Open Sozialarchiv opened 4 months ago
Hey @neSpecc, I'd like to work on this issue! 👋
There is another missing:
i18n.messages.blockTunes.delete.Click to delete
I saw it in this place haha
In editorjs 2.30.5 this works: For tunes block:
messages: {
ui: {
"blockTunes": {...},
"inlineToolbar": {...},
"toolbar": {...},
"popover": {
"Filter": "Фильтр",
"Nothing found": "Не найдено",
"Convert to": "Конвертировать в"
For text selection:
messages: {
ui: {...},
toolNames: {...},
tools: {
"convertTo": {
"Convert to": "Конвертировать в"
In the i18n example "Convert to" is missing in i18n.messages.ui.popover. It is only mentioned in the toolbar.
And thanks a lot for this great editor!