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Hub firmware no longer supports Z-Wave association interactions #55

Open rtyle opened 4 years ago

rtyle commented 4 years ago

I have long been a fan of the Z-Wave Tweaker device handler for making one-time configuration changes to a device (that its normal device handler does not consider/support) and then reverting to the normal device handler.

For example, I have 3 Aeotec Nano Dimmer devices that I want associated with each other so that they can talk between themselves without getting SmartThings involved. I got this all to work before using Z-Wave Tweaker as described. This recently broke as one ND dropped off the network and needed to be added back. Of course, when it came back it had a new Device Network Id and the associations broke. When I tried to fix them, Z-Wave Tweaker can no longer do it. It seems that its HubActions no longer work with the latest Hub firmware.

nvOC-Stubo commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue with my NuTone NWT00Z devices. I used to be able to create association group 1 (zwtAssocGroupId) with tweaker but I started trying a few days ago with a new deployment and now cannot. I can set them using the phone app or the IDE but the device sync fails with:

sync(): Unknown association group. Requesting more info.

I am able to set the group members (zwtAssocGroupMembers) and sync works but as soon as I try to set zwtAssocGroupId, the sync fails.

I am not sure if the issue is firmware or not but I am running FW ver. 000.027.00009.

rtyle commented 4 years ago

I believe that it is firmware related. It worked for me in August and then failed in September. AFAIK, nothing changed on my end except, perhaps, SmartThings.

I reached out to SmartThings. The last I heard from them was on September 30:

Our development team are now working on this one. As soon as we get updated, you'll get to know.

In the meantime, I was able to workaround the problem by joining an Aeotec Z-Stick to the SmartThings as a Z-Wave Controller Device. I used the Z-Wave PC Controller from to do this and then to program the associations.

This tells me that there is nothing wrong with my devices -- their association groups are configurable. I just can't do it from Z-Wave tweaker anymore.

nvOC-Stubo commented 4 years ago

Good to know. I had a similar idea so I built out a 2nd Z-Wave network using a Vera Edge controller. I was able to set the group id and build the association groups with no issues. The downside was that this solution is super slow for some reason. Turning on/off at the switch takes 6 seconds to actually affect the device which is much, much slower than just using SmartLighting SmartApp. Oddly, control from the PC UI is instant. I suspect the issue is just the nature of having 2 Z-wave networks - collisions and confusion on the devices. The good news is that I learned a lot about moving devices from network to network. The Edge is an interesting device and I still have lots of exploration of its features to do. Since I have several Samsung devices in my network, I don't plan to switch but never say never.

Please post here when you hear about the firmware fix.

EDIT: How much does the Siliabs PC Controller SW cost? It may be a good thing to have on hand if I it can work alongside the Samsung Hub and my collection of Z-Wave devices expands.

KylePreuss commented 4 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue on hub firmware v000.027.00009. I tried to report this to SmartThings support via email. The zwave.associationV2.associationGet command is not being sent correctly as the target device never responds to it. It apparently worked prior to this firmware version because it was the most recommended approach for setting device associations (SmartThings Hub w/ Z-Wave Tweaker). In fact it was the only reason I bought a SmartThings Hub as I purchased my first Z-Wave switches a few weeks ago specifically for a creating a virtual 3-way.

I ordered a Zooz Z-Wave Plus S2 USB Stick ZST10 ($35). Going to try the Z-Wave PC Controller software linked by @rtyle.

nvOC-Stubo commented 4 years ago

I ended up going the same route as rtyle but figuring out how to get the SW was a pita so I wanted to share it. I found a DL link in this (not related) post:

There is a significant learning curve to using the SW but I was able to group 1 and the necessary associations to fix my issue. I would rather see them fix the hub firmware, however as I think that using Tweaker is more straightforward and better documented.

nvOC-Stubo commented 4 years ago

Some good news on the root cause of this issue:

nvOC-Stubo commented 4 years ago

I just confirmed that FW release 000.028.00011 fixed this issue. I can now create association groups again.