codeuniverse101 / CompetitiveProgrammingParser

Problem test-case parser for Sublime Text editor from various online judges
MIT License
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"NoneType object is not callable" when trying to parse a problem #1

Open tnpb-1st opened 2 years ago

tnpb-1st commented 2 years ago so this error is being shown to me when I try to parse this problem with a competitive companion.

Taara-Sinh-Aatrey commented 2 years ago

Can you please upgrade the package by going to command palette Ctrl + Shift + P and then searching Package Control: Upgrade Package ?

Let me know if you still face the issue.

Taara-Sinh-Aatrey commented 2 years ago

Also, Can you open up sublime console (Ctrl + ` or View -> Show Console) and run the following commands:

Let me know the output of the second command.

tnpb-1st commented 2 years ago

The console output was:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.version
'3.8.8 (default, Mar 10 2021, 14:27:14) \n[Clang 7.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)]'

The command "parse testcases" seems to have worked... But It didn't compare with the expected output. The commands "parse problem" and "parse contest" didn't seem to work also.