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Add SPARQL #255

Open johnbeve opened 1 year ago

johnbeve commented 1 year ago

Please complete the following information about the language:

The following are optional, but will help us add the language:

:+1: reaction might help to get this request prioritized.

johnbeve commented 9 months ago

I'm unfamiliar with the workflow re adding languages. Is there anything I can do to help have SPARQL added? You all seem very busy; I'm happy to help, just not sure the best way to do so.

cameronmore commented 8 months ago

Can we get some traction on this? I'm looking forward to it.

giacomodecolle commented 6 months ago

Would love to see this being implemented. We are lacking in resources to teach SPARQL to people and this would become an essential teaching tool for knowledge graph engineering and ontology testing.

VirtueDevOps commented 6 months ago

Please complete the following information about the language:

Name: SPARQL Website: Language Version: 1.1 The following are optional, but will help us add the language:

Test Frameworks: Testing in SPARQL often involves running queries against a known RDF dataset and checking if the results match expected outputs. You can create test cases where specific SPARQL queries should return known results or perform certain transformations.

How to install: SPARQL itself is a query language and does not require installation. However, to run SPARQL queries, you need a SPARQL endpoint or a triplestore (RDF database). Common triplestores include Apache Jena Fuseki, OpenLink Virtuoso, and RDF4J. These can be installed on a server or used as part of a local development environment. Installation usually involves downloading the software package and following the specific setup instructions for the chosen system.

How to compile/run: To run a SPARQL query, you generally need to connect to a SPARQL endpoint through a web interface, command line tool, or programmatically using libraries available in various programming languages (e.g., Python, Java). The query is then executed by the triplestore, which processes the query and returns the results.

Any comments: (e.g., what's interesting about this language): SPARQL is unique in its ability to query data across diverse and distributed data sources as long as they conform to the RDF standard. It's particularly powerful for querying complex relationships and can perform sophisticated queries over graph data. SPARQL supports a variety of functions, including aggregation, subqueries, and federated queries, allowing for versatile and powerful data manipulation and analysis. It's widely used in semantic web technologies, linked data projects, and for integrating data from different domains and sources.

johnbeve commented 5 months ago

This issue is 7 months old, clear interest in having the language added, but no word on whether it will be.

Can someone at least confirm that there is no intent to add SPARQL to Codewars?

hobovsky commented 5 months ago

No, it cannot be confirmed that there is no intent to add SPARQL to Codewars.

I am not a platform maintainer, but considering the traffic here in this thread, I would suppose that Codewars maintainers have good motivation to add SPARQL to Codewars. I think they might have not enough time tho.

VirtueDevOps commented 3 months ago


Just wanted to follow-up on this. Can someone from Codewars please reply with an update?

Thank you

johnbeve commented 1 month ago

Ping again