coders-school / site

Content, configuration and build action for Coders School website
3 stars 22 forks source link

Clonned site does not work with default hugo on Ubuntu #132

Closed adamvm closed 2 years ago

adamvm commented 3 years ago
~/dev/coders/site$ git submodule update --init
Zarejestrowano pod-moduł „content/wiki” ( w „content/wiki”
Zarejestrowano pod-moduł „themes/LoveIt” ( w „themes/LoveIt”
Klonowanie do „/home/adi/dev/coders/site/content/wiki”...
Klonowanie do „/home/adi/dev/coders/site/themes/LoveIt”...
Ścieżka podmodułu „content/wiki”: wybrano „7f31b07d4102d9d7975094de5e9fb20f63130409”
Ścieżka podmodułu „themes/LoveIt”: wybrano „3f1a20819581d1bb46bbd5bee27c5e9f4a1dc591”

~/dev/coders/site$ hugo server 
Start building sites … 
WARN 2021/05/03 08:19:20 

Current environment is "development". The "comment system", "CDN" and "fingerprint" will be disabled.
当前运行环境是 "development". "评论系统", "CDN" 和 "fingerprint" 不会启用.

Built in 477 ms
Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "style.scss" (text/x-scss). Check your Hugo installation; you need the extended version to build SCSS/SASS.

~/dev/coders/site$ hugo version
hugo v0.83.1 linux/amd64 BuildDate=2021-05-02T17:25:51Z

ziobron commented 3 years ago

🏅 2 XP granted for @adamvm Thanks for raising this Issue to help to make the course better!

ziobron commented 2 years ago

We don't use hugo anymore in Coders School. This issue is obsolete.