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Add Pony #104

Open shyba opened 3 years ago

shyba commented 3 years ago

Please complete the following information about the language:

The following are optional, but will help us add the language:

On codewars, it would be great to use Pony to get challenged over its capabilities system and exercise new ways to organize code so it fits this model.

:+1: reaction might help to get this request prioritized.

kazk commented 3 years ago

Is the output of PonyTest customizable? If not, does it support machine-readable format like JSON? See for what we need.

hideki-lu commented 3 years ago

Is the output of PonyTest customizable? If not, does it support machine-readable format like JSON? See for what we need.

Pony have these two JSON parsers I guess can be useful and

kazk commented 3 years ago

No, I wasn't asking if Pony supports JSON or not.

Does PonyTest have customizable output? Does PonyTest have any machine-readable output formats (such as JSON) as an option?

shyba commented 3 years ago


This is how the output looks like: That shows a failing test, a passing one, an error and something being logged.

Unfortunately, the output is hardcoded here: And there is no JSON output option.

I have it cloned locally and I am trying to make it customizable, but it will need to go through a feature request and a pull request.

IMO, the current options are:

If parsing the output isn't good enough, ping me and I will try to get a fork with the customizable output up.

I will also check how to add pony to code mirror. I can't find it on their list of supported langs.

kazk commented 3 years ago

I guess we only need the following section:

**** FAILED: addition
/home/user/github/study/pony/tutorial/ponytest/main.pony:20: Assert eq passed.  Got (4) == (4)
Test threw an error
Short test finished
Tearing down test
**** FAILED: subtraction
/home/user/github/study/pony/tutorial/ponytest/main.pony:28: Assert eq failed.  Expected (3) == (2)
Short test finished
Tearing down test
---- Passed: correct subtraction
/home/user/github/study/pony/tutorial/ponytest/main.pony:34: Assert eq passed.  Got (2) == (2)
Short test finished
Tearing down test
---- Passed: logs something
/home/user/github/study/pony/tutorial/ponytest/main.pony:40: Assert eq passed.  Got (2) == (2)
Short test finished
Tearing down test


Each test case can be extracted with

/^((?:-{4} Passed|\*{4} FAILED)[^]+?(?=-{4}|\*{4}))/gm

assuming we always have one of the following format for each case (... are placeholders).

---- Passed: xxxx
---- Passed: xxxx
**** FAILED: xxxx
**** FAILED: xxxx

Extracted test cases will be either

---- Passed: xxxx


**** FAILED: xxxx

Transforming Passed

The passed test will extract the test case name, remove unnecessary lines and add <PASSED::>.


<PASSED::>Test Passed


Transforming Failed

The failed case will be









**** FAILED: subtraction
/home/user/github/study/pony/tutorial/ponytest/main.pony:28: Assert eq failed.  Expected (3) == (2)
Short test finished
Tearing down test

should become


<FAILED::>Assert eq failed.  Expected (3) == (2)

**** FAILED: addition
/home/user/github/study/pony/tutorial/ponytest/main.pony:20: Assert eq passed.  Got (4) == (4)
Test threw an error
Short test finished
Tearing down test

should become


<PASSED::>Assert eq passed.  Got (4) == (4)

<ERROR::>Test threw an error



It's not great, but doable.

@shyba What's Short test finished? Is there any other special messages from the PonyTest (e.g., Long test finished)? I'll need the list so that I can preserve the outputs from the solution.

Is the assertion result always Assert eq?

shyba commented 3 years ago

What's Short test finished? Is there any other special messages from the PonyTest (e.g., Long test finished)? I'll need the list so that I can preserve the outputs from the solution.

Short test finished comes from It means the test is fast, but I need to examine closely how it decides what is short or long. There are a couple more messages on that file. I will prepare a list and try to hit them over examples. There should be a way to control timeouts as well.

Those extra lines are caused by using --verbose option. Output without it looks like:

1 test started, 0 complete: subtraction started
2 tests started, 0 complete: correct subtraction started
3 tests started, 0 complete: logs something started
4 tests started, 0 complete: addition started
4 tests started, 1 complete: logs something complete
4 tests started, 2 complete: subtraction complete
4 tests started, 3 complete: correct subtraction complete
4 tests started, 4 complete: addition complete
**** FAILED: addition
Test threw an error
**** FAILED: subtraction
/home/user/github/study/pony/tutorial/ponytest/main.pony:28: Assert eq failed.  Expected (3) == (2)
---- Passed: correct subtraction
---- Passed: logs something
---- 4 tests ran.
---- Passed: 2
**** FAILED: 2 tests, listed below:
**** FAILED: addition
**** FAILED: subtraction

That's cleaner, but test logs are gone. This is why I went to the --verbose route, but maybe there is a way to output user logs without --verbose.

Is the assertion result always Assert eq?

There are other kinds of assertions:

They seem to log different messages as well. Maybe we can try to parse after the <file>:<line_number> pattern right?

Thank you a lot for looking into this. I will check logging and try to hit the other cases soon.