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Create Onboarding Screens ( carousel-like ) Component #13

Open yunho7687 opened 4 days ago

yunho7687 commented 4 days ago

Basic Information

Create an onboarding screens component. These screens should be displayed when the user first opens the app, providing a carousel-like introduction to the app's key features and benefits.


Figma design


github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

Branch issue-13-Create_Onboarding_Screens_carousel-like_Component created!

keyman015 commented 21 hours ago

The bulk of it has been completed as seen in a sample picture: image (ignore the tanstack icon - I can't seem to get rid of it)

However, I am unsure as to the nature of "smooth transitions". Does this mean like a sliding animation or something?

Julie-Salazar commented 2 hours ago

The bulk of it has been completed as seen in a sample picture: image (ignore the tanstack icon - I can't seem to get rid of it)

However, I am unsure as to the nature of "smooth transitions". Does this mean like a sliding animation or something?

hello! please see issue yes sliding images to left uppon clicking "Next"

keyman015 commented 57 minutes ago

@Julie-Salazar are we allowed to use external packages to provide the basic carousel base then build the component around it? As we already use button from shadcn ui, would it then be possible to use As this has a transition built into it from what I can see.

Edit: Yunho has permitted it.