coder / sshcode

Run VS Code on any server over SSH.
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sshcode disconnects and locks up terminal #159

Open fonnesbeck opened 4 years ago

fonnesbeck commented 4 years ago

Using the current version of sshcode built from source (--version does not reveal the version number), I am getting frequent unrecoverable disconnections despite having a strong connection (50MBps+). Clicking on reconnect in the popup never reconnects, and moreover, the local terminal from which I am connecting locks up and must be manually closed. I've gotten this behavior multiple times now on multiple different network connections, so I am satisfied the network is not the issue.

The remote session I am connecting to is a GCS VM instance, which I use reliably for other remote computing tasks (e.g. Jupyter notebook hosting).

Merith-TK commented 4 years ago

How did you install? What is the Host OS? Your shell? your terminal?

fonnesbeck commented 4 years ago

HostOS: Debian Linux Shell: zsh Terminal: xterm

As I said above, I installed it from source.

IngCr3at1on commented 4 years ago

I noticed similar behavior using my KVM instance (on my homelab server) running Ubuntu, when I dug into it a bit I came to the conclusion my other running tasks were actually the cause; I upped the memory on my VM and it was resolved (currently my VM has 5GB of memory allocated to it; not much all things considered).

fonnesbeck commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I have not had this happen recently, so it sounds like a likely cause. I will close this.

fonnesbeck commented 4 years ago

I'm going to reopen this. Though my terminal no longer locks up, I still get frequent disconnections. This has nothing to do with my network connection, as I am on a fast Google Fiber wired connection. It never stays connected for more than 10-15 min, and when it disconnects it never successfully reconnects.

Merith-TK commented 4 years ago

Is your connection stable? I used my Cell data multiple times over a VPN and can retain a connection for upwards of three hours

fonnesbeck commented 4 years ago

It is a stable connection, as I am frequently using remote Jupyter (Python) sessions to the same GCS VM instance and they do not disconnect. Perhaps it has something to do with the Python extension in VS Code? Not sure.

Merith-TK commented 4 years ago

it is probably the direct connection to the server via SSH,

try using plain SSH for a bit, see if issues arise. If so it is the connection between client and server.