codethread / qmk.nvim

Format qmk and zmk keymaps in neovim
MIT License
150 stars 5 forks source link

Support empty lines. #41

Open Meliketoaste opened 3 months ago

Meliketoaste commented 3 months ago
layout = {
  -- Elora
  'x x x x x x _ x _ x _ x x x x x x',
  'x x x x x x _ x _ x _ x x x x x x',
  'x x x x x x _ x _ x _ x x x x x x',
  'x x x x x x x x _ x x x x x x x x',
  '_ _ _ x x x x x _ x x x x x _ _ _',
  '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _',
  'x x x x _ x _ _ _ x x x x _ x _ _',

The empty line here counts as a button. So ill need to remove it to compile.

So the sulution would probably making the empty line a newline instead an empty ' ',.

codethread commented 2 months ago

Hi 🙂 thanks for raising. Could you share an example keymap file so I can see what the output should look like?

What's the desired behaviour here, is that blank line just a cosmetic thing you want in the preview?

Meliketoaste commented 2 months ago

Here is the readme of the kb

And here is the keymap.

It is just cosmetic, it would make it easier to see if im configuring extrabuttons/knobs whatever or my keyboard keymap.

You can close this issue if you dont care much. I just removed the extrabuttons from my keymap so its not neccesary to update it now. So you can close this issue if you want if you dont think its worth your time.