coder / sail

Deprecated: Instant, pre-configured VS Code development environments.
MIT License
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ERROR build run failed: failed to run container #259

Open smartexpert opened 4 years ago

smartexpert commented 4 years ago

I've been trying to get sail to run. I can run code-server by itself but whatever repo I try to run from github ends up failing with permission denied. I've tried to run both as root and non-root users.

user@sever1:~$ sail run PaulMcInnis/JobFunnel Cloning into '/home/user/Projects/PaulMcInnis/JobFunnel'... Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. remote: Enumerating objects: 249, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (249/249), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (220/220), done. remote: Total 805 (delta 167), reused 108 (delta 27), pack-reused 556 Receiving objects: 100% (805/805), 1.43 MiB | 13.48 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (470/470), done. 2020-01-07 20:39:53 INFO using default image codercom/ubuntu-dev-python3.7:latest 2020-01-07 20:39:53 INFO ensuring image codercom/ubuntu-dev-python3.7:latest exists latest: Pulling from codercom/ubuntu-dev-python3.7 Digest: sha256:616118895b28d299f904e0ccedf366573f02b4565b207f117d682c37213f0124 Status: Image is up to date for codercom/ubuntu-dev-python3.7:latest 2020-01-07 20:39:53 INFO writing sail proxy logs to /tmp/sailproxy_PaulMcInnis_JobFunnel443752401 2020-01-07 20:39:53 ERROR build run failed: failed to run container: failed to assemble mounts: failed to load code-server: failed to stat /tmp/sail-code-server-cache/code-server: stat /tmp/sail-code-server-cache/code-server: permission denied 2020-01-07 20:39:53 ERROR failed to remove PaulMcInnis_JobFunnel

sail version = v1.1.0


# sail configuration.
# default_image is the default Docker image to use if the repository provides none.
default_image = "codercom/ubuntu-dev"

# project_root is the base from which projects are mounted.
# projects are stored in directories with form "<root>/<org>/<repo>"
project_root = "~/Projects"

# default hat lets you configure a hat that's applied automatically by default.
# default_hat = ""

# default schema used to clone repo in sail run if none given
default_schema = "ssh"

# default host used to clone repo in sail run if none given
default_host = ""

# default_oranization lets you configure which username to use on default_host
# when cloning a repo.
# default_organization = ""