codevise / pageflow

Multimedia story telling for the web.
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Google Analytics #519

Closed railization closed 8 years ago

railization commented 8 years ago

Guys, For google analytics do we have to develop a plugin ? Or how it gonna work?

Best regards,


tf commented 8 years ago

Hi Arsalan,

the most basic approach would be to override the _analytics.html.erb partial and paste an google analytics snippet there. In all but the simplest cases, I'd recommend defining a Pageflow widget type, though. There's an open source example in the scrollytelling app by @tilsammans (see widget type definition, widget type template and widget type registration). Far as I know, @tilsammans is also working on a more generic analytics widget type plugin. Maybe you can join forces?

tilsammans commented 8 years ago

I didn't go any further than @tf is describing, but you can definitely look at my code.

I have independent analytics widgets on an account basis and it works very well. The generic plugin is going to be a little ways off, but when I find some spare time I will look into it.

railization commented 8 years ago

Hi Tim,

I really appreciate your support on GA. Let me talk with my client and then we could come up with a solution.



tf commented 8 years ago

Great. I'll close this issue for now. Feel free to comment here if further questions come up and I'll re-open the issue.