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Galera Manager Support Repository
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Galera Manager Continuous Start/Recover Cluster with "Error failed to get the most advance" #94

Open ajantonov opened 5 months ago

ajantonov commented 5 months ago

Hello All :-)

My Galera Manager non stop(every minute) is retrying to recover/start the Galera cluster when all nodes are running and synced.

I've tried to stop all nodes and wait for recovery from this auto recovery task, it doesn't help!

Please give me a hint how to decide this issue ?

[CONFIGURATION] Galera Manager 1.8.3 Galera Nodes OS : Ubuntu 22 LTS Maria DB : 10.11

Recurring Error

msg: failed to get the most advanced node stackTrace:

takkinen commented 5 months ago

Hello! My first time to try Galera Manager gave pretty much same results. The versions of Galera Manager, OSs and MariaDB are the same as they are in ajantonov's post.

msg: failed to get the most advanced node stackTrace:

  • "*Cluster).restoreNormal\n\t/go/pkg/internal/mgmt/units/cluster.go:417"
  • "*Cluster).Restore\n\t/go/pkg/internal/mgmt/units/cluster.go:456"
  • "\n\t/go/pkg/internal/mgmt/clusters.go:509"
  • "*Processor).Execute.func1\n\t/go/pkg/internal/jobs/processor.go:106"
  • "runtime.goexit\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1650"

Nevertheless, the db sync b/w nodes seems to work.