coderaiser / putout

🐊 Pluggable and configurable JavaScript Linter, code transformer and formatter, drop-in ESLint superpower replacement 💪 with built-in support for js, jsx, typescript, flow, markdown, yaml and json. Write declarative codemods in a simplest possible way 😏
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Eslint Plugin Relying on Stylistic #188

Closed faran-tenovos closed 10 months ago

faran-tenovos commented 10 months ago

@coderaiser The new version of putout-eslint plugin relies on stylistic which has not been released as a general release yet. Also major frameworks like nextjs are still relying on eslint and eslint typescript etc. I think the plugin should be used once the plugins are deprecated.

coderaiser commented 10 months ago

Is it produces any issues for you?

Formatting rules are deprecated in ESLint, so it is not suggested to use them anymore. Also this formatting rules haven’t changed for years, and was just copied to a new package. I don’t think there will be some problems, and if it will they will be fixed 😏. Also take a look at @putout/printer, when it used as formatter (by default in 🐊Putout) you just not needed any ESLint formatting rules, since the code is formatted in optimal way.

faran-tenovos commented 10 months ago

@coderaiser By this the plugins are still not deprecated and I've configured rules for the plugins above since they are being used by next.js and Updating to eslint-plugin-putout complains about those rules since it is using stylistic.

coderaiser commented 10 months ago

How it complains? Please provide me examples and let’s think about future proof fix for this.

faran-tenovos commented 10 months ago

For instance, I'm using eslint-plugin-react and putting in my overriden rules like indent: 2, does not work because the plugin now complains as it is using stylistic. Same is the case with typescript-eslint which is being used next.js. While stylistic has other plugin

coderaiser commented 10 months ago

Look, it is deprecated, so you better switch to stylistic, or just disable all stylistic rules provided by eslint-plugin-putout, or just use previous version (with overrides if it is nested dependency).

Also there will be v1.0.0 soon

coderaiser commented 10 months ago

Is it works for you?