coder / sail

Deprecated: Instant, pre-configured VS Code development environments.
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Fix sail docker and upgrade code-server #262

Closed dougnukem closed 4 years ago

dougnukem commented 4 years ago

It now appears to work

$ cd sail/images
# Rebuild base image
$ ./
# Rebuild golang image
$ ../ ubuntu-dev-go
# Tag for local docker images
$ docker tag ubuntu-dev-go:latest codercom/ubuntu-dev-go:latest
# Rebuild sail and run
$ go install && sail -v run --keep dougnukem/sail
Successfully built 22e42f37c091
Successfully tagged dougnukem_sail:latest
2020-03-10 15:40:03 INFO    using repo image dougnukem_sail
2020-03-10 15:40:03 DEBUG   host home dir: /Users/douglasdaniels
2020-03-10 15:40:03 INFO    writing sail proxy logs to /var/folders/ht/gwk63jw55_b_kpkk3jf599r40000gn/T/sailproxy_dougnukem_sail209919673
2020-03-10 15:40:03 DEBUG   started container
2020-03-10 15:40:04 DEBUG   code-server online
2020-03-10 15:40:04 INFO    please visit

Open Issues

I needed to disable the installation of the docker vs-code extension as it can't be resolved using code-server for some reason, it looks like the namespace changed recently (

Installing extensions...
Extension 'ms-azuretools.vscode-docker' not found.
Make sure you use the full extension ID, including the publisher, e.g.: ms-vscode.csharp
error vscode undefined
The command '/bin/bash -c installext 'ms-azuretools.vscode-docker'' returned a non-zero code: 1
2020-03-10 15:39:15 FATAL   failed to build image: failed to build: exit status 1
dougnukem commented 4 years ago

/cc @deansheather

dougnukem commented 4 years ago

@deansheather resolved feedback, should be ready

deansheather commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your contributions. I'll push the changes to docker hub shortly.