codeuniverse101 / CompetitiveProgrammingParser

Problem test-case parser for Sublime Text editor from various online judges
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Can't phrase problems on windows #2

Closed Gr-Nobel closed 1 year ago

Gr-Nobel commented 1 year ago

I am on lates version of sublime text. every thig set uped.

when i try to get the problem from vjudge. I get this is error.

------------------------------START------------------------------ Contest: 21- PractiseContest - 3 (Contest on Strings) parsing problem... ❌ Problem B-_Compare (1/1) fail closing console... closed console ------------------------------END------------------------------

------------------------------START------------------------------ Contest: 21- PractiseContest - 3 (Contest on Strings) parsing problem... ❌ Problem H-_Palindrome (1/1) fail closing console... closed console ------------------------------END------------------------------ warning: mnemonic n not found in menu caption Tools warning: mnemonic n not found in menu caption Tools warning: mnemonic n not found in menu caption Tools Unable to open /C/Users/GOLAM RABBANY/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text/Packages/CompetitiveProgrammingParser/Default.sublime-commands Unable to open /C/Users/GOLAM RABBANY/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text/Packages/User/Default.sublime-commands

Gr-Nobel commented 1 year ago

{ "tests_file_suffix" : "__tests",

    Change lang_extension as per the language
    For Java, set `lang_extension` = ".java"
    For Python, set `lang_extension` = ".py"
    For C, set `lang_extension` = ".c"
    For Javascript, set `lang_extension` = ".js"
"lang_extension": ".cpp",

// When true, `default` directory is used for all websites
// Otherwise directory for the particular website is used
"use_default_directory": true,

// When true, the newly created folder will open in a new sublime window
"open_in_new_window": false,

"directory" : {

    // Set the default folder for newly created files and folders 
    "default": "",

    "A2 Online Judge" : "",

    "ACMP" : "",

    "AcWing" : "",

    "Aizu Online Judge" : "",

    "Anarchy Golf" : "",

    "AtCoder" : "",

    "Baekjoon Online Judge" : "",

    "beecrowd" : "",

    "Bloomberg CodeCon" : "",

    "BUCTOJ" : "",

    "CodeChef" : "",

    "CodeDrills" : "",

    "Codeforces" : "",

    "CodeMarshal" : "",

    "COJ" : "",

    "Contest Hunter" : "",

    "CS Academy" : "",

    "CSES" : "",

    "CSU-ACM Online Judge" : "",

    "DevSkill" : "",

    "DMOJ" : "",

    "Eolymp" : "",

    "ECNU Online Judge" : "",

    "Facebook Coding Competitions" : "",

    "FZU Online Judge" : "",

    "Google Coding Competitions" : "",

    "HackerEarth" : "",

    "HackerRank" : "",

    "HDOJ" : "",

    "HIT Online Judge" : "",

    "hihoCoder" : "",

    "Hrbust Online Judge" : "",

    "Hydro" : "",

    "ICPC Live Archive" : "",

    "Jutge" : "",

    "Kattis" : "",

    "Library Checker" : "",

    "LibreOJ" : "",

    "LightOJ" : "",

    "Luogu" : "",

    "mrJudge" : "",

    "MSK Informatics" : "",

    "Neps Academy" : "",

    "NOJ" : "",

    "NowCoder" : "",

    "NYTD Online Judge" : "",

    "omegaUp" : "",

    "Panda Online Judge" : "",

    "PEG Judge" : "",

    "POJ" : "",

    "QDUOJ" : "",

    "SPOJ" : "",

    "SSOIER" : "",

    "Timus" : "",

    "TLX" : "",

    "Toph" : "",

    "UOJ" : "",

    "USACO" : "",

    "USACO Training" : "",

    "UVa Online Judge" : "",

    "Virtual Judge" : "",

    "Yandex" : "",

    "XXM" : "",

    "yukicoder": "",



here is my settings

Gr-Nobel commented 1 year ago

Solved the problem: chaged the default path to something. The default path should be the path where I'm currently in. @shiv @Taara-Sinh-Aatrey @codeuniverse101 Are you guys alive.

Gr-Nobel commented 1 year ago

current directory problem.