codervivek5 / VigyBag

A location-based shopping website uses GPS to show users nearby businesses offering products/services they search for. Users can compare prices and make purchases through the site, making it helpful for local shopping and finding location-specific items.
MIT License
107 stars 262 forks source link

Regarding website animation #1025

Closed RamakrushnaBiswal closed 1 week ago

RamakrushnaBiswal commented 2 weeks ago

Regarding website animation i want to add some cool animations in your website which look more interactive tech stack to be used -aos.js -ityped.js

FatemaBaig commented 2 weeks ago

Hii, I would like to work on this part of project please assign it to me under GSSOC-24.

somrima-09 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi. Under GSSOC'24, I would like to work on this issue. Please Assign me this task.

toodiv commented 1 week ago

I can contribute to the issue with a clean and efficient code. Kindly accept my issue under GSSOC'24.

RamakrushnaBiswal commented 1 week ago

Hi @codervivek5 I can add animation now or let the landing page fully complete?

codervivek5 commented 1 week ago

bro also have many bugs in the landing page

toodiv commented 1 week ago

@codervivek5 brother please assign me the issue for fixing

RamakrushnaBiswal commented 1 week ago

issue solved PR #1123