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Datetime Server - Template #144

Open xmonader opened 4 days ago

xmonader commented 4 days ago

Create a basic HTTP server that returns the current date and time. Implement this server using multiple web frameworks, add tests, and containerize the application using Docker and Docker Compose.


  1. Server Functionality:

    • Endpoint: GET /datetime
    • Response: Current date and time
  2. Implementations:

    • Implement the server using: a. Standard library (net/http)
      b. Gin
  3. Testing:

    • Use Go's testing package and a HTTP testing library (e.g., httptest)
  4. Docker:

    • Create a Dockerfile for each framework implementation
    • Ensure each Docker image is optimized for size (Multistage builds)
  5. Docker Compose:

    • Create a docker-compose.yml file that runs all framework versions
    • Configure each service to run on a different port
  6. Documentation:

    • Provide a README with setup and running instructions
  7. Makefile driven: You should use make and a Makefile to drive the steps of

    • Building the binaries
    • Formatting
    • Linting
    • Building the images
    • Launching the containers

Optional Enhancements:

Acceptance Criteria: