Closed yakimant closed 11 months ago
After removing the webhook from GitHub and "" the following message is shown in Job configuration:
The webhook for repo acid-info/ on failed to be registered or was removed. More info can be found on the global configuration page. This message will be dismissed if Jenkins receives a PING event from repo webhook or if you add the repo to the ignore list in the global configuration. Smth got wrong, will recreate dev job.
Copied job has the following in the logs:
GitHub webhooks activated for job website/ new with [] (events: [PUSH])
Ok, the following helped:
Webhook was registered and now I see proper log line:
GitHub webhooks activated for job website/ with [GitHubRepositoryName[,username=codex-storage,]] (events: [PUSH])
Probably related issue:
Looks like Jenkins doesn't really support repo move. You need to recreate a configuration from scratch.
Fixed and tested. @jeangovil, feel free to reopen if you find any issues. @jakubgs, please review, when you are back
Yes, running Re-register hooks for all jobs
often helps, but in some rare cases a job has to be recreated.
Both jobs are not being triggered:
Probably due to the move
I tried the following:
as Admin to the repoacid-info/
It still shows acid in the logs: