coder / envbuilder

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Populate vscode specific configurations #43

Open geiseri opened 1 year ago

geiseri commented 1 year ago

The devcontainer spec has a section that covers the support of VS Code specific properties. I am not sure how reasonable the customizations.vscode.settings are for the remote since those are stored in a local user session. (In the case of coder could be in a different volume). This might actually be a better issue for them to solve on that side then. If that is your opinion please feel free to close this issue and I will move it to the coder project.

kylecarbs commented 1 year ago

@geiseri if you have the VS Code Dev Containers extension do the customizations automatically install?

aaronlehmann commented 1 year ago

I've been using this snippet of code in the devcontainer startup script to install VS Code extensions specified in devcontainer.json. It's a pretty gross hack and you may well be able to come up with something better, but it might be useful as an example:

  if ! which code-server > /dev/null; then
    curl -fsSL | sh | tee code-server-install.log
  if code -v > /dev/null; then
  mkdir -p ~/.vscode-server/extensions

  set +e
  extensions=( $(sed 's/\/\/.*$//g' */.devcontainer/devcontainer.json | jq -r -M '[.customizations.vscode.extensions[]?, .extensions[]?] | .[]' ) )
  if [ "$${extensions[0]}" != "" ] && [ "$${extensions[0]}" != "null" ]; then
    for extension in "$${extensions[@]}"; do
      $CODE_CLI --extensions-dir ~/.vscode-server/extensions --install-extension "$extension"
michaelbrewer commented 6 months ago

Ended up doing something very similar, would be nice to have this built in

    curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --method=standalone --prefix=/tmp/code-server --version 4.22.0

    if [[ -f "$DEVCONTAINER_JSON" ]]; then
        EXTENSIONS=$(sed '/^ *\/\//d' "$DEVCONTAINER_JSON" | jq -r '.customizations.vscode.extensions[]?')
        if [[ -n "$EXTENSIONS" ]]; then
            # Loop over each extension and install it
            for EXTENSION in $EXTENSIONS; do
                $CODE_CLI --install-extension $EXTENSION

    $CODE_CLI --auth none --port 13337 >/tmp/code-server.log 2>&1 &