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Ability to organize task board with GitHub labels #28

Closed ajwaxman closed 9 years ago

ajwaxman commented 9 years ago

I love the new task board :heart:

In addition to organizing issues by Backlog, To Do, In Progress, and Done, it'd be great to be able to customize the columns. One way to do this would be to have them associated with GitHub labels. For example, in the case below a Backlog label would be applied to the issues in the left hand column, and when moved to the To Do column the Backlog label would be removed and a To Do label would be added.

derrickreimer commented 9 years ago

Thanks Adam! Custom stages for task boards is in the works. Regarding the Backlog and To Do columns, I am trying to rely on the "natural state" of issues as much as possible to reduce label noise (and stick to convention over configuration). But I'm definitely open to hearing use cases where this falls down.

ajwaxman commented 9 years ago

Yeah one downside to the this approach is definitely label noise. I also appreciate the desire to stick to convention over configuration - definitely a good point.

However, from briefly using this approach with I found it a nice way to use a 3rd party tool and also be able to see the activity/state of a given issue on GitHub as well.

VinSpee commented 9 years ago

I love sticking to the "natural state" as much as possible.

wanderingmatt commented 9 years ago

:+1: for relying on natural state here. While I could see the case for having additional label-based boards (allowing you to define your own states), I don't feel like I need a labels on Backlog or Todo issues to understand their state over on Github.

ajwaxman commented 9 years ago

@djreimer I overlooked the part of your reply that said custom stages for task boards is in the works. Very exciting! How will custom stages be created and modified? Will it be a codetree only state or will it be compatible with the Github Issues interface as well?

I don't feel like I need a labels on Backlog or Todo issues to understand their state over on Github

Agreed, I don't think this should be a requirement (or even the default). However, I do think that some teams will find it helpful for various states to be easily filterable and labeled in GH

derrickreimer commented 9 years ago

@awaxman11 custom stages will be label-based, similar to the In Progress column. Actually, the In Progress column will be customizable as well.

ajwaxman commented 9 years ago


dblandin commented 9 years ago

This feature shipped recently. Our team has setup custom review and qa stages. Works wonderfully. Time to close this issue?

derrickreimer commented 9 years ago

Good catch @dblandin!

ajwaxman commented 9 years ago

Super excited to try this out!!

derrickreimer commented 9 years ago
