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Some PHP katas should be modified to avoid a simple hole #99

Open Chrono79 opened 5 years ago

Chrono79 commented 5 years ago

While it's not a PHP issue, the language behaves different than other languages when doing implicit conversion, so when the expected result is a number, and the test suite uses assertEquals, the numbers are converted to booleans instead of the other way around, so with luck, you could pass all tests simply returning true. Sometimes the output of the function is explicitly typed, but removing that from the user's solution, makes this work. This is a list of katas already fixed (changing assertEquals for assertSame):

If you know of any other kata vulnerable to this, just list it in a reply and I'll try to fix it or warn the author/translator to fix it him/herself.


Chrono79 commented 5 years ago

Needs fixing: None that I know of now.

kazk commented 5 years ago

Closing because there's no more left. Feel free to comment if there's more. Also, consider making a wiki page if the number is high.

igorkharchenko commented 5 years ago this task is also vulerable: this code works even for tests on 100 random values i.e. this code unexpectedly passes all the tests because there is no declare(strict=1) or type hinting of return type:

function maxNumber($n) {
  return true;
kazk commented 5 years ago

@IgorKharchenko in general, please use kata discussion page for kata issues and let the author know. GitHub issues are not for kata issues. If there's many kata with the problem, please let me know so I can help with organizing the information for the community to contribute.

Chrono79 commented 5 years ago

@IgorKharchenko that particular kata was already fixed some hours ago, before you posted. Try clicking reset to see the changes.

Chrono79 commented 2 years ago

I reopen this thread again because some more katas with this problem were found.

Chrono79 commented 2 years ago

@kazk could you run a query to get a list of PHP katas that use assertEquals to check them?

kazk commented 2 years ago

Ugh, we have 824 kata matching this->assertEquals.

Is there a reason to use assertEquals? I can replace with assertSame and test it before saving the change.

Chrono79 commented 1 year ago

I have my doubts about objects, if they're primitives, then assertSame is the way to go. Could we have a list of those katas?

Or.... we could replace and then fix only those that become broken.

kazk commented 1 year ago

These failed to update:

  1. A Rule of Divisibility by 7
  2. Area of a Square
  3. Area of an arrow
  4. Binary Genetic Algorithms
  5. Brainfuck Translator
  6. Buying a car
  7. Calculate Price Excluding VAT
  8. Calculate average
  9. Calculate mean and concatenate string
  10. Closest and Smallest
  11. Convert a String to a Number!
  12. Creating a custom PHP stream wrapper
  13. Disease Spread
  14. Driving School Series #2
  15. Easy Cyclist's Training
  16. Easy Line
  17. Euclidean distance in n dimensions
  18. Fibonacci, Tribonacci and friends
  19. Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n
  20. Find the Middle of the Product
  21. Find the area of the rectangle!
  22. FizzBuzz++
  23. Fun with lists: filter
  24. Fun with lists: map
  25. Functions of Integers on Cartesian Plane
  26. Heron's formula
  27. Holiday VIII - Duty Free
  28. How good are you really?
  29. How many dots are covered
  30. League Player Rank
  31. Looking for a benefactor
  32. MAC Address : Regexp
  33. Molecule to atoms
  34. Mutual Recursion
  35. One Line Task: Largest Rectangle
  36. Ordered Count of Characters
  37. Parse a linked list from a string
  38. Pascal's Triangle
  39. Pattern Generator (mirrored)
  40. Program a Calculator #2 - 3D Vectors
  41. Quarter of the year
  42. Regex Tic Tac Toe Win Checker
  43. Regexp Basics - is it IPv4 address?
  44. Return Negative
  45. Return the closest number multiple of 10
  46. Return the first M multiples of N
  47. Reverse polish notation calculator
  48. Screen Locking Patterns
  49. Send in the Clones
  50. Simple Fun #181: Rounding
  51. Simple Fun #74: Growing Plant
  52. Simple Fun #87: Shuffled Array
  53. Square Every Digit
  54. Square Pi's
  55. Sum and Length
  56. Sum of Array Averages
  57. Sum of Intervals
  58. Sum of positive
  59. Super Duper Easy
  60. The Walker
  61. Tiny Three-Pass Compiler
  62. Tortoise racing
  63. Volume of a Cuboid
  64. Wave Sorting
  65. We are Family
  66. simple calculator
Chrono79 commented 1 year ago

I've found a problem, for example in this kata the function is typed: Sum Arrays when comparing against 0 it failed because the current solutions returned a float. I've already changed that single test to use assertEquals.

But in this other kata: Calculate average there are mixed results, some arrays contain integers and some other floats, the function isn't typed so the type is inferred. Should we change the fixed tests to comply?

hobovsky commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to fix the translation in a way so it does not expect mixed output types anymore? Translation with mixed input and output types are a PITA anyway and in many cases they are just an unnecessary nuisance rather than an actual value.

Chrono79 commented 1 year ago

I could make all the tests expect a float and add the type to the initial code too to make it clear. But this would render invalid a lot of solutions, is that ok? But, there is also another problem, it says "empty array should return 0", but it should be 0.0 if a float is expected, now it's not even tested.

Ok, for Calculate average, added the function's type, changed tests to expect a float and finally added the missing empty array test both to sample and attempt tests.