codesankalp / dsalgo

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Implement searching algorithms #23

Closed Aryamanz29 closed 2 years ago

Aryamanz29 commented 3 years ago

Add these algorithms

Also write test cases for the same. Tests and code can be divided in two commits though.

GSNCodes commented 3 years ago

I would like to add Linear and Binary Search? Could you assign those two to me? @Aryamanz29

Aryamanz29 commented 3 years ago

I would like to add Linear and Binary Search? Could you assign those two to me? @Aryamanz29

okay now you can work on this.

Vivekagent47 commented 3 years ago

I have added Linear Search, Binary Search, Jump Search, and Fibonacci Seach. Could you please review it. If there is any error or other things to do. Please tell me.

codesankalp commented 3 years ago

@Vivekagent47 please link your pull request to this issue.

codesankalp commented 3 years ago

@Vivekagent47 don't make a pull request on the issue if it is already assigned to someone.

devta108 commented 3 years ago

Any remaining search algorithm

codesankalp commented 3 years ago

Ok @nisheksharma assigning you.

devkapilbansal commented 3 years ago

Reopening as all algorithms mentioned above are not implemented