codezoned / PyFry

Deep fry images using OpenCV and Python in an instant
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Fixed minor bugs in, Added basic gui made with tkinter #15

Open gnany07 opened 4 years ago

gnany07 commented 4 years ago

Fixed If we give different image other than test.jpg, the flares are not drawn properly #14 Unable to open assets\shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat #13


For addressing issue 13, I have made sure we give absolute path instead of relative path. This is should make sure we don't get any runtime errors of opening .dat file.

For addressing issue 14, We have hardcoded the image 'test.jpg' in the addFlare function for any input image. I have stored img in 'temp.jpg' in the main and used 'temp.jpg' in addFlare function. I have tested all three images (test1,test2,meme1) all three gives expected output.

Fixes # (issue) 13 and 14

Type of change

This is my first PR ,feel free to give comments and correct me.

ionicc commented 4 years ago

My bad, I hadn't noticed the Screenshot already given. Looks clean 😄. How bout adding a file picker as mentioned above for face_landmarks_file.