Pi users of code-server.

Special thanks to @im-coder-lg for all their help debugging this!

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

I kinda feel like Termux is a combination of FreeBSD and Debian since it includes apt and pkg package managers. But the Argon2 error is affecting the entire NPM package. Yesterday, I was exploring my Raspberry Pi that has MATE, and an idea flashed in my mind. In one of the discussions, @Slodziak190q told to install code-server's 3.10.0 version and that worked successfully, providing that it took some time. It works now, and it included a hashed password there.

Wait a minute, let's go a minute back. What if Argon2's 0.28.0 release has the error?

I just had a fantastic idea! @jsjoeio can you tell me when did Argon2 get implemented, before 3.10.0 or after 3.10.0? If it's after that, then why can't we use the older hashing module? Because, I observed, the password was hashed in my Pi, and I changed it, but it was hashed. If Argon2 was implemented before 3.10.0, we need to use an older version of Argon2, that might work, right?

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

Can we create an x86 installer for code-server?

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

I just had a fantastic idea! @jsjoeio can you tell me when did Argon2 get implemented, before 3.10.0 or after 3.10.0? If it's after that, then why can't we use the older hashing module? Because, I observed, the password was hashed in my Pi, and I changed it, but it was hashed. If Argon2 was implemented before 3.10.0, we need to use an older version of Argon2, that might work, right?

Hmm...possibly! For hashing, we used sha256 which I think came from crypto which is built-in/native to Node. I added argon2 in this PR which came out in 3.11.0. That explains why 3.10.0 works.

It's supposed to be more secure because it requires more computational effort for the password hashing. I still think we need to look more into argon2 to fix this.

jwannebo commented 2 years ago

I appear to have picked the worst time to try code-server out on Termux, but I may have a lead on the argon issue. I unzipped the pre-built package in my Termux install, then changed the launch script to use the system node, and got this error:

~/.../code-server-3.12.0-linux-arm64/bin $ ./code-server
  return process.dlopen(module, path.toNamespacedPath(filename));

Error: dlopen failed: library "" not found: needed by /data/data/com.termux/files/home/code/code-server-3.12.0-linux-arm64/node_modules/argon2/lib/binding/napi-v3/argon2.node in namespace (default)
    at Object.Module._extensions..node (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1183:18)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)
    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/data/data/com.termux/files/home/code/code-server-3.12.0-linux-arm64/node_modules/argon2/argon2.js:9:56)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1153:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12) {

I can confirm there's no of any flavor in the libs folder, build-essentials omitted it, and gcc isn't on pkg to install it.

Edit: I just extracted 3.10 with the script edited in the same way, and was able to launch it ok.

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the notes @jwannebo! Right now we're recommending people install on Termux via yarn/npm but I know there are also Node version errors.

3.10 doesn't have issues because argon2 was adding in 3.11.0 I believe. Thanks for confirming though!

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

Any updates? Should we open a ticket at Argon2 and mention this issue there?

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

I just hopped onto the Argon2 repo and discovered something. Issue 317, ranisalt/node-argon2(don't want to mention it here because it might cause problems, idk but @jsjoeio what do you say? Linking our related Argon2 problems here? Title: node-argon2 version 0.28.2 uses a vulnerable strip-ANSI package We use 0.28.2, right? Might be related. Issue 278, 276 and 305 on node-argon2 seems kinda related. 278's title: Installing fails on Windows(is this related?) 276's title: Broken argon2.node on RHEL7(Red Hat Enterprise Linux, I think it's similar to Fedora, I think it uses dnf) 305: Build fails on Node 16.4 ARM M1(this seems too related except the Node version, what processor does your Mac run on @jsjoeio?) If you want to link them, feel free, but also I think we must open a ticket at Argon2 and get help from the maintainers there.

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

@im-coder-lg I don't have any updates yet but once we get 4.0.0 out, we can prioritize this!

Thanks for linking those node-argon2 issues. We may have to switch away from node-argon2 but I don't want to make any decisions until we can investigate this further.

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

node-rs now publishes an argon2 package. Might help here:

yisibl commented 2 years ago

Yes, @node-rs/argon2 relies on the power of napi-rs to solve cross-platform compatibility issues.

Feel free to try and give feedback!

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

@jsjoeio can we test this on a separate branch? You can try building it(also can you tell hardware requirements for building code-server?) and sending a build to me over here(aarch64 please) and I'll test on Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu 21.10, what do you think? Also @yisibl can you tell us how to implement this over here?

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

Yes, @node-rs/argon2 relies on the power of napi-rs to solve cross-platform compatibility issues.


Feel free to try and give feedback!

Will do! I wonder if it's as simple as replacing argon2 with @node-rs/argon2

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

@jsjoeio can we test this on a separate branch?

@im-coder-lg go for it!

You can try building it(also can you tell hardware requirements for building code-server?) and sending a build to me over here(aarch64 please) and I'll test on Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu 21.10, what do you think

I don't have a ton of bandwidth but if you give me some steps I can follow quickly, I can try building and sending to you!

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

I don't have a ton of bandwidth but if you give me some steps I can follow quickly, I can try building and sending to you!

Wait wdym? Every build is done on a server? Any hardware requirements? And what does WiFi have to do in building?

go for it!

