codesociety / friartuck

Live Quant Trading Framework for Robinhood, using IEX Trading and AlphaVantage for Free Prices.
MIT License
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Schedule function as Quantopian #3

Open weiyiw0816 opened 6 years ago

weiyiw0816 commented 6 years ago


It would be great to add "schedule" function as Quantopian. Function includes daily trade at open/close or set time as well as at week/month start or end.


pedroserano commented 6 years ago


codesociety commented 6 years ago

I like this functionality from Quantopian... I think it would be a great addition to this project. I am going to review and see about time capacity to implement and include to this project... we are looking for other developers to add to this project. please consider contributing. Regards.

mainstringargs commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this function?

codesociety commented 5 years ago

This is still in the queue, we are currently working on a backtesting functionality, once that is done we will look at this again... Also, we are always looking for new developers to help contribute to this project.
