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[Bug]: GitHub Login Not Appearing #5225

Closed imreallyliam closed 2 years ago

imreallyliam commented 2 years ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

OS/Web Information

Steps to Reproduce

  1. New code-server instance in a Debian LXC container
  2. Press accounts


A GitHub item should appear to authenticate.


It is stuck loading.


license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin textmate/perl.tmbundle Syntaxes/Perl.plist ./syntaxes/perl.tmLanguage.json Syntaxes/Perl%206.tmLanguage ./syntaxes/perl6.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.perl', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.perl', _lower: 'vscode.perl' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/perl', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'php', displayName: 'PHP Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching for PHP files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '0.10.x' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array], snippets: [Array] }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ./build/update-grammar.mjs' }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.php', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.php', _lower: 'vscode.php' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/php', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'php-language-features', displayName: 'PHP Language Features', description: 'Provides rich language support for PHP files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', icon: 'icons/logo.png', engines: { vscode: '0.10.x' }, activationEvents: [ 'onLanguage:php' ], main: './dist/phpMain', categories: [ 'Programming Languages' ], capabilities: { virtualWorkspaces: false, untrustedWorkspaces: [Object] }, contributes: { configuration: [Object], jsonValidation: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.php-language-features', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.php-language-features', _lower: 'vscode.php-language-features' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/php-language-features', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'powershell', displayName: 'Powershell Language Basics', description: 'Provides snippets, syntax highlighting, bracket matching and folding in Powershell files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array], snippets: [Array] }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin PowerShell/EditorSyntax PowerShellSyntax.tmLanguage ./syntaxes/powershell.tmLanguage.json' }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.powershell', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.powershell', _lower: 'vscode.powershell' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/powershell', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'pug', displayName: 'Pug Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in Pug files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin davidrios/pug-tmbundle Syntaxes/Pug.JSON-tmLanguage ./syntaxes/pug.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.pug', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.pug', _lower: 'vscode.pug' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/pug', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'python', displayName: 'Python Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting, bracket matching and folding in Python files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin MagicStack/MagicPython grammars/MagicPython.tmLanguage ./syntaxes/MagicPython.tmLanguage.json grammars/MagicRegExp.tmLanguage ./syntaxes/MagicRegExp.tmLanguage.json' }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: '68c266ab-3396-4416-a150-1bc1b1473d3e', targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.python', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.python', _lower: 'vscode.python' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/python', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'r', displayName: 'R Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in R files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin Ikuyadeu/vscode-R syntax/r.json ./syntaxes/r.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.r', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.r', _lower: 'vscode.r' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/r', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'razor', displayName: 'Razor Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting, bracket matching and folding in Razor files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '0.10.x' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin demyte/language-cshtml grammars/cshtml.json ./syntaxes/cshtml.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.razor', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.razor', _lower: 'vscode.razor' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/razor', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'restructuredtext', displayName: 'reStructuredText Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting in reStructuredText files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin trond-snekvik/vscode-rst syntaxes/rst.tmLanguage.json ./syntaxes/rst.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.restructuredtext', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.restructuredtext', _lower: 'vscode.restructuredtext' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/restructuredtext', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'ruby', displayName: 'Ruby Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in Ruby files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin textmate/ruby.tmbundle Syntaxes/Ruby.plist ./syntaxes/ruby.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.ruby', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.ruby', _lower: 'vscode.ruby' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/ruby', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'rust', displayName: 'Rust Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in Rust files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin dustypomerleau/rust-syntax syntaxes/rust.tmLanguage.json ./syntaxes/rust.