codeyu / Hangfire.LiteDB

LiteDB storage for Hangfire.
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LiteDB Version 5 #24

Closed TobiasBloch closed 2 years ago

TobiasBloch commented 4 years ago

Since LiteDB released version 5 with some breaking changes I can't use this anymore since I have several other project dependencies already using the new version. So my question is if you could update the version to the newest LiteDB version

pgodwin commented 4 years ago

I think I'm in the same boat.

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'LiteDB.LiteDatabase LiteDB.LiteRepository.get_Database()'.
   at Hangfire.LiteDB.HangfireDbContext..ctor(String connectionString, String prefix)
   at Hangfire.LiteDB.HangfireDbContext.Instance(String connectionString, String prefix)
   at Hangfire.LiteDB.LiteDbStorage..ctor(String connectionString, LiteDbStorageOptions storageOptions)
   at Hangfire.LiteDB.LiteDbStorageExtensions.UseLiteDbStorage(IGlobalConfiguration configuration)
   at App.Startup.ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

I suspect the issue is at

EDIT: I don't think that's the issue, LiteRepository still has a Database property.

I'll see if I can look into it next week.

pgodwin commented 4 years ago

Okay, a bit more work than just swapping to V5 and using the interfaces.

The way BsonExpressions seem to work is quite a bit different from V4 for things like Find(). For example, the DateTime.ToUniversalTime() in don't seem to work properly with BsonExpressions.

I'm slowly working my way through the unit tests and patching things up as I go.

challamzinniagroup commented 4 years ago

I'm hitting this same issue as well - and unfortunately my use-case is time-sensitive. Any chance of an ETA on this? Or might I be better for now (at least) to just roll back to the previous LiteDB version? Thanks!

Edit: I've gone ahead and rolled back to LiteDB 4.x for now - had to work around the absence of the bulk operators - but wasn't a big deal and fortunately wasn't a scenario where perf was noticeably deteriorated - so all good for now :)

pgodwin commented 4 years ago

Just submitted AppVeyor is failing tests, so likely missed something.

hemram4u commented 4 years ago

Is this issue fixed? I'm having same issue with this version....