codewizard13 / ehw-php-scrape-linkedin-course-pics

Demo: Scrapes all images from a given search url for LinkedIn Learning courses and displays as image gallery. Uses PHP cURL.
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LinkedIn Learnin course scraper suddenly not retrieving data - No errors #1

Open codewizard13 opened 1 year ago

codewizard13 commented 1 year ago

Issue Description

As a self teaching project I built a web scraper with PHP and Curl to traverse LinkedIn Learning course thumbnails and generate a client-side image gallery.

App was working properly at first: You can see in the screenshot that at first, the app was working properly and grabbed the images for the LinkedIn course list (different images)

[Left: Working app, Right: After-the-fact app wireframe]

ehdss_CODE_20220131_EHD_PRJ_WebDemo_Wireframe_01 04

However, after re-running the app a few times, it suddenly started throwing 403 errors and the image fields in the Output Results section just showed blank

ehdss_CODE_20220131_EHD_PRJ_WebDemo_FB_MoreData_403IMGError_01 01

codewizard13 commented 1 year ago

I've made some progress.

Next Steps:

codewizard13 commented 1 year ago


I've researched CORS a little and it seems like a brick wall rather than a stumbling block. Not sure where to go from here.