codersForFun / react-keystone-boilerplate

Universal boilerplate for React - Keystone - Redux
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Cant get app to start #5

Closed gitblah closed 7 years ago

gitblah commented 7 years ago

I have followed the install steps with the latest version that corrects the issue with react,15.4 (although there is still a peer dependency issue with react-addons-shallow-compare@15.4.1)

Webpack seems to run ok but nothing happens, I cant access the app. I am not sure what I am supposed to see as there is no error message etc.

This is the output of npm run start... any ideas what I am doing wrong or what I should be seeing or how to debug?

Also the instructions point to the old repo... probably needs an update :)

`$ npm run start

> generic-name@0.0.1 start D:\Development\KeystoneReact5\react-keystone-boilerplate
> npm run watch&npm run keystone

> generic-name@0.0.1 watch D:\Development\KeystoneReact5\react-keystone-boilerplate
> webpack --watch

Hash: 8791915e899d14f135f2
Version: webpack 1.13.2
Time: 4218ms
                      Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
      ../images/reactjs.png    12.9 kB          [emitted]
                  bundle.js    1.33 MB       0  [emitted]  main
    f888990ca66154a228cd.js    2.12 kB       1  [emitted]
    24883879fd9d7d182ed9.js  903 bytes       2  [emitted]
        ../styles/style.css    11.7 kB       0  [emitted]  main
        1.59 MB       0  [emitted]  main
    ../styles/   96 bytes       0  [emitted]  main     1.7 kB       1  [emitted]  818 bytes       2  [emitted]
    + 668 hidden modules
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin:
        + 2 hidden modules
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin:
        + 2 hidden modules
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin:
                    Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
    ../images/reactjs.png  12.9 kB          [emitted]
        + 3 hidden modules
ames89 commented 7 years ago


Yup, those comments are from webpack building the bundle, but next in the logs there should be 3 lines with the next information

KeystoneJS Started:
React App Keystone is ready on port 3000

with that information, the keystone shoutld tell you that you can access your new website in that port

if it doesn't work, please tell us


--EDIT i forgot to tell you, you should have running mongo on its default port: 27017

gitblah commented 7 years ago

That's what I was expecting except that wepback (or something else) appears to be failing silently. The "ready on port"never displays, the console just seems to hang forever right after " + 3 hidden modules".

I am on windows so maybe that has something to do with it but I was hoping there would be some kind of log or error message to help track down why it doesn't work.

I have mongo as a service so that is not an issue. I have also managed to get the original keystone react working repo working as well as a bunch of others. The difference with this repo seems to be the latest react version which appears flaky as hell given all the dependency issues it generated.

I guess if its all working straight from the repo for everyone else it is something specific to me (I am still getting a peer dependency issue after the downgraded react version and I think webpack has issues with paths in windows so maybe that is it).

All good, I think bootstrap might just be safer for my experience level :)

gitblah commented 7 years ago

If anyone else experiences this issue it can be resolved by turning off the hot reloading i.e. removing the --watch config value from package.json