We have a problem setting the placeholder of a text input field when the translated text contains non standard chars (for example ü in German translations). I already tried HTML encoding the char(ü) to ü and this works just fine for setting text input values and label values etc. but not for placeholder texts. I use a hidden input control which has the data-localize tag and then after localize function is called I set the placeholder texts by reading this hidden value. But for some reason the placeholder does not seem to decode the encoded text, I also tried setting the ü without encoding but this displays a � char.
We have a problem setting the placeholder of a text input field when the translated text contains non standard chars (for example ü in German translations). I already tried HTML encoding the char(ü) to ü and this works just fine for setting text input values and label values etc. but not for placeholder texts. I use a hidden input control which has the data-localize tag and then after localize function is called I set the placeholder texts by reading this hidden value. But for some reason the placeholder does not seem to decode the encoded text, I also tried setting the ü without encoding but this displays a � char.