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Make katas authored by users who have deleted their account or were banned editable without waiting for a week #2363

Open FArekkusu opened 3 years ago

FArekkusu commented 3 years ago

The 7-days waiting period after raising an issue/suggestion serves no purpose when the kata author cannot access their anymore, and there should be a way to bypass it. Either these katas should be always editable, or there should be some separate privilege for this if free access to the editor for everybody is deemed potentially problematic.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Clickup by Unito

hobovsky commented 3 years ago

One possible workaround would be to create a fork and ask a mod to review and approve it, as mods can approve forks without waiting.

But it's true that forks do not always work, for example when editing initial language version.

kazk commented 3 years ago

I believe this rule exists to prevent random users from making changes to a published kata. Only the author and the users who contributed in the past can edit, unless an issue/suggestion is left unhandled over a week. The author being inactive (or deleted) doesn't change this. It's currently a pain to revert the change.

I don't like the privileges based on honor points, especially for something like this. I might add a new role with extra privileges related to maintenance, and let the mods control the members.

Also, I've been wanting to make it easier to fix kata. The plan is to introduce a new workflow of forking a kata per language. Similar to forking translations, but allows editing languages that were added within the kata editor and without the risk of outdated data. The change must be approved by someone else. This will also allow me to do automated updates more easily because users can review and approve changes made by tools.

I'll make the pending forks more discoverable, and also make it possible to resolve merge conflict when approving.

hobovsky commented 3 years ago

Is an 'issue' flag preventing approval also planned? Or you believe that two step approval should suffice?

kazk commented 3 years ago

You mean allow posting issue comment to these forks (and translations) that works similar to beta kata? Yeah, I want something like that.

I just remembered that there are some users who were manually given the privilege to access the pending translations page, and are not part of the moderation team. I can get rid of that one off privilege, and include that in the new role.


nomennescio commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to differentiate between the solution part and the test code part of the code? Especially errors in the test code parts prevent people from completing a Kata, having "pending" solutions, which could otherwise get a quick fix by sufficiently authorized users. (Errors in random tests are very frustrating.)

kazk commented 3 years ago

@nomennescio I'm not sure what you mean especially in this issue's context.

nomennescio commented 3 years ago

@nomennescio I'm not sure what you mean especially in this issue's context.

I was referring to your broader proposal of "roles" and "privileges". It might not be directly applicable to the narrow context of this issue. Quickly fixing non-functioning test-code is less "invasive" than fixing an author's solution, and therefore it could be beneficial to differentiate in the privileges between test-code and solution code. Just an idea.