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模式挖掘 #2

Open coderZMR opened 5 years ago

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Nguyen P T, Rocco J D, Ruscio D D, et al. FOCUS: A Recommender System for Mining API Function Calls and Usage Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 2019.1050-1060 使用基于协同过滤的推荐系统进行usage pattern级别的代码推荐,解决了现有的推荐方法冗余度过高和运行速度较低的问题,提出了名为FOCUS的模式挖掘和推荐工具。将usage pattern的推荐问题看作是协同过滤的推荐系统。

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Nguyen A T, Nguyen T T, Nguyen H A, et al. Graph-based pattern-oriented, context-sensitive source code completion, In: Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering,Zurich, Switzerland, 2012,69-79 作者提出了GraPacc,一个基于图的,面向模式的,上下文敏感的代码补全方法。GraPacc使用基于图的模型来管理包含了多个变量,方法和控制结构的API使用模式,模型将用户正在输入的token作为一个query,通过计算query和pattern之间的相似度来为用户推荐出需要的pattern。他们使用基于图的模型Groum来表示API使用模式。

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Nguyen T T , Nguyen H A , Pham N H , et al. Graph-based mining of multiple object usage patterns. Proceedings of the 7th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 24-28, 2009, 383-392 作者提出了名为GrouMiner的一个基于图的方法来挖掘一个或多个对象的usage pattern,他们还提出了一个自动的基于图的算法来对对象用法进行异常的检测和排序。

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Zhong H, Xie T, Zhang L, et al. MAPO: Mining and Recommending API Usage Patterns. In :Proc ECOOP, Springer-Verlag, 2009, 318-343 作者提出了MAPO的方法从开源项目中挖掘API用例模式,当用户发出推荐请求的时候,MAPO为用户推荐挖掘出来的API用例模式和与此相关的代码片段。MAPO通过计算代码片段之间的相似度来对代码片段进行聚类操作,对于每个聚类,MAPO利用频繁子项挖掘技术从每个聚类中挖掘出usage patterns。

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Reinhardt A, Zhang T, Mathur M, et al. Augmenting stack overflow with API usage patterns mined from GitHub. In: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA, 2018, 880-883 作者利用从Github上挖掘出的API usage pattern对于SO上的代码片段进行增强,来避免SO用户对于API的误用

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Zhang T, Upadhyaya U, Reinhardt A,et al. Are code examples on an online Q&A forum reliable?: a studyofAPImisuseonstackoverflow.In: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018, 886–896 利用频繁子项挖掘技术,并且为了确保挖掘出来的pattern的正确性,作者他们地对于挖掘出来的pattern进行人工审查。

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Uddin G , Barthélémy D, Robillard M P. Analyzing temporal API usage patterns. In: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. Lawrence, USA, 2011, 456-459. 作者提出一种暂时性API使用模式挖掘方法,使用机器学习的方法来对API使用数据进行识别操作,识别出一组实现特定功能的API元素,将这些组件映射到检测到的阶段用于生成pattern。

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Acharya M , Xie T , Pei J , et al. Mining API patterns as partial orders from source code: from usage scenarios to specifications. In: ESEC-FSE’07, 2007, 25-34 作者提出了一种新的API usage pattern的挖掘方法,用于解决之前的pattern中API并没有被很好地排序的问题,他们的方法使用静态的API路径生成,并且从所有生成的路径中抽象出频繁序列pattern。

Fatead commented 5 years ago

Nguyen H, Nguyen T N, Dig D, et al. Graph-based Mining of In-the-Wild, Fine-grained, Semantic Code Change Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 41th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ACM/IEEE ICSE 2019), May 25 - 31, 2019 作者提出一种新的细粒度的,基于语义的pattern挖掘工具,可以挖掘出当前项目发生改变时的pattern。