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.rust', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.rust', _lower: 'vscode.rust' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/rust', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'scss', displayName: 'SCSS Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting, bracket matching and folding in SCSS files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin atom/language-sass grammars/scss.cson ./syntaxes/scss.tmLanguage.json grammars/sassdoc.cson ./syntaxes/sassdoc.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array], problemMatchers: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.scss', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.scss', _lower: 'vscode.scss' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/scss', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'search-result', displayName: 'Search Result', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and language features for tabbed search results.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', icon: 'images/icon.png', engines: { vscode: '^1.39.0' }, categories: [ 'Programming Languages' ], main: './dist/extension.js', browser: './dist/extension.js', activationEvents: [ 'onLanguage:search-result' ], capabilities: { virtualWorkspaces: true, untrustedWorkspaces: [Object] }, enabledApiProposals: [ 'documentFiltersExclusive' ], contributes: { configurationDefaults: [Object], languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: '', identifier: P { value: '', _lower: '' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/search-result', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'shaderlab', displayName: 'Shaderlab Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in Shaderlab files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin tgjones/shaders-tmLanguage grammars/shaderlab.json ./syntaxes/shaderlab.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.shaderlab', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.shaderlab', _lower: 'vscode.shaderlab' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/shaderlab', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'shellscript', displayName: 'Shell Script Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in Shell Script files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin atom/language-shellscript grammars/shell-unix-bash.cson ./syntaxes/shell-unix-bash.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array], configurationDefaults: [Object] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: '034532d1-0c68-43cf-8051-c90f8279a7ad', targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.shellscript', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.shellscript', _lower: 'vscode.shellscript' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/shellscript', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'simple-browser', displayName: 'Simple Browser', description: 'A very basic built-in webview for displaying web content.', enabledApiProposals: [ 'externalUriOpener' ], version: '1.0.0', icon: 'media/icon.png', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', aiKey: 'AIF-d9b70cd4-b9f9-4d70-929b-a071c400b217', engines: { vscode: '^1.53.0' }, main: './dist/extension', browser: './dist/browser/extension', categories: [ 'Other' ], extensionKind: [ 'ui', 'workspace' ], activationEvents: [ '', '', 'onOpenExternalUri:http', 'onOpenExternalUri:https', 'onWebviewPanel:simpleBrowser.view' ], capabilities: { virtualWorkspaces: true, untrustedWorkspaces: [Object] }, contributes: { commands: [Array], configuration: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.simple-browser', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.simple-browser', _lower: 'vscode.simple-browser' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/simple-browser', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'sql', displayName: 'SQL Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in SQL files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ./build/update-grammar.mjs' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.sql', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.sql', _lower: 'vscode.sql' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/sql', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'swift', displayName: 'Swift Language Basics', description: 'Provides snippets, syntax highlighting and bracket matching in Swift files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin textmate/swift.tmbundle Syntaxes/Swift.tmLanguage ./syntaxes/swift.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array], snippets: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.swift', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.swift', _lower: 'vscode.swift' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/swift', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-abyss', displayName: 'Abyss Theme', description: 'Abyss theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-abyss', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-abyss', _lower: 'vscode.theme-abyss' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-abyss', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-defaults', displayName: 'Default Themes', description: 'The default Visual Studio light and dark themes', categories: [ 'Themes' ], version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array], iconThemes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-defaults', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-defaults', _lower: 'vscode.theme-defaults' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-defaults', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-kimbie-dark', displayName: 'Kimbie Dark Theme', description: 'Kimbie dark theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-kimbie-dark', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-kimbie-dark', _lower: 'vscode.theme-kimbie-dark' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-kimbie-dark', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-monokai', displayName: 'Monokai Theme', description: 'Monokai theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-monokai', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-monokai', _lower: 'vscode.theme-monokai' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-monokai', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-monokai-dimmed', displayName: 'Monokai Dimmed Theme', description: 'Monokai dimmed theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-monokai-dimmed', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-monokai-dimmed', _lower: 'vscode.theme-monokai-dimmed' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-monokai-dimmed', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-quietlight', displayName: 'Quiet Light Theme', description: 'Quiet light theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-quietlight', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-quietlight', _lower: 'vscode.theme-quietlight' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-quietlight', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-red', displayName: 'Red Theme', description: 'Red theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-red', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-red', _lower: 'vscode.theme-red' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-red', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'vscode-theme-seti', private: true, version: '1.0.0', displayName: 'Seti File Icon Theme', description: 'A file icon theme made out of the Seti UI file icons', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', icon: 'icons/seti-circular-128x128.png', scripts: { update: 'node ./build/update-icon-theme.js' }, engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { iconThemes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.vscode-theme-seti', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.vscode-theme-seti', _lower: 'vscode.vscode-theme-seti' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-seti', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-solarized-dark', displayName: 'Solarized Dark Theme', description: 'Solarized dark theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-solarized-dark', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-solarized-dark', _lower: 'vscode.theme-solarized-dark' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-solarized-dark', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-solarized-light', displayName: 'Solarized Light Theme', description: 'Solarized light theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-solarized-light', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-solarized-light', _lower: 'vscode.theme-solarized-light' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-solarized-light', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'theme-tomorrow-night-blue', displayName: 'Tomorrow Night Blue Theme', description: 'Tomorrow night blue theme for Visual Studio Code', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { themes: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.theme-tomorrow-night-blue', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.theme-tomorrow-night-blue', _lower: 'vscode.theme-tomorrow-night-blue' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/theme-tomorrow-night-blue', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'typescript', description: 'Provides snippets, syntax highlighting, bracket matching and folding in TypeScript files.', displayName: 'TypeScript Language Basics', version: '1.0.0', author: 'vscode', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ./build/update-grammars.mjs' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array], semanticTokenScopes: [Array], snippets: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: '05eace48-8576-43ca-a4e2-36b170192786', targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.typescript', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.typescript', _lower: 'vscode.typescript' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/typescript-basics', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'typescript-language-features', description: 'Provides rich language support for JavaScript and TypeScript.', displayName: 'TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features', version: '1.0.0', author: 'vscode', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', aiKey: 'AIF-d9b70cd4-b9f9-4d70-929b-a071c400b217', enabledApiProposals: [ 'resolvers', 'workspaceTrust' ], capabilities: { virtualWorkspaces: [Object], untrustedWorkspaces: [Object] }, engines: { vscode: '^1.30.0' }, icon: 'media/icon.png', categories: [ 'Programming Languages' ], activationEvents: [ 'onLanguage:javascript', 'onLanguage:javascriptreact', 'onLanguage:typescript', 'onLanguage:typescriptreact', 'onLanguage:jsx-tags', 'onCommand:typescript.reloadProjects', 'onCommand:javascript.reloadProjects', 'onCommand:typescript.selectTypeScriptVersion', 'onCommand:javascript.goToProjectConfig', 'onCommand:typescript.goToProjectConfig', 'onCommand:typescript.openTsServerLog', 'onCommand:typescript.tsserverRequest', 'onCommand:_typescript.configurePlugin', 'onCommand:_typescript.learnMoreAboutRefactorings', 'onCommand:typescript.fileReferences', 'onTaskType:typescript', 'onLanguage:jsonc' ], main: './dist/extension', browser: './dist/browser/extension', contributes: { jsonValidation: [Array], configuration: [Object], commands: [Array], menus: [Object], breakpoints: [Array], taskDefinitions: [Array], problemPatterns: [Array], problemMatchers: [Array], codeActions: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.typescript-language-features', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.typescript-language-features', _lower: 'vscode.typescript-language-features' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/typescript-language-features', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'vb', displayName: 'Visual Basic Language Basics', description: 'Provides snippets, syntax highlighting, bracket matching and folding in Visual Basic files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin textmate/ Syntaxes/ ./syntaxes/asp-vb-net.tmlanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array], snippets: [Array] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: undefined, targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.vb', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.vb', _lower: 'vscode.vb' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/vb', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'xml', displayName: 'XML Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in XML files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array] }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin atom/language-xml grammars/xml.cson ./syntaxes/xml.tmLanguage.json grammars/xsl.cson ./syntaxes/xsl.tmLanguage.json' }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: '8b81e2bc-2603-4d1a-a93a-ed02a06effc0', targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.xml', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.xml', _lower: 'vscode.xml' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/xml', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } }, { name: 'yaml', displayName: 'YAML Language Basics', description: 'Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching in YAML files.', version: '1.0.0', publisher: 'vscode', license: 'MIT', engines: { vscode: '' }, scripts: { 'update-grammar': 'node ../node_modules/vscode-grammar-updater/bin textmate/yaml.tmbundle Syntaxes/YAML.tmLanguage ./syntaxes/yaml.tmLanguage.json' }, contributes: { languages: [Array], grammars: [Array], configurationDefaults: [Object] }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '' }, uuid: '653ae3c5-8d83-4868-9135-7b9cff9365bf', targetPlatform: 'undefined', isUserBuiltin: false, isBuiltin: true, isUnderDevelopment: false, id: 'vscode.yaml', identifier: P { value: 'vscode.yaml', _lower: 'vscode.yaml' }, extensionLocation: { '$mid': 1, path: '/usr/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/yaml', scheme: 'vscode-remote', authority: '' } } ] [20:37:23] [][d4a207b4][ExtensionHostConnection] - startParams language: en [20:37:23] [][d4a207b4][ExtensionHostConnection] - startParams env: {"VSCODE_PROXY_URI":"{{port}}"} [20:37:23] [][d4a207b4][ExtensionHostConnection] New connection established. [20:37:23] Started scanning user extensions [20:37:23] resolveShellEnv(): running (macOS/Linux) [20:37:23] [][d4a207b4][ExtensionHostConnection] <1787> Launched Extension Host Process. [20:37:23] Scanned user extensions: 0 [20:37:23] [File Watcher (node.js)] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/root/.local/share/code-server/User/tasks.json' [20:37:24] Scanned system extensions: 88 [20:37:24] Scanned system extensions: 88 [20:37:24] profile not validated zsh [ 'zsh' ] [20:37:24] profile not validated fish [ 'fish' ] [20:37:24] profile not validated tmux [ 'tmux' ] [20:37:24] profile not validated pwsh [ 'pwsh' ] [20:37:26] Started scanning system extensions [20:37:26] Started scanning user extensions [20:37:26] Scanned user extensions: 0 [20:37:26] Started scanning user extensions [20:37:26] Scanned user extensions: 0 [20:37:26] Scanned system extensions: 88 [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - request to acquire resource lock (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - new resource lock created (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: open() - storing lock for handle 22 (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] [raw] ["change"] systemExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] [CHANGED] /root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] [raw] ["change"] systemExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] [CHANGED] /root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: close() - resource lock removed from handle-lock map 22 [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: close() - disposing lock for handle 22 [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock dispose() (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock removed from resource-lock map (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock barrier open() (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] >> normalized [CHANGED] /root/.local/share/code-server/User/systemExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - request to acquire resource lock (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - new resource lock created (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] [raw] ["change"] customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] [CHANGED] /root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: open() - storing lock for handle 22 (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] [raw] ["change"] customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] [CHANGED] /root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: close() - resource lock removed from handle-lock map 22 [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: close() - disposing lock for handle 22 [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock dispose() (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock removed from resource-lock map (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock barrier open() (/root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json) [20:37:26] [File Watcher (node.js)] >> normalized [CHANGED] /root/.local/share/code-server/User/customBuiltinExtensionsCache.json [20:37:29] Using the in-memory credential store as the operating system's credential store could not be accessed. Please see on how to set this up. Details: Cannot find module '../build/Release/keytar.node' Require stack:



Does this issue happen in VS Code?

Are you accessing code-server over HTTPS?


No response

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

I can't recall if we've fixed this in the past but I see the same issue. I believe the workaround is to login via the Command Palette.

imreallyliam commented 2 years ago

Just took a look at my instance, first picture is VS Code and the 2nd is my code-server instance. image image

jsjoeio commented 2 years ago

Settings Sync is not supported on code-server sadly :(

Closing as duplicate of