coder / code-server

VS Code in the browser
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Integrated terminal renders client-side input with latency #6827

Closed caer closed 3 weeks ago

caer commented 4 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

OS/Web Information

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open code-server in Firefox
  2. Open the integrated terminal
  3. Type some text


Near-instant rendering of entered text on the client-side.


Entered text is displayed with lag/latency, seemingly equivalent to the RTT to the remote host.


No response


No response

Does this bug reproduce in native VS Code?

I did not test native VS Code

Does this bug reproduce in GitHub Codespaces?

I did not test GitHub Codespaces

Are you accessing code-server over a secure context?


I have a round-trip latency of ~120ms from my client to the host. However, I was hoping that--at least for text entry--I wouldn't observe input lag, since I don't observe any input lag when using the integrated editor windows.

The only related issue I found was, but I wanted to double-check if anything has changed since then, since the issue didn't appear to be actually resolved.

code-asher commented 4 weeks ago

Yeah the editor text is static; VS Code just has a local copy of the text, you can edit it locally, and on save it sends the whole thing and writes it to the disk.

The terminal process runs on the remote and is dynamic; a key press could do anything. VS Code has to wait to hear back from the remote to know how the terminal state has been changed.

But, there is a setting that will output the character you type immediately in a lighter color, then once it hears back from the terminal it resolves the differences if any. It is called "local echo" and there are a few settings to tweak it. I think it is already on by default, but you could try setting the latency threshold to 0. Some programs are ignored by default, like vim, tmux, and some others (also configurable). A warning though, some folks have seen visual glitches with local echo on.

caer commented 3 weeks ago

Ahhh got it, architecturally...that make sense. 😭

I just finished playing with the Local Echo feature you mentioned. For others' reference, these are the settings I used in settings.json:

    "terminal.integrated.localEchoEnabled": "on",
    "terminal.integrated.localEchoStyle": "bold",
    "terminal.integrated.localEchoLatencyThreshold": 10,

Some notes:

With these settings, the input lag is still annoyingly perceptible, but it feels a little bit better; thank you for the tip @code-asher!

code-asher commented 3 weeks ago

Glad it helps at least a little! I will go ahead and close the issue since I think we are stuck with the way things are now.

Maybe there are clever ways to improve the local echo or the latency, but I think that work would be best done upstream in VS Code rather than a patch here anyway.

As an aside, have you ever used ssh over mosh to your remote machine? Just curious how it performs in comparison to VS Code's terminal in your setup, if you have. I wonder if VS Code can take any lessons from mosh.

caer commented 3 weeks ago

I was considering mosh! For this deployment, though, I want to rely entirely on the integrated terminal so that I can manage all access and ingress through the browser (via Cloudflare gateways), and avoid exposing any ports (including SSH/UDP) outside that workflow.

...that said, for the purpose of this issue, I just configured a deployment with mosh. Details:

With this setup, mosh was much much more enjoyable than the integrated VS code terminal; I almost would have believed I was using a local terminal. It would be really wonderful if VS code--or some kind of wild extension to it--could leverage or take inspiration from mosh.

Hope this info is useful; thank you for all the help! ❤️

code-asher commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for going out of your way to test that!! Very interesting result.

Since Mosh is UDP and WebSockets are TCP I wonder how much that affects things versus the Mosh protocol itself probably just being better. Maybe things would be better if VS Code was reworked to use WebRTC, at least for the terminal.

An extension is an interesting idea! I suppose it would have to be done as a web extension so it runs client-side: implement a JavaScript client for Mosh unless one already exists, run over WebRTC to the Mosh server... I wish I had the bandwidth to experiment, maybe one day. Even just starting with a browesr-based Mosh client outside of VS Code would be fairly interesting.