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Galera Load Balancer - a simple TCP connection proxy and load-balancing library
GNU General Public License v2.0
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What is high latency according to watchdog? #24

Open MrMoronIV opened 6 years ago

MrMoronIV commented 6 years ago

I assume watchdog decides when a server is slow and take it out of the pool if latency is high, but what is considered high latency? A second, more?

Any thoughts on this?

Do I need to set the --latency flag to check latency or is there a default value and does the check happen anyway when not set?

ayurchen commented 6 years ago

It depends on the watchdog script you use. The script under the files/ directory only checks node states, it does not care about the latency.

MrMoronIV commented 6 years ago

So how would I test the latency then?