Codex hardcodes default paths to live in /home/runner.
Available sub-commands:
codex-v0.1 persistence prover [OPTIONS]...
The following options are available:
-cd, --circuit-dir Directory where Codex will store proof circuit data
--circom-r1cs The r1cs file for the storage circuit
--circom-wasm The wasm file for the storage circuit
--circom-zkey The zkey file for the storage circuit
--circom-no-zkey Ignore the zkey file - use only for testing! [=false].
--proof-samples Number of samples to prove [=5].
--max-slot-depth The maximum depth of the slot tree [=32].
--max-dataset-depth The maximum depth of the dataset tree [=8].
--max-block-depth The maximum depth of the network block merkle tree [=5].
--max-cell-elements The maximum number of elements in a cell [=67].
Implement XDG Base Directory structure, specifically:
Codex hardcodes default paths to live in
Base Directory structure, specifically:XDG_DATA_HOME