codersgrave / Facebook-Friend-Selector

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You must connect to Facebook to see this. #23

Open iamchriswick opened 10 years ago

iamchriswick commented 10 years ago


I'm having some problems getting this to work with Facebook SDK for JavaScript with jQuery and Firebase Facebook Authentication.

After I login with Facebook and press the link with class="bt-fs-dialog" I only get the error You must connect to Facebook to see this.

maxmarkus commented 10 years ago

Same issue here, but only in Firefox. Btw I'm using the old api (refurbished an old app to use the old api version, since I only need it for a couple of weeks). @iamchriswick did you find a workaround?

Using it like this:

FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
    if (response.status === 'connected') {