I don't know how to implement this yet, all of my devices are 4-8 GB. I have a nice bandwidth but no cloud server :( but if someone with a gaming-level/business-level computer could help us, that's be cool since a gaming machine would have atleast a minimum of 16 GB and a maximum of 32/64 GB of RAM, building would work flawlessly.

yisibl commented 2 years ago

@jsjoeio What other packages besides node-argon2 depend on glibc?

The only requirement to use the standalone release is glibc >= 2.17 and glibcxx >= v3.4.18 on Linux

yisibl commented 2 years ago

I wonder if it's as simple as replacing argon2 with @node-rs/argon2

Yes, the migration is very simple and the API is almost identical.

const { hash, verify, Algorithm } = require('@node-rs/argon2')

export const hashPassword = async (password) => {
  try {
    return await hash(password, {
        algorithm: Algorithm.Argon2id, // Default Value
  } catch (error) {
    return ''
im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

@yisibl thanks for the code! @jsjoeio let's replace and test it? Maybe on a fork than here, what's your idea?

but if you give me some steps I can follow quickly, I can try building and sending to you!

@jsjoeio posted here

Hmm... What's your computer's RAM? It has to be kinda like 8-16 GB, that'd do some good. If you have a powerhouse machine with 16+ GB of memory, you could try building it on that. Are you telling that it's hard for you to clone the repo, that's why you said 'low bandwidth'? Maybe if that's the case, you could try using Gitpod or GitHub Codespaces, but I'd choose Gitpod since you need to pay for Codespaces. Gitpod has 6 GB of RAM(unsure but expected is 6 GB from neofetch), 50 ms meaning ultra-fast speed and it's universal, meaning if you disconnect from your computer, you just log in to the dashboard on other devices and visit the workspace again. How's this idea too? PS: Gitpod is Ubuntu but Homebrew is added too.

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

So, I started a Gitpod workspace and you added support for it?! That's extremely cool!

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago


Cannot find module '/workspace/code-server/vendor/modules/code-oss-dev/out/bootstrap-node' Require stack: - /workspace/code-server/out/node/util.js - /workspace/code-server/out/node/cli.js - /workspace/code-server/out/node/entry.js
im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

It's a file error. I will have to get that code.

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

it's not here, but if we add that code, it might work.

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

@jsjoeio What other packages besides node-argon2 depend on glibc?

I believe it's just node-argon2 🤔 I looked at the VS Code requirements and don't see glibc so must just be that.

Yes, the migration is very simple and the API is almost identical.

Easy then!

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

Hmm... What's your computer's RAM? It has to be kinda like 8-16 GB, that'd do some good. If you have a powerhouse machine with 16+ GB of memory, you could try building it on that. Are you telling that it's hard for you to clone the repo, that's why you said 'low bandwidth'?

Sorry, let me work with you on this in the next sprint or so! I have some other pressing things I need to do first, but when I start on this, I'll ping you and we can do it together :)

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

When's it starting? If it's next week, maybe after 20th, I'll be decked up with everything for the test.

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

@im-coder-lg I'm going to put together v4.0.2 milestone and start adding issues today. If you want, I can add it to that and that allocate some bandwidth to be around if you have questions while you're testing!

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

Well, idk if I will have doubts, all I know of the tarball here is that you unzip it and execute the binary. If it works, I wil tell here. If it doesn't, I will try debugging more to get some insight on this.

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

Sounds good! So I guess then what we need to do is:

  1. open new branch
  2. replace the package with @node-rs/argon2
  3. fix any local errors
  4. when CI builds the release-packages, have you download the tarball for Raspberry Pi/Termux and test
im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

Just noticed this, when are we gonna start? I'm a teenager and my holidays start on Thursday(Wednesday for you) so you could make the branch at that time, do the development and build and hopefully, I will test this by Sat/Sun IST.

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

I'll see if I can get to this tomorrow or Wednesday which should give you enough time to help. Thank you for helping on your holidays!

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

I'll see if I can get to this tomorrow or Wednesday which should give you enough time to help.


Thank you for helping on your holidays!

No worries! I like something to keep me occupied during my free time. What'd the branch name be?

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

Also(unrelated topic coming up!), I went to see the README, it has an extra comma beside the Coder link, it seems wrong to me, can you please inspect it? Also, since the Coder GitHub org changed the name from cdr to coder, you need to change this line in docs/

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

Also, we need to update all the cdr links to coder. Do you mind if I do this?

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

Also, we need to update all the cdr links to coder. Do you mind if I do this?

@im-coder-lg that would be fantastic!

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

What'd the branch name be?

Let me see if I can work on this this afternoon and get back to you!

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

Alright I have a PR up. Once CI finishes, there will be a release-packages artifact that you can download and test:

I'll add steps to the PR description for how to test.

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

alr is the artifact ready?

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

It's the new argon2's error.

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

@im-coder-lg not yet. We'll have to check that PR again. I had to rerun the end-to-end tests

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

I think this is happening again, any ideas on a fix?

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

@im-coder-lg can you open a new issue? 🙏🏼

im-coder-lg commented 2 years ago

Yeah, will do so. But I want to get more info, so I'll post it by tonight(take IST, perhaps 8 pm